Teachers react to Oklahoma Department of Education video of Ryan Walters attacking teacher unions

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A video from the Oklahoma State Department of Education painting the state’s largest teacher union as a menace in public schools, with an ominous soundtrack mixed with resolute Fox News soundbites by Supt. Ryan Walters.

The agency posted the video on its website homepage after first showing it during an Oklahoma State Board of Education meeting. The video was quickly removed, as officials said they planned to reupload it to the agency’s official YouTube page.
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There will be nothing more dangerous than an Oklahoma HS grad, diploma in hand, schooled in dogma and doctrine ...sidesrm strapped on...out looking for a job in neighboring states. This IS a national issue!


Gee...I graduated in the last century and missed out on an education emphasizing my "walking in my authenticity"..! But I can add, subtract and write my name!!! 😢😢😢


These teachers still don't get it. WE THE PARENTS WANT THE BS OUT OF OUR SCHOOLS.!! If you don't indoctrinate in your class, then we won't have a problem.


To teach confusion and gay ideology to kids is absolutely horrendous and a pedophiles dream come true. Parents should ALWAYS be in charge of their kids and education is the biggest part. Any person helping to contour a child's mind in a decadent, non-reproductive lifestyle is a criminal.


This guy has no business being in the education system and he should not be leading a state in providing it.


Even the Jews whom the Ten Commandments were written for could not keep it. In fact Christ said if you broke one you broke all.


Forget the Walters' personal beliefs, it's his conduct. He strikes me as a whining bully. He's supposed to be leading an apolitical state institution, not a church. Even then, his elected position does not give him carte blanche. His conduct reflects poorly on himself and the state institution he leads. Worse, his actions have opened himself and the state to civil liability.


Every teacher in this state should walk out tomorrow. And the rest of the brainwashed bots in these comments, and its easy to see that its either bots or a couple people making multiple accounts you all need to get a damn grip on reality and stop just believing what you are told to believe like you hunger for the teachings of hitler or something. Stop being lazy and inform yourself. The right in this state is completely getting out of control. There will be a backlash. For every action, there is always an equal and opposite reaction. Doesn't matter if its state or national.


Ryan Walters needs to resign immediately before he explodes.


Most of these children are learning about sex from the INTERNET where it's EASILY MORE ASSESIBLE. You guys keep blaming these books, the education system, but are you paying attention to what your child consumes on the internet? Does your child have a social media account (TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube)? Does your child play online video games with strangers? Sex/Gender/etc. is everywhere it's in tv shows, video games, social media, and advertisements...


God bless Oklahoma Teachers!!! Keep speaking out!!! Ryan Walters is insane and very unprofessional! We owe so much to teachers all over America. LET TEACHERS TEACH!


Thank God for your courage and care for the children.

“For I will honor those who honor Me, but those who despise Me will be disdained.”
I Sam. 2:30


He needs to arrested for violating the separation of church and state


I agree with him. No more union . Parents take back your schools. If you don't home school.


Would anyone that has a study, survey, research report showing Oklahoma Public Education is ranked higher than the bottom 20% nationally, please produce it. Being ranked in public education 40-50th nationally is a disgrace, a total embarrassment. I think you’ll find this is not a new statistic. Something is horribly wrong and a total overhaul is overdue.


I agree with him these union are taking us the wrong way they should have no control of what's taught..., money.... working condition.... yes that's it.


Can we please get Ryan Walters the substance abuse or mental health help he desperately needs? The people that voted for him need to help out. Is there a petition out yet that I can sign?


Get your kids out of public schools asap


I support him 100%, this gender ideology crap is NOT something kids should be learning at school. If parents want their kid(s) taught this stuff then the people and teachers pushing for this should make a course available somewhere else. Not all parents, teachers, students, and people are okay with this, I’m certainly not! Why not offer courses/classes outside of schools for the ones who do?? The fact that they are pushing so hard for this concerns me. And the fact that a TEACHER made that comment about not judging people attracted a 5 yr old is disgusting and extremely alarming because if there’s one saying stuff like this then we know there’s more out there likely saying even more vile things!!


I'm standing with Ryan Walters ! We believers should pray for him❤🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
