Precisely Infuriating Warthunder Knowledge

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TO BE CLEAR: I am aware that the tails are modelled that way because that is how it is in real life and I am not making the claim gaijined modelled these wrong. This is a video to frustrate people while playing the game lol

Video info accurate to game version

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For those comments - he's not saying they're errors, just that they're something you can notice to 'ruin your day'. Since clicking 'show more' is too difficult.

BTD-1 : tail is accurately modeled to the real plane (like the rest)
Tiger 2 : designed that way (this includes tiger 1, panther, and several others, there are also tanks with the entire turret off center, like the panzer 4).
(a random hole isn't random if it's intentional :P )
Mi-24 has a real 2.5 degree tilt and it's fuggly
Hebrew is written backwards to English (right to left), so it's a direct translation without rearrangement... that's my theory anyway lol
H-111 cockpit - like all asymmetrical bombers, is where the bomber sits / lays down, the design benefit is that the guy can either be in a chair that tips forward, or actually lays down with his head up in that point.


The smiley face on the the back of phantom is real. Here in Greece we still fly these planes and I saw one in a static display. It had the face on it!! I think it has something to do with the parachute system used in landings.


0:39 That is intentional. The propellor creates torque. While helicopters use a tail rotor to oppose torque, conventional aircraft have things like trim and structural changes such as the off centring/angling of the horizontal stabilizer or the gear.


2:54 I know that was probably a joke but the main real reason why the HE111’s cockpit was offset was I believe so the pilot could see past the gunner/bombardier


The Panzer IV's turret offset (about 65mm) left corresponds with the engine offset of 152mm to the right. By doing this, the driveshaft and turret electrical supply can sit level, avoiding the need to increase the height the turret sits if the power supply had to sit overtop of the driveshaft.


The off center tail on the BTD-1 (and all the other rapid fire planes at the end) is actually for a very specific reason. The air from the propellers channels around the fuselage in a spiral pattern and adds torque on the tail section, the off center section makes it so that the pilot doesn’t have to apply constant rudder input to maintain a straight and level flight path. Or something like that, idk, I’m not an aeronautical engineer.

Edit: it’s also probably the same for the MC-202, except the engineers probably had an issue with torque rolling the aircraft, so they made one wing longer to give that side more lift to keep it level.


"the corsairs got a random rectangular hole in it's right wing for climbing into the cockpit"

wait for it.

waaaait for iit.



1:51 they actually had non symetrical wings in real life. reason was the longer wing would counteract the rotational force of the propeller with its larger lift. this meant pilots in flight had to trim much less for this compared to pilots from other nations


The turret assymetry of the m1 abrams is not just a visual feature. If someone inspects the protection of the cheeks with the protection analysis, one can see that the left cheek has noticably better protection, than the right (where the gunner sight is), despite the fact that in the x-ray view, both has the same composite armour type and thickness.

For the Mi-24, the assymetry was a purposeful design choice. It is even mentioned in one of the shooting range episode. The point of the assymmetry is to offset the centre of mass such that the induced torque counteracts the natural roll tilting torque of the rotors at cruise speed.


I am mildly inconvenienced by this unfortunate knowledge


I am medically diagnosed with OCD. Thanks to this video I have a hospital bill of 10k because it has given me a heart attack.



2:26 I believe the reason for the name being behind the aircraft type is that in Russian, "Weizman's Spitfire" would be said as "Spitfire of Weizman". If you pop open google translate, type in "Weizman's Spitfire", translate it to Russian and back to English again, you get a similar result of "Spitfire Weizman" or something.


Most of the offset designs you see in early aircraft are to counter the rotation caused by the radial engines gyroscopic force turning the plane to the side


Explanation to 3:58
Someone want to type something but ultimately failed and cancel their type by removing all the characters and pressing "enter"


0:00 jokes on you, I already knew that. The turret isn’t even centered. Huh, actually I knew about most this stuff, even the cute little smile on the Phantom, also on the British phantom there is only 1 dot and on one of the Japanese phantoms there are 2 dots with one that is removed.


The M4A1/Sherman II has it's driver side direct vision block open but it's bow gunner side one closed, why the driver would keep his vision port open during a battle is very odd


The chat box one always gets me. Being a team player, the box opening always makes my eyes dart towards it but then I see it's completely blank


The HE 111's greenhouse is offset so the pilot can be on the left side and the gunner on the right, which allows the pilot a better view downwards than he would get if he flew from behind or straddling the gunner


The Mi24 Hind purposely tilted. The main rotor of was tilted to the right from the fuselage to compensate for translating tendency at a hover. The landing gear was also tilted to the left so that the rotor would still be level when the aircraft was on the ground, making the rest of the airframe tilt to the left.


I know that the MC202 was designed with the two different lengths on the wings to try and counteract the auto-roll from single engine prop torque instead of trimming the aircraft constantly. Didn't really work that well though.
