The End of Work? AGI Will Make UBI a Necessity (Universal Basic Income)

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The End of Work? AGI Will Make UBI a Necessity (Universal Basic Income)

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UBI was necessary 10 years ago, we've been living off debt for far too long. It's time.
Humans will be able to focus their time on things they love which means less depression, more time to love and teach children, more time for fitness, so many cultural and social benefits.


I find it funny that robots are pictured working at a keyboard. You would think that there would faster ways for machines to be in a data entry capacity...


What people don't understand is that the economy need consomption, your income will be spent to buy products and this money will pay other people which will consume back and forth, that's why everyone is overwhelmed by ads, if there's an AI capable of doing your job but doesn't have any human needs, the only one who will expensively consume is the human behind a company made up of AI employees, so UBI is mandatory for the economy unless you want to exclude everyone and get back to the Middle Age with only a small number of human extremely rich holding 99% of the economy. It doesn't matter wether an AI is sentient, it will be used as a tool by everyone, that's why everyone will have access to AGI.


There’s no easy answer to this problem. I wish our institutions would be working on this instead of wars / funding proxy wars. Ridiculous


Low income people should receive a universal basic income because we have had to suffer. About 40 million people are barely getting by. I would be able to save and invest more if i received this income. I'm disabled and would really appreciate it. I'm tired of living in poverty.


"The lower incomes haven't changed at all" @18:00 That is not entirely correct. The data shown on screen goes from 10% to 9%, which for a person with a lower income is a 10% decrease in income. That is quite significant.


Its time for a new 'ism. There is no way we can have ultra smart ai and robots while people live on the streets


I live in the USA which is very anti welfare. Nordic countries with better social welfare protections like Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland will be more adaptive to ubi changes needed. Unfortunately, these welfare countries are harder to migrate into because they don't want people working the system designed for the citizens already living there. Xenophobia is a strong universal trait when migrations increase and puts strains on the system in place.


Money is an illusion. It's time for everyone to stop believing in money and adopt a better system. Enough stalling, let's do it right now.


People dont understand economics. If you dont have citizens performing work, but citizens are the ones who can participate in an economy, and something else does the labour, then its only natural to tax those who produce goods and services, and give the money to citizens so they can participate in an economy. The point is circulation. Nations need to circulate money so that wealth is distributed, maintaining the nation. Think as to how the mental health system works in lets say for example, the UK. There are workers who produce and provide services, but there are also people who cant work. So the government gives them money. Does the economy shut down? No, in fact because of those benefits, money is circulated in the economy, supermarkets, coffee shops, pubs, electric companies all get a share. The economy still goes on.

UBI in a world of robotics would allow for people to circulate money, produced by robots, robots that wouldnt participate in the economy, leaving more wealth for humans as robots produce. It is a positive feedback loop.


Just bring out UBI already! It will really make people look into what they're really good at, like, and enjoy doing! By nature, we as humans will always want what others have that we don't have. Since that Ai will be taking most of the mundane, boring, low to high skill jobs. There is only room left for the highly expertise jobs and they will be paying a lot because only a few can actually do them. These people will have an extremely higher income than those who decide to not further their skill set. UBI will give the opportunity to those who do want to further their education to do so and those who don't will have income to provide for their basic needs.


UBI is the first step towards a truly utopian society. Once nobody needs to work, we can spend our time getting good at what we really want


Im all for UBI. Work is essentially a prison. Working for 30 or 40 yrs just to get by, blows my mind. Most of if my life is just work. Life is not enjoyable to me, this way. I dont think most jobs should require college either. Ppl can be yrained on a lot of regular jobs except for doctors and certain ones. A secretary and other lower jobs could be attainable. I also have bad back problems with daily chronic pain and its very uncomfortable and painful to get through certain days, even though my job is easy.


The problem is that big corporations haven't paid taxes in decades because of corrupt, bribed politicians. Money needs to circulate in a healthy economy. If they actually paid their fair share and the government stopped wasting trillions of dollars a year on wars and aid to other countries we could implement a UBI today.


UBI will be enough to pay for one basic Netflix subscription


Unfortunately, the Right is dead set against UBI. Many red states have already passed laws against it. Of course, once unemployment reaches a certain point, lawmakers will either adapt or pay the price.


UBI will not increase inflation if the money comes through taxes, meaning it represents work that has already been done. however, if the money is printed, and created out of thin air, you will get inflation.


Heres the thing.. people who have worked hard and obtained big houses and stuff are not going to have their property taken off of them.. so they will get all their current money plus UBI and live in paradise... Where as a person who does not even own a house who rents, will just stay in a tiny house or flat and near poverty... So UBI is not redistribution of wealth.. But its still better than nothing if it works. And so it would also be an incentive to work and find new jobs as you get extra money on top.


The main problem i have with all of this is that i can't trust these people we're talking about. Their pride to force this through is off the charts and people with those type of issues are always a path to tyranny. History shows us that this is probably what's going to happen. I do think it's going to be great for a specific time but, in the end... power will always be consolidated down to ONE individual. It's just a fact, historically.


The biggest conundrum coming. I've gotten as far as thinking that basic food, services (phone, power, water), and housing payment will all have to be paid thru a ubi and digital currency. Still racking my brain on how other economic problems can be solved.