Does Genesis support polygamy? 10 Qs with Mike Winger (Ep 32)

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Question Time Stamps for Quick Reference:
0:00 - Intro
1. 0:09 {Genesis & Polygamy} Does the book of Genesis support polygamy?
2. 32:19 {Christ is “God’s”?} In 1 Corinthians 3: 23, what does it mean that Christ is “God’s”?
3. 38:17 {When God Protects 1 Person but Not Another} How do we respond if God spares us from harm but not others (e.g., during the recent hurricanes)? I know we should trust His will and use our resources to serve, but it is still a complex topic.
4. 43:16 {Stay Focused on Christ!} How do I keep my mind on Jesus all day? I often get so distracted and conform to the ways of people around me. This is the thing I struggle with the most. I’d love your advice!
5. 47:52 {Eschatological Connections} Do Dispensational Premillennials see a connection between John 12: 31 and Revelation 20:1-3?
6. 54:41 {God’s Creation of Those Who Would Fall} If God is all-knowing and foresaw the suffering that would result from the fall of Satan, Adam, and Eve, affecting billions, why would He create them, knowing the pain that would follow?
7. 1:00:24 {Thoughts on The Bible Project} What are your thoughts on The Bible Project?
8. 1:05:52 {Our Motive for Good Deeds} Is it good to do good deeds purely to get heavenly rewards, since you have such great faith in the reward? Or is it bad because your motives are selfish/reward-centered and not centered around love for others?
9. 1:11:32 {Being a Stay At Home Mom} How do you find meaning in being a stay at home mom and not pursuing a career at the moment?
10. 1:18:23 {Advice for a New Youth Pastor} I just started into youth ministry. Jesus saved me in college; I never had a youth minister, and the position didn’t come with a manual. Any resources, recommendations, wisdom, etc.?


I do this live stream most Fridays at 1pm Pacific time. You're welcome to join.
To ask a question you'll need to follow these instructions.
1. Don't post your question before you see me live on camera.
2. Post questions as comments on the LIVE chat at the beginning of the stream.
3. Post your question with "Q" at the beginning so we can easily identify that you are sending it in as a question and not just a comment in the chat.
4. Try to be as clear as possible so I won't misunderstand the question. Keep in mind that I don't know anything about your question other than what you type in that short comment.
5. Include specific verse references when possible or applicable.
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much for your content. It helped me rebuild my foundations after a JW upbringing. I got baptised last Sunday 🎉 Keep up the great work. Gratitude & best wishes from North Wales.


I'd like to speak to any SAHM who, like Julie, feels it's insignificant. I was raised to be career oriented and had looked down on homemakers. But God changed my heart. I stayed home and even homeschooled.
Why should you stay home?
1. Your child has ONE mother: you. No daycare person can invest as much love in your child as you.
2. Your career serves temporary needs. 100 years from now, even if your company still exists, no one will remember you. But your child is an ETERNAL being. They matter more than anything you can do at work.
3. Day to day mom stuff (laundry, meals, clean...) may seem meaningless, but doing your work as unto the Lord, with a joyful heart, and with prayer, provides the basis for a healthy child who loves God. Modeling love, patience, a listening ear, a good marriage.... are all more important than affording a trip to Disneyland.


Hi Mike, I just wanted you to know, as a new stay-at-home-mom / homemaker, your answer to question #9 is very encouraging. And it helps me remember the purpose of staying at home. Thank you for all the good works 👍🏻


Every example of polygamy in the OT shows a family that is a train wreck. Each family has some kind of drama that seems to be directly caused by the polygamous relationship. Just cuz “it’s in the Bible, ” doesn’t mean God approved of it.


Since we got hit by the hurricane the outpouring of help is amazing. Everyone here is helping everyone else. Our churches have stepped up to the plate from day 1. The people are all working together to fix our communities. There is a lesson in all of the tragedies we see around us. .


Regarding question 9, I worked outside the home before having children, stayed home for 15 years till all 4 children were in school and returned to work afterwards, due to increased cost of living. I wish I did not need to return to work outside, but made the best of it. The years I stayed home were the most fulfilling and joyful. I felt valued because my husband valued me staying home and having a warm, loving and safe place for him and the children. No job, no matter the pay, and I am payed very well, even comes close to the value I feel taking care of my family and home.


My father was dying of cancer and watching the Chosen was how God called him to repentance.


