Nursing Dosage Calculations - Example Problems 6-9 - @LevelUpRN

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In this video, Cathy covers Dosage Calculation practice problems 6-9. You can download the practice questions and answer key and follow along as she explains how to work through the problems. Our Nursing Dose Calculations - Example Problems/Answers 6-9 are available at

🚨Want to MASTER dosage calculation? Unlock the full Dosage Calculation Playlist now with the Level Up RN Membership! Gain instant and unlimited access to step-by-step tutorials, practice questions, and proven strategies — Get ready to supercharge your nursing education Our Nursing Dose Calculations - Example Problems/Answers are available at

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Cathy Parkes BSN, RN, CWCN, PHN covers Dosage Calculation: Example Problems 6-9. The Nursing Dosage Calculations video tutorial series is intended to help RN and PN nursing students study for your nursing school exams, including the ATI, HESI and NCLEX.

#NCLEX #dosagecalculations #NursingStudent⁠ #HESI #Kaplan #ATI #NursingSchool ⁠ #Nurse #RN #PN #Education #LPN #nurseeducator #DCW

0:00 IV Pump Dosage Calculations
1:11 IV Pump Dosage Calculation ex.2
2:09 Drop Factor Dosage Calculation
3:59 Total IV Fluids Dosage calculation

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All of the nurses at Level Up RN are here to help! Cathy Parkes started helping her fellow classmates back when she was in nursing school, tutoring so they could pass their exams and graduate. After she got her BSN and started working as an RN at Scripps Encinitas Hospital, she started this YouTube channel to help nursing students around the world. Since then she has built a team of top-notch dedicated nurses and nurse educators who are focused on improving nursing education and supporting career advancement for nurses everywhere. With flashcards, videos, courses, organizational tools and more, we are singularly focused on helping students and nurses Level Up on their exams and nursing careers.
Рекомендации по теме

Wow, I just learned more from Cathy than I did from my instructor. She makes it so easy.


Hey, so grateful for your videos on dosage calculations. You have very well rounded with the examples you made.
Some other examples that you can please make to help his this video set that I have on my semester are:
1- BSA Body Surface Area
2- Fluid and Intake problem
3- 24 hour Fluid Balance for pedis
4- more pediatrics question problems. There always so tricky because of the rounding.


You are truly amazing. Thank you. I would love to see reconstitution and maybe a series on reading labels on medication vials, bags, inhalation . when calculating which to choose and why. Our instructor asked us today share with your friends resources you are using to help you be successful. You and RN Sarah are getting us through.


Wow! I wish we were allowed to use the calculator during class and exam. I paused your videos and tried calculating manually. Good thing, I got the right answers. Thanks for these videos.


I have never met someone like you. You are a gem


These examples alone helped me just get a 100% on my practice exam I just took! I didn't even need anything else =) Thank you!


You did a great job with teaching with patience.


out of all the dosage calculation videos i have found, yours are the best! please make more. its easy to follow along and practice with you.


Thank you Cathy, i have Dosage and Calculation exam today, and this is very helpful. You are loved


Thank you! Dosage Cal. for maternity/pediatrics would be greatly appreciated!


I'm going to start my nursing school in 3 weeks and I have being watching your lectures on YouTube . They are all very helpful. Thank you so much for talking time to record all this videos. Its means a lot. May god almighty bless you with many many long and healthy years to leaves on the earth. I wish you health more the anything


I absolutely love your videos. I am a new nursing student ( first year ) and I really do appreciate these videos.


I just got accepted to nursing school and was advised to learn the calculations first. Thank you for the great content! 👍


You’re awesome! Thanks for this! Really helpful.


Great videos these have really helped me. I would like one more example using mcg and converting if you can think of an example.


Cathy ur the best. nice voice low and calm. thank you for your help.


Thank you calculations made easy. Taking the boards in two weeks.


Thanks a million, as someone who struggles with math, you make it so easy to understand. 😊


Thank you very much for making the dosing calculation easy to understand.


Hi Cathy, this is a great review series! Could you also include a video demonstrating how to use the Rule of Nines & the Parkland Formula to calculate the amount of IV fluids needed for a burn patient? Thanks again!
