Did The Bible Condone Polygamy?

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Some people read the Old Testament and wonder why God allowed people to have multiple wives. Why did God allow some of the patriarchs to have more than one wife? Did God allow polygamy in the bible? People assume that God allowed polygamy in the Old Testament because some of God's people practiced it. But we need to be careful not to confuse descriptive narratives with God's divine will or permission. Muslims often justify their polygamy by appealing to the bible. But their understanding of the bible is quite poor and its good for Christians to educate them on the subject of polygamy.
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Easy answer. God doesn't stop you from doing good or evil. He gives us standard morality to follow.
Only the morality we create is the faulty one.


I'll be honest, I wouldn't want more than one wife ..the headache level would be to the moon


You are very very wrong . Why did God not call Abraham's attention to the sin of polygamy?
And David?


God had the opportunity to declare Polygyny a sin, he instead gave instruction on how to care for more than 1 wife.

Exodus 20:14 Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Exodus 21:10 If he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish.


f he take him another wife; her food, her raiment, and her duty of marriage, shall he not diminish.".
Exodus, 21:10.


Having a relationship with more than one woman, especially in our modern age (outside of just pleasure), sounds like a headache.


I find it very curious that God never complain about polygamy even though every time God disapproves of something, He makes it plain to the people responsible. The Bible defines sin as the transgression of God’s law. Where in the Bible does bigamy or polygamy appears on the list of sins? Or where does God shows disapproval of someone for marrying more than one wife? A sinful act is sinful for everyone, not only for pastors. The injonction for bishops not to have more wives wasn’t to avoid sin, but simply because it wasn’t expedient. (1 Cor. 6:12) l seriously have issues with the way you explained 2 Samuel 12:7-8. The context clearly indicates adding more wives and other things.


Polygamy is not prohibited anywhere in the bible except for bishops and deacons, there are however bible verses that can be used to support the idea that one woman should only have one woman as many christians tend to read the bible with prexesting beliefs which they themselves want to reinforce. We can only come to the conclusion that polygamy is a sin if there is a scripture that says clearly to all christians that polygamy is a sin or if there is a specific verse in the old testament which had a law that explicitly prohibited polygamy and even had a punishment for it, other than that we will just be reading our own religious beliefs into the bible.


I’m sure Rehoboam was ‘thrilled’ to inherit and provide for Solomon’s 700 wives and 300 concubines.


we can judge this matter for ourselves using the mind of Christ. If God who is perfect and holy, did not allow polygamy, He would have prohibited it in His testament, not rather given allowances for exceptions to the rule. Since when have we known God to waver concerning any sovereign principle He has laid down? No, but God gave wive(s) into King David's bosom: meaning, that they laid down with him in the bed. Polygamy is not a taboo topic, but a sacred and approved one, and that is why God regulated various kinds of marriages in the Mosaic covenant - even going so far as to command that a man not marry a woman and her sister at the same time. Am I a polygamist? Do I have more wives than one? No, but I'm afraid the western world has hardened it's heart against the practice of polygamy. Do not condemn those men for whom Christ died, who are innocent in this matter. There is no exclusive passage outlining this practice as a sin in the testament, wherefore we may remain impartial as even the wisdom of God is.


In 2 Samuel 12:8 we are told that God gave King David all of Saul’s wives. We have a question, “Who were Saul’s wives?” and were Saul’s wives given as a reward for David’s faithfulness or were they given to him so that he could care for them since they were widows? It says that GOD gives them to him.


Can you do a video about Orthodox Christianity, please?




Brother, you missed out an important point AND THE MAIN POINT in 2 Samuel 12.8, the last part where God said "if it's not enough I would have given you MORE" I may be wrong but I assume God was saying if David need more wives HE would have given to him instead of taking another man's wife. I may be wrong but I will like you to explain that point. By the way I DON'T HAVE 2 WIVES, I have only one wife😂😂.


