Introduction to RxJava (2/3) - Manipulating Observables

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Managing state and asynchronous flow in applications can make code difficult to understand and lead to insidious bugs. RxJava is a solution to this, allowing you to express your application in terms of
reactive streams. Experience in the Java language is required.
In this second part we'll be using reactive operators to return an Observable that fakes user input by spitting out random numbers at random time intervals.
Presented by Christian Silver
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Special Thanks:
Hackers at Cambridge Team - Feedback and Support
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory - Support
Tristram Newman - Video Editing
reactive streams. Experience in the Java language is required.
In this second part we'll be using reactive operators to return an Observable that fakes user input by spitting out random numbers at random time intervals.
Presented by Christian Silver
Gradle installation instructions -
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Special Thanks:
Hackers at Cambridge Team - Feedback and Support
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory - Support
Tristram Newman - Video Editing
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