Все публикации

Camino de Santiago🚶🏻| UNLEARN SPANISH #58 | podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles

¿Qué país habla el mejor español?🙄 | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #57

Robó un cuadro del museo🖼️| Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #56

SLANG de los españoles🪭💃🏽| Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #55

GATOS, mejores que los perros😼| Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #54

Learn Spanish: Listening About Books (with subtitles)📚

LA BODA👰🏼‍♀️💒| Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #53

VERANO ESPAÑOL☀️ | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #52

LIBROS: físicos vs digitales📚 | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #51

KEBAB DE MÚNICH😏| Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #50

Búnker de Hitler | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #49

FIEBRE🥵| Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #48

Campo vs. Ciudad🧳🐓 | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #47

Tres días🎡 | Learn Spanish travel video with subtitles

Cuento sobre la muerte | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #46

Demasiados recuerdos📸 | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #45

Un diente menos🦷 | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #44

Pretérito IMPERFECTO VS INDEFINIDO | Learn Spanish with subtitles

Misterio de Garabandal | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #43

Adiós Netflix | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #41

Un poco tóxica | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #40

Dios | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #39

Empezar un negocio💸 | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #38

No leas este libro | Podcast to learn Spanish with subtitles #37