After an exhausting non-biased Bible study on the topic, I came to the conclusion that nowhere in the Bible does it ban the practice of multiple wives. It only speaks against divorce. It's strictly bans deacons, pastors and elders in the New testament (1 Timothy 3:2, 1 Timothy 3:12 & Titus 1:6 ) and Israeli kings in the Old testament (Deuteronomy 17:17). The New testament (1st Corinthians 7 10-11) says a woman can't divorce her husband but if she does, she has to either go back to him or stay celibate. If she remarries it's adultery. Then it says men can't divorce their wives and that's all it says. It doesn't give marriage quantity restrictions. The Old testament not only commands but gives instructions on how a man has to take in his brother's wife as his own if the brother dies regardless of if he's married or not already (Deuteronomy 25:5-10). The Catholic Church decided that multiple wives was adultery hundreds of years after Christianity had already been established. Martin Luther, the person who started the protestant reformation even wrote that polygeny was not a sin. Not to mention polygamy and polygyny is not the same. Polygyny is biblical and polygamy is not. Adultery is a married woman having sex outside of her marriage or married man having sex with a married woman. A married man having sex with a non-married woman is not adultery. If the sex is pointless and he's not going to then make that girl his wife or concubine which then requires the man to take care of all the women 100% then that's fornication.

As a Christian, I can honestly say that polygyny in general is not a sin. All the biblical arguments used against polygyny from other Christians (usually American Christians) are always based on emotional appeal. Again as stated earlier, all the Bible verse that specifically speak against having additional wives are for deacons, elders and pastors in the New testament and Kings in israel in the Old testament. If you want to bring up the current laws of the land in America that's one thing, but we all know American law isn't perfect. 2nd Chronicles 24:2-3 Jehoiada got two wives for king Joash. It literally says, "Joash did what was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the priest". In 1st Corinthians 7 10-11, it literally says that wives can't take up a second husband if they leave their first husband but husbands just can't divorce their wives. It doesn't give any wife quantity restrictions on the husband, it just bars him from divorce. Obviously it's stated like that because some Christian husbands had second wives. your also saying a man with multiple wives that wants to convert to Christianity already would be committing fornication for having sex with any of his other wives after conversion which would mean he should divorce them which is false. Christians cant divorce wife except for in case of adultery (wife having sex outside of marriage or husband having sex with married woman is adultery. Husband having pointless sex with random unmarried women is fornication not adultery (Leviticus 20:10 shows that adultery can only happen with a married woman involved). 1 Corinthians 7:2 states "Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband." The original Greek word used for "own" when referring to husband in this verse is singular and the Greek word for "own" referring to the wife is plural. Two different Greek words both meaning "own" but the "own" used for the man (heautou) always means exclusive ownership and the "own" used for the woman (idios) can mean exclusive ownership, shared ownership, shared access or even someone belonging to another. That's dead iron proof that even paul considered polygyny as already apart of the marriage concept.

this is just one of those uncomfortable truths thats hard for the modern day christian to stomach due to the traditions of the world. like woman having to wrap there head in church for prayer and prophecy or women not being allowed to preach for another example. Feminism in the church has Christians blatantly ignoring those commands every Sunday.

"I confess that I cannot forbid a person to marry several wives, for it does not contradict the Scripture. If a man wishes to marry more than one wife he should be asked whether he is satisfied in his conscience that he may do so in accordance with the word of God. In such a case the civil authority has nothing to do in the matter." - Martin Luther

Exodus 21:10 - "If he takes another wife, he must not reduce the food, clothing, or marital rights of his first wife."


The simple answer to this question is yes. YHVH did and does allow a man to have multiple wives. It's man that says no.


Solomon was married with a thousand women.
Some Christians have one wife and dozens of mistresses


Mark 10:11 does not say "adultery" in the Tyndale translation. You should look up where else the phrase "ֶקי ֵחְ" is used, before you rely on a version of Scripture that confirms your own biases!


I am happy to be a Christian and thank u for ur channel its very interesting i always learn alot more because i find it Hard to read the bible but wien I Lissen to u its easy thank u 🙏🌞


allow and commanding to do poligamy are two different thing. while god may allow people to do evil, he doesnt command it.
