This Queen of Scotland’s EXECUTED Body Was Left To Rot...

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One of the most infamous and shocking executions to occur during the Tudor Period was when Elizabeth I ordered the death of Mary Queen of Scots. Mary had reigned in Scotland for some time, but had been imprisoned by the English Queen inside various different castles for almost 2 decades. But Mary began to plot against Elizabeth, and for this was sentenced to death. Inside the Great Hall of Fotheringhay Castle, Mary Queen of Scots made her way to the executioner's scaffold. Her execution was performed poorly, and it took 2 swings to almost take her head from her body. But following this, her body was simply left to rot.

She was embalmed and her heart its believed was buried inside the grounds of Fotheringhay Castle, and this has never been unearthed. Also her body was then left inside one of the rooms of the castle for around 6 months, as Elizabeth I regretted her decision to execute Mary who was also her cousin. She was then given a funeral which was completely against her beliefs, and following this was then reburied in Westminster Abbey by her son James I.
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I watched a very interesting history programme some time ago which examined the use of the axe in medieval decapitation. I cannot remember what it was called, which irritates me. However, it explained that the height of the block used to cradle the head was the essential factor in in achieving more efficient severance. If a low block was used the victim was almost lying down. Thus the prescribed arc of the axe as it was brought down created an awkward angle of the axe head to the victims neck resulting in great difficulty severing the head in one blow. In some cases it took 3 or more blows for complete severance. Henry V111th. brought a swordsman from France to behead Anne Boleyn, as the sword, being straight and much easier to control would remove the head in one very quick thrust.
Just thought this may be of interest.
It is a very gruesome subject but sadly, it happened, and I shudder at the thought of what the victims went through as their head was hacked off. One can only hope that they quickly lost consciousness.
Mary Queen of Scots did not deserve this and to treat her remains so callously and deny her final wishes in death is rerehensible. So much for Christianity in those days!


Mary would not have made a good queen to the English throne. For she was far too passionate and heartful, and those qualities would have stood in the way of ruling successfully. Elizabeth, on the other hand, ruled from her mind alone. The heart was totally out of her station. Therefore, she became Glorianna and ruled for many long years.
As for me, no matter her success I still prefer Mary. I tend to appreciate above all, passion and heartfulness. Both, whether I was a queen or just a plain person, as I am.


Thank you with all my heart for your information. When the little dog came from her gown after Mary Queen of Scots was beheaded, it showed how alone and afraid she was that she took her dog for comfort. Denied the right of Royalty in life and in death it child me to the bone. I am from Edinburgh. I must tell you dear lady the comfort you bring by showing sound judgement and exact research into all your historic videos. I am saving this to my library. God bless you. The Scots bear the pain of this to this day. 🥀💐🥀


It was so cruel and sad how Elizabeth the first treated Mary Queen of Scots, but then again the english royals have always been cruel.


If she was embalmed that's not exactly being left to rot.


I am Scottish and believe Mary sealed her own fate by plotting against Elizabeth. Mary had a pampered life at the French Court and was loved and adored. Elizabeth had to live by her wits alone. She lost her mother at a young age, had a father who had no time for her. In the tudor times life was cheap and Elizabeth herself was put into the tower. She had a difficult time until she became Queen. Elizabeth knew how fragile life was but Mary didn't. The more worldly Queen won. Mary could have saved herself by not plotting against her cousin but chose to do so. Elizabeth was afraid to put Mary to death but had no choice. She lived the rest of her life in regret and fear.


Elizabeth was such a monster to fellow women.


Ok it was horriible wat she went through but the dog part traumatizes me that poor puppy looking at his mummy laying dead! Monsters!


Fascinating! Thank you for your excellent commentary and information!


Mary, Queen of Scots should be returned to Scotland for reburial. Mary, Queen of Scots would give the Scots something to focus on with (Scottish independence) It would be a wonderful memorial to her for future generations of Scottish people and for future visitors to Scotland from Britain and abroad. Does anyone else feel the way I do? Thumbs up, if you agree?


I respect both queens, but my heart ♥ goes out to Mary. Such a brutal execution.


Very sad, but beautiful video. Lest we forget the true Queen Mary I of Scotland


From Henry VIII and the 40 thousand subjects executed in his reign his daughter Bloody Mary and the subjects she had burned alive through Elizabeth I up to the Stewart’s life was a dangerous life to lead, but Mary queen of Scot’s had her blood line through a long line of future kings so she had the last laugh on Elizabeth.


Mary could have irritated Elizabeth more by asking to be executed by a sword as Elizabethes' mother was.


Thank you. I find this all to be fascinating.


By the time Mary was put in Westminster, the place had become Protestant. So why put her there?


Mary Queen of Scots is my 1st cousin many times removed. She was not really a fool. She was raised to be the kind of person she was.


Thank you for the video with lots of information. Does anybody know what happened with Mary´s head after the execution? It´s said her body was enbalmed, but was happened to her head? Was it buried with her body later in Peterborough? A friend told me Fotheringhay (or what´s left) have a very dark atmosphere till today, maybe because of the heart and remains which are buried there


That's why Elizabeth 1st is childless ... she carried curse on her.


Mary Queen of Scots was originally buried in Peterborough Cathedral next to Catherine of Aragon
