The UNKNOWN Differences Between MALE and FEMALE CATS!

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Welcome to another enlightening episode, where we delve into the captivating realm of cats, this time focusing on the core distinctions between male and female felines. Are there perks to owning a tomcat or a queen? Do their mannerisms, health concerns, or dispositions vary based on their gender? This video endeavors to demystify these inquiries and more, offering insight for potential cat caregivers deliberating whether to select a male or female cat.

In this presentation, we offer an intricate comparison between male and female cats, shedding light on the subtleties in their behaviors and how these disparities may impact your role as a pet owner. Whether you're contemplating adopting a new furry friend and are uncertain about opting for a male or female cat, or if you're simply a devoted cat enthusiast keen on broadening your understanding of feline companionship, this video is a must-watch! Gain comprehension of the distinctions between male and female cats and make well-informed choices for your beloved feline companions. It's the ultimate standoff: male versus female - which feline companion should you choose? Tune in to uncover the answer!

I hope you enjoy it! 😸


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Female cats in my experience also tend to be the 'dominant personality' in multicat situations. My house is ruled by two matriarchs and they definitely keep the boys in line.


The male kitty who resides with me is most active when we first wake up in the morning and in the evening when everyone is coming home from work and school. When it's bed time he is cuddled up with me in bed. I contribute this to the fact that he is neutered and very strongly bonded to his humans.


I have a little boy, he is the first boy I've had. He's crazy, loving and has a big personality in a little body. I didn't think I wanted a boy, but when I went to adopt a kitten at our shelter he was more interested in us than the female and there just was something that I really liked about him. He is fixed and is an inside only cat. I wouldn't change him or my decision to adopt him for anything. He loves being carried around the house but needs his personal space too. He's perfection.


I adopted a 1yr old, female, ginger tabby 2 days ago. She is the most affecrionate cat I've ever encountered. My little Marinara. 😻🥰


I agree with all that. I have an adult female and a juvenile male that I found as a kitten outdoors last June. The description is spot on. I knew it would change the dynamics of the situation introducing a male kitten but I couldn't leave him alone, so I took him home. He's a delight and follows me everywhere 🐾🐈😺


I love kitties I find them interesting & loving. Just petting them is so relaxing, thank you for all info on kitties 😺. 😻


My calico always has to be around me + she protects me too! She has growled at visitors who have upset me before! Her brother, an orange tabby, is lovable when he’s ready and loves to go off into another room to sleep /chill somewhere solo- he’s always been a nervous nelly too and I have no idea where that started from. He will run as soon as someone comes to the door..where his sister might dash at first or stand from a distance but will typically go over to inspect the person! She was very protective of her timid brother when they were young and part of a litter with two more high energy orange tabby brothers/siblings. 🤷🏻‍♀️


My oldest cat is a big baby. He loves affection, burrowing under beddings, spooning the younger ones during sleep and cleaning them.


I have had both female and male cats and found the males to be the most friendly and tolerant of my dogs. They have also tended to be the most sociable and attentive. Lost my last boy early in the new year at the age of 19.5years. I do miss him but I’ll be picking my new rescue Tom up tomorrow . Hoping he has some of the personality of my dearly departed boy 🤞


We are moving, It will take 6 hours to get to the new home. We have spoken to our Veterinary and have chosen to lightly medicate all three cats. What I have noted in our packing that each female cat is showing stress in small doses. My Luna has shown the most stress, She has started sleeping next to her preferred litter box I have 5 through out the house. The other big Question is our living space for them will be going down. We have plans for a Cattery screened in porch/ play area. All three are indoor/ outdoor cats. That’s has to change big time, our new home has a HWY 200 yard’s from to the front door. Thank you 🙏 ❤


We adopt a female kitten found in our complex . She was very tiny and skinny . We never had a cat before so everything was so new for us . Thanks to all the videos we watched and still watch have educated us so well that our female kitten it’s so good . She is now 3 months and we are planing to spayed her very soon to avoid the need for male cat . But she is extremely sweet. First time we got her she was so scared, , she hides a lot the first time week but at the same time when we lay down she bravely trust us and lay in our chest . What a beautiful experience. Now she isn’t doing as much in our chest as she is growing but she lays down near us in the bed or in our lap . When new people comes she hides and comes out slowly but allows people to pet her at all times . We hold her a lot so she is now used to be hold but for short periods of time u less she comes to us for love and affection to lay with us . We try to play with her 4 to 5 times a day . She loves to eat, communicates when we are in the process of preparing her food . I am so happy with her. We also took her to the groomer and she did so well . In the vet she did so well too. We are blessed having her . Thanks for all the Tips and all the information . It really helps a lot


Our two male cats come alive as soon as the sun goes down and just before dawn, all I hear around 4 A.M is the rumble of toe beans throughout the house. In addition we live way out in the country in upstate NY, our male cats have always caught more mice than their female friends.


My Mama was taking care of the cat;the cat took care of her!❤❤❤❤


I really enjoyed your video, I love learning more about cat behavior


My first cat.. which is a 10yr old male is active outgoing tolerates anything i do and is a huge lovebug. But i rescued 2 female cats from the streets who i fed outside for over 1 year. I think bc they were rescued and deeply bonded to me... they give me kisses and purr everytime i touched them even 2 years later. They literally lick my face just like dogs and are the angels in my life. I also have a 4th female cat we picked up at the shelter... and she can be spicey sometimes. So... i think its about the imprint and bond rather than gender make up.


I think this is the complete opposite for my two lol my boy likes high spots, hunts better and is more stand offish though very protective, whereas my girl is snuggly and prefers to sleep or snuggle full time :)


My female cat is more sweater and approachable than my male cats.

Been a cat mom since child and i noticed how majority of the male pet i own doesn't want to be touched by others while my female cats doesn't mind and they are more sweet to me.


My female is very affectionate ❤❤ always wants to be held❤


Note: Always neutered.
Ive had 2 female cats as an adult Man. Only ever one at a time. Both females. I was amazed at how similar they were. They were loving, but independent. Great hunters, and would walk the property with me. If i walked somewhere, she would follow. The male cats my mother had when i was growing up were much different. A lot more affectionate, but had no interest in hunting. Would sleep with my mother in her bed.

My female cats preferred to sleep somewhere secluded. I was always under the impression that cats don't like their bellies rubbed, but both of mine would roll in the dirt and let me pet their belly. It's females for me going forward. But, as we all know, a male cat could strike at anytime and adopt me.
