Types of Square Engines 📌 #engine #power #torque #speed #animation #automobile #mechanical #shorts

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Types of Square Engines 📌 #engine #power #torque #speed #animation #automobile #mechanical #shorts

Bore Vs Stroke, Bore Stroke Ratio Explained, Engine Bore Types, Square Engines, oversquare vs undersquare engine

In a reciprocating piston engine, the stroke ratio, defined by either bore/stroke ratio or stroke/bore ratio, is a term to describe the ratio between cylinder bore diamete and piston stroke length.

👉Square Engine
A square engine has equal bore and stroke dimensions, giving a bore/stroke value of exactly 1:1.

👉Oversquare Engine or Short-Stroke Engine
Its cylinders have a greater bore diameter than its stroke length, giving a bore/stroke ratio greater than 1:1.
Generally, ‘Over-square’ design tends to produce higher engine speeds.

👉Undersquare Engine or Long-Stroke Engine
Its cylinders have a smaller bore diameter than its stroke length, giving a ratio value of less than 1:1.

Generally, ‘Under-Square’ design tends to produce comparatively higher torque.

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Wich of those has the highest RPM? im not sure but i think the long stroke


I don’t think you know what you try to explain.
