Un diente menos🦷 | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #44

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Learn Spanish with this podcast.
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The subtitles were generated automatically so if there is a typo pls forgive me ;)

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Thank you. This is perfect. Nothing better than listening to a native speaker. Also, I appreciate you don't speak super fast and you have a calm voice. It all helps with learning.


00:57 „raus“ hahahaha Porque has hablado aleman :D me Gusta


En Rusia también tenemos ratones para esto😂 Pero no tenemos el ratón específico. Muchas gracias de Moscú, me encantan tus vídeos ❤


Tenemos tooth fairy en Turquía pero me gusta la creencia del ratoncita Pérez también haha. pero cuando era niña, me despertaba cada vez que mi papá dejaba una moneda por la noche 😭 it was never magical for me...


Me encantan tus videos! Tus cuentas siempre son interesantes y además tienes una personalidad picante, lo que hace los videos más entretenidos🤣🙏


muy raro. yo quito un diente al dentista esta semana tambien!


Hmm porque no añades subtitulos en youtube? A veces quiero enconder los


in Greece, you must drink ouzo for your teeth pain. here, no one got paid me for my lost teeth.


Mis padres eran de Grecia y nunca recibí nada por un diente. Mi esposa es de República Dominicana y nunca recibió nada tampoco. Pero nuestro hijo recibe dinero debajo de la almohada porque es un mocoso mimado. 😂


You: Por qué el ratoncito Pérez necesita los dientes ?

ChatGPT: El ratoncito Pérez necesita los dientes porque los recoge para construir su casa. En algunas tradiciones, se dice que él los usa para mantener afilados sus propios dientes, mientras que en otras se dice que los usa para construir muebles para su hogar.


The work of the famous Dr. Weston Price suggests a very different explanation to the wisdom teeth issue. It suggests that poor general nutrition, especially in utero, retards or alters the development of the jaw and the face becomes longer and the jaw more narrow thus constricting room for the teeth to come in.


I am glad you are able to laugh at such a painful procedure! I had my 4 wisdom teeth removed when I was 17. In those days, the tooth extraction was done in the hospital and you stayed overnight. Our kids had their wisdom teeth taken out in the dentist office - health insurance companies had become cheapskates! We had a hard time with our daughter - she wouldn't get out of the car! Once we got her into the waiting room, she wouldn't go into the dentist chair. I said I would go with her but the nurse said you cannot come in here. I told the nurse: "Get out of my way, I am going into the procedure room with my daughter!" I had enough to deal with, without that stupid nurse! Once our daughter was drugged up, I went out into the waiting room. Of course, I am the one who plays nurse at home; my wife cannot deal with the blood and yuckiness!

Your face looks good - no black and blue marks! Feel better soon. Thanks for the video. - Dave


Que suerte. No es posible ver el espacio del diente que le diste al ratón Perez. Hablas con mucha expresión vocal . Podrías trabajar como una lectora de audiolibros :)
