$699 QiDi X-PLUS 3: BambuLab X1 P1P challenger? fully enclosed, actively heated chamber, 350C nozzle

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QiDi X-PLUS 3 $699:

Buy BambuLab Printers from Official Website:
(P1P $599) (P1S $699) (X1 $1199) (X1 Carbon w/AMS $1499)

00:00 Intro & feature walkthrough
02:38 Setup
04:31 Fast 3D benchy printing compared with BambuLab P1P
08:43 More PLA test prints
11:15 PETG, ABS & TPU test prints
13:39 ABS glass fiber, Nylon carbon fiber test prints
14:24 Pros and Cons
20:03 Bloopers

Welcome back to Aurora Tech Channel. Today, I will be reviewing the QiDi X PLUS 3 printer, another fast printer that runs Klipper firmware. However, unlike those Klipper bed slingers, this X PLUS 3 is a CoreXY, fully enclosed machine, making it seem to be a real challenger for the BambuLab P1P and the X1 Carbon.

Let’s take a look at the hardware specs. It’s a CoreXY machine with a build volume of 280x280x270. It’s not only fully enclosed, but it also has an actively heated chamber that allows you to keep the ambient temperature up to 65C, the enclosure also comes with LEDs.

The stock machine comes with 2 sets of hotends: one regular hotend with a copper alloy nozzle that allows for the printing of regular filament like PLA, PETG, ABS, TPU, and one hotend with a hardened steel nozzle for printing Carbon fiber and other abrasive filaments. They are both high flow rate hotends that can reach up to 35mm/s³, and the maximum nozzle temperature can go up to 350C. The extruder is also a new design that uses a 9.5 to 1 gear ratio. For the cooling system, besides the hotend part cooling fan, it also has an auxiliary cooling fan installed on the right side of the machine.

The maximum acceleration is 20,000mm/s². It runs Klipper firmware using a 64-bit processor similar to the BigTreeTech CB1 or the Creality Sonic Pad. It uses TMC2209 with sensorless homing on the X and Y axis and uses an optical limit switch on the Z-axis. The Z-axis is supported by a dual Z-axis lead screw. For the motion system, the Y and Z axis are using linear rods, and the X-axis is using carbon rods. It comes with an inductive sensor for auto bed leveling, and the print surface is a double-sided PEI textured spring steel sheet. Other than the standard filament holder, it also comes with an airtight filament box that you can put a pack of desiccant inside.

The screen is a 5” touch screen. It supports WiFi and Ethernet network printing, and it has 2 power supplies that provide a combined power of 800W. It has a pretty nice appearance, and it has the same style as other QiDi printers. Despite the design of the motion system, the auxiliary fan and the hotend designs appear very similar to the BambuLab machines. Overall, the hardware specs seem pretty strong, and the machine is aggressively priced at $799. I would like to thank QiDi for sending me this machine to review, and with that, let’s get started.


Eryone filament (PLA, PETG, ABS, ASA, TPU as low as $10 per roll, min 10 rolls):

$16.99 VOXELPLA Pro:

Hatchbox PLA:

3D Models:


Print in Place Suzuki Jimny

3D Benchy:

Spool holder:

Tripod phone mount:

Super cheap used Creality Printers ($69):
Maybe in bad condition, but if you know how to fix some common issues of a 3D printer and have spare parts to replace by yourself, that could be an amazing deal:

Refurbished Creality Printers (SAVE UP TO 50%):
Рекомендации по теме

This is why I no longer do reviews, all people need to do is watch your channel and they get all the unbiased info they could ever need. you are doing an amazing job and i'm a big fan :)


This is THE BEST 3D printer review channel. Thanks for providing another fantastic review! I might have to try out a Qidi next to my Bambu P1P and Vorons now!!


Holy, this channel is absolute gold, you're doing a great job staying current, and i love that you're focused on the product, no filler, and no unnecessary commentary. <3


I definitely enjoyed the outtakes at the end :) Good to see you smile a little more and show some of your personality


OMG I'm a X-Plus user here and when you said 'auto leveling' I was like I'm buying it NOW! :)


I’d love to see a side by side between this and the X1 Carbon and maybe even the Creality K1 Series. Bambu Labs set the bar and so many companies have been really aggressive competing


Fantastic review. I've pre-ordered a X-PLUS 3 for UK delivery and this will be my third QIDI printer. You forgot to add in the Pros & Cons that QIDI Customer Service is legendary. Whenever I've contacted them their service and support has been outstanding.


Bambu lab has influenced allot of companies. I feel like this is gonna start another better ender3 race.


I am impressed with the info and professional videos you make. The bloopers are awesome. I took the leap and ordered the Bambulabs X1 carbon. I should get it Friday, with AMS. Keep the signal going strong, thank you again😎🤣


So glad to see bambu flipped the entire industry and now all these other guys are stepping up there game


We are so happy to have your reviews to keep up to date. Thank you.


I've binge watched many of your reviews and they are solid information and great pro/cons. I also really enjoyed the outtakes at the end, something you and your brother should consider as a regular bit.


I just purchased the X Plus for $649 with free shipping and it arrived in 3 days. I'm basically a complete noob in the 3D area with an FLSUN SR being my first printer....and it's only 2 months old;-) The prints on the X Plus are usually much better than the prints coming off of the SR...but both are very good. The included Qidi PLA Rapido is very nice to print with. It is certainly better than the Amazon or Sunlu filaments, but not by much. I think the inexpensive filament will be fine for most jobs that I attempt. As for warping and bed temps, I noticed that the SR bed is off by about 8 degrees from what it says it is (using a digital temp gun). The Qidi bed is only off a degree or two. Both beds are much cooler near the edges, so glue may be necessary for those larger prints. Although I've been unsuccessful in loading the X Plus in Cura or Orca slicer for wireless printing, the included Qidi slicer works well and I really like this function. Not smart enough yet to figure out Fluid or Thank you for your videos and excellent reviews. You've been a big help to me!


I don’t even have a 3D printer but your reviews are helping me a lot decide on a decision thank you so much I still don’t know which one I want.


Interesting, I love my Qidi X-Plus. I added a chamber heater to that and a glass bed when I want it. It has proven to be very reliable, producing good quality prints in a variety of materials.


Great video as always. Love the bloopers, especially that last giggle 🥰


To the point but at the same time to the detail. No word is wasted in your presentation. Awesome. If there was an EVA voice. I would use yours.


As I trust your reviews completely for the honesty and thoroughness you employ, a vender must have confidence in the model they send to you for review. QiDi must feel the X-Plus-3 is going to pass your testing; from what you presented, it did. I can't recall you using superlatives so often; I, too, for the cost vs. features am amazed. I would love to support your work yet I don't know how to do that. Please let me know how as you saved me so much time and money; and now I get some laughs with your bloopers!

I noticed that the bed leveling data showed about a 2 mm out of level across the X axis; perhaps the z axis lead screws could be 'adjusted' to reduce that amount even with the correction algorithm applied. Comments?


I bought this printer blind having reviewed their older ones. I think it’s a good printer for beginners. Can’t wait till mine turns up.


Could you possibly review the new iteration of this printer since it had a re-release.
