Inside Look: K1 Visa Journey 2024 / Fiancé US visa, time lines, fees

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(Time codes below) Here I share my experience of getting K1 (Fiance) American visa in 2024. I hope it will help you in your immigration process which is challenging. I will keep sharing about my experience of immigration to the USA as an alien fiance so subscribe for more!

To check your status:

00:00 - Why K1 Visa
01:57 - My worries
05:02 - TIME LINES
08:02 - Fees
08:31 - How to start/apply
11:33 - Case transfer
12:53 - Request for evidence
14:30 - Welcome letter and scheduling interview
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Are you already in America? I am a casting assistant for 90 Day Fiancé and I would love to chat with you about applying to be on the show!


My case said Ready on the nvc page today! Do i need to wait for welcome letter to fill ds160 and schedule interview?
