ITVX Is LOSING Subscribers...

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It's been around for less than 2 years, but is ITVX beginning a downward spiral? Recent reports from ITV show that their paid subscriber count is dropping, could this be the first domino in something bigger...?


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Because they want £6 a month for people to watch trash like The Kardashians.

But ITV is terrible now, either celebrity this or that, or crime dramas for old people. Literally nothing I'm interested in.


This almost reminds me of ITV Digital for some reason.


They shouldn’t have axed Citv or LittleBe then!


1.They don't show enough from the ITV archives, such as a lot of programmes a lot of people have forgotten about. Such as programmes going back to the 1970s/80s. Such as Full House (UK version), also for example, Time After Time with Brian Conley. I'd love to see Bottle Boys again! 😉

2. Some of the Carry On films aren't HD. Well, they may not look HD because ITVX use far too much compression which is noticeable on virtually everything. It is the worst compressed streaming service I've ever come across. The compression needs to be the same as Netflix or Prime Video. Until something is done about that I'm sticking to DVDs/Blu-rays/Downloads. They shouldn't cut programmes like Bless This House either. Just put a notice up at the beginning. I prefer ITVs download service on Sky.


I used to have itvx for £39.99 a year until it leapt to £59.99. it is not worth the money.


ITVX doesn't really help by promoting Reality TV, i don't want to pay for low quality especially when there is better content elsewhere


ITV should reduce the soaps to 3 30 minute episodes a week and also reduce the national news at 6:30 to 30 minutes and also scrap the reality TV shows.


Too many reality shows not enough drama and comedy so I rarely use it..


The app goes black every time the ads come on. I have to press pause and unpause when the programme comes back on.


I'll probably start using the app again if/when they add the regional broadcasts to the live TV feature. While it still isn't great for a streaming services subscribers to decrease, with ITV I could see ways of turning it into an advantage.


Can someone explain why the ITV-X site runs extremely slowly (far slower than any other app) on my smart TV? And to clear up a mystery: is it called X because it has brought back that white X-shape that a long time ago was seen between ITV's adverts?


I think "in general" the demographic of the main itv audience is, shall i say, diplomatically not Doctors, Lawyers or professionals. It's no surprise they won't in general pay for itv. 😊


I think a lot of streaming services are going to have problems. People are always going on about how people don’t watch live TV anymore or go to the cinema and it’s all about streaming but with the exception of Netflix nearly all of them are loosing quite large amounts of money.


The Fortune Hotel was a good show that I've watched on ITVX, and a new series will happen next year! Also Mr Bates vs the Post Office was amazing, Keep the ITVX app going.


This doesn't shock me. The one person I know who uses the app has told me so many times how bad and broken it is


If they would fix a lot of the issues with viewing
ITVX out with England, it would be half the battle.

As it stands, if you live in
Scotland, Nothern Ireland or Wales, it's really not worth subscribing to.

They only way to get around the issues is to use a workaround, but doing so means means I can't subscribe to premium even if I wanted to.


For every one good program on live as shown TV there are 99 shows that are repeated or that people only have on as they want some background noise. Live as shown TV is dying as people want to watch on demand and not at a set time of day as they used to up to the mid 2000's. I've got thousands of DVD's all bought second hand for between 95p and £11. The Unit was a good TV series on CH5 as was the carry on films, Ashes to ashes and Life on Mars, JAG and NCIS.


I guess this shows something. I don't use ITVX but just because I don't watch ITV. I might be part of the problem. Still good that youre posting videos even during your busy period Adam.


i used to subscribe when it was 3.99pm but not when it went up, not enough new dramas to justify. Also interface is clunky even after all this time; it doesn't remember what you've watched previously so hard to keep track what's new and sporadically wont even remember what episode you're upto in a series. They need to look at their pricing and how much better other services interfaces are.


I'd say it was since the beginning of the year when people moving over from Britbox previously had over a year of having ITVX for the reduced price of £3.99 and then went over to the full price of £5.99 in January.
I kept it although some will have binge-watched all the old comedy and didn't think it was worth it after that.