I am currently walking with a couple that lost their 23yr old son. (He was my foster son and they are his biological parents) And the hardest question I've had to answer for them is "WHY?" "Why did "God take our son?" It's been eye opening for me to see how God helps me to give them answers that point them to His sovereignty and His grace. And I am thankful for Mike's teachings that have helped me. 🙏 ❤


This is for the stay at home mom. I am 56 and I wish I would not have listened to society. I wish someone would have told me it's ok to be a stay at home mom but alas no. I was told to be a girl boss if I want to amount to anything. Now at 56 I'm disabled from working physical labor jobs since 17. I missed all the important milestones in my children's lives. Now I have a ton of regret and I try not to be angry but sometimes it's hard. Being a mother and wife is the best job and I just don't want you to have the regrets I have. God bless


40 + years ago, when I was at home raising my kids it was very much frowned upon for a mum to go out to work. I was even scorned for taking a part time job 2 days a week and my youngest, who was 12 at the time, got home about 20 minutes before I did! How things change, not for the better.


Wow almost 800k 🤯. God is definitely blessing Biblethinker!


Thanks for letting him know about the sound cutting out Sarah, there was me checking my laptop and bluetooth headphones... 😂

Bless you Mike for your ministry, sending thanks, prayers and gratitude from 'across the pond' in Yorkshire, England.


Thank you for your ministry Mike! I watch with my kiddos and your content has been such a blessing and service to our family. Love you brother!


Mike treated the polygamy issue biblically and I gree with him. There were more instances where polygamy is not seen positively. There's King David (never satisfied with the women he has to the point that he commits adultery with Bathsheba etc) and King Solomon whose many wives lead him into idolatry. Deuteronomy 17:17 expressly forbid Kings from having many wives. David's children were also in conflict and it was prophesied the kingdom would be split because of how he conducted his rule. Another example that stands out is Samuel's mother who was mocked by the other wife for not having kids. You see how these problems keep cropping up in cases of polygamous relationships in scripture. It simply never goes well. Proponents argue that the Bible "teaches" polygamy. I argue that it instead just records it. Its never promoted.


Yaaaayyyy! Thank u for covering this! There is definitely a rise in this lifestyle and it's completely abhorrent. I've been watching Sister Wives, where all 3 wives separated from the husband, Kody Brown, and have been astonished at what really goes on behind these relationships. For the women it's basically a prison and they never get enough attention and love from the male and are constantly fighting directly and indirectly with the other wives just to get a fair amount of time for themselves and their children. It's absolutely horrible and wretched and it should never be practiced.


Mike This is a great study on polygamy, you have brought out important scriptures that point to the singularity of only “one” wife, one son, one Savior one God✝️


Loved your answer to the stay at home mom question. I am not married but praying I will be blessed to get to be a stay at home mom someday, or least a mom in general!


Loved the voice depth comments at the end. Such a great reason to watch your videos all the way through! I’m sure most of your audience knows you appreciate your pal David Wood. He can certainly dish out the jokes to his friends, so it’s nice to have some jokes dished his way from time to time too. It's always refreshing to see your good-natured playful / jovial side. Makes you even more relatable! 😂👌Thanks to you and your wife for making your ministry possible, kudos to you both! May the Lord bless you and your family, always! Amen 😊🙏


A. W. Tozer's book on "The pursuit of God" drew me closer to God and helped my spirituality. 2021 was a year I literally lived it. I cashed in my life savings and gave it all away. My total giving amounted to 40, 000 dollars. Everyone thought | was delusional. Today I receive 85, 000 dollars every two months. I have a property in Calabasas CA and travel alot. God has promoted me more than once and opened doors for me to live beyond my dreams. God kept to his promises to and for me.


I stayed home with my children. I was also able to homeschool them until the 9th grade. There were days that were difficult. There were days that were fantastic. But most of all, everyday was worth it. I can always work outside the home but I can never raise my children again. If you are on the fence about it and under pressure from those around you, choose to be a keeper of the home. You will never regret it. All of my children are grown now. So I give this advice as an "older" woman teaching younger women. Also, I was not perfect, I was not always patient, and many days I felt like a failure. My oldest son gave me a gift a while back. He said thank you for everything you have done. I said that I wasn't always a good mom and he said" I know"😂 but that he appreciated everything . In that moment I felt as if my son rose up and called me blessed. I never expected it. Nor did I feel as if I earned it.
