Bible Study for Beginners - 5 Simple Keys

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Do you desire to receive greater revelation from God's Word? David Diga Hernandez shares 5 Bible study keys you can apply right now. If you’re a beginner in Bible study, these keys will increase your ability to understand God’s Word.







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00:00 - Introduction
00:29 - 5 Simple Keys to Studying the Bible
00:46 - Key #1: Revelation of the Holy Spirit
07:07 - Key #2: Dedication to Reading the Word
11:42 - Do You Feel Like You're Not Understanding What You Read?
15:50 - Key #3: Observation & Interpretation
22:05 - A Helpful Study Method: Macro - Micro - Macro
32:19 - Why Are There Chapters and Verses in the Bible?
40:22 - Key #4: Meditation on the Word of God
41:57 - Is it Hard for You to Remember What You Read?
50:05 - Key #5: Application - Apply the Scripture
55:16 - Receive This Prayer
58:32 - You Can Get Involved

#EncounterTV #DavidDigaHernandez #ViralRevival #Bible #BibleTeaching #BibleStudy #BibleStudyTools
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I've been reading the bible everyday for like 20 days, now I want to read it everyday hallelujah, It's like bread I need it daily ❤


1. Revelation (Ask the Holy Spirit for help)
2. Dedication (keep reading, displine yourself)
3. Observation & Interpretation ( Macro, Micro, Macro. Study to show yourself improve)
4. Meditation (repeat verses or chapters in your mind, make time for it)
5. Application (Studying and the Living the word.)

This helped me realize somethings, and it helps me understand exactly what God needs me to do.

Also your daughter is beautiful


Thank you so much for this steps. I am 15yrs old and I am watching on the replay. I wanted to grow my spiritual self and become committed to reading the Word of God DAILY, and this steps will really help me to also understand what I read when I read it.
You also made me realize the importance of meditation, and I love that saying "Reading the word is eating the word, and meditation is digestion, it allows the spiritual nutrients to be absorbed by your spirit."
I have taken SO MANY notes, so that when I forget a step I can go back to them to be reminded and also so I can help someone in the future that is trying to read the word and understand it. Thank you so much Pastor David☺


Last month, I finally reached New Testament after 3 years of reading the Bible from Genesis (I'm trying to read it from cover to cover for the first time).

One night, after I finished reading the book of John, I just sat quietly and pondered it all until a thought occurred to me, "He loves me, He loves me so much" and then I started to cry.

I've been a Christian since I was a baby. I memorize John 3:16 since I was a child. I sang "Jesus loves me, this I know for the Bible tells me so" in Sunday School. I know what it means.

Or so I thought.

But that night felt like a big warm hug. As if He breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile, "I finally got you."


I am 66 years old, this is the most power teaching on learning the Word of God I have ever heard, I have been a Christian since I was 15 years old. God Bless you.


Lord give us the focus and desire to read our Bible everyday! In the mighty name of Jesus we pray amen!


I took notes on the replay. This has Blessed me by giving me hope to be able to understand and not just read God's Word. Before my Mommy passed on this past May 2023, she reminded me to read Proverbs to learn about God's lessons in life. She led a true Christian life. She was a giver of love and joy to everyone she came across in her life. Her motto until her last was, " I refuse to let ANYTHING steal my joy!" She touched and changed the lives of many because of that, especially while battleing cancer and pagets disease. I miss her so very much, especially during these first Holidays without her here. As much as it hurts, Im so happy for her because I know she is in the arms of Jesus and at total peace. 🙌✝️ Please pray for God to give me the strength to get closer to Him and to keep me from giving into my anxiety & clinical depression. To help me fight the Spiritual battle I am dealing with. Amen. God Bless.


I like your teachings am a new convert to Christ 🙏 I love Jesus he cured me from the evil.


My word for 2023 was: Fall in love with the Word again.



Hello David, when I retired from work 11 years ago, I prepared a Bucket List that I hoped to accomplish. 1 was to visit the Holy Land and 2 was to read the Word of God from cover to cover. The visit to Holy Land I ticked off within 6 months. Then I took on Holy Scripture. I instantly fell in love with it and now in my 11th year I am in my 9th Reading. I’m 70 now and will keep on and on and on reading till I breathe my last and the good Lord calls me Home. However, even now I feel there are several parts that are beyond my understanding but I see it more as a means of staying connected with God every single day and just savoring the delightful times with my Lord and Savior. I truly enjoy your videos David. Keep up the good work of our Lord. God bless you.


When I prayed, the Holy Spirit guided me to learn more of the Holy Word. Learn it properly. For that, I enrolled in a Bible college and asked God for guidance to continue reading and understanding the word. Today I heard this precious message. Thank you


Thank you Lord for the Bible guidance and the prayer that opens up your Holy word more to me❤In Jesus name amen🙏🏻✝️


I love when the Holy Spirit talks to me in the Word. He is my best friend.


Another thing that helps me is to write verses down that I’m studying and memorizing, write them over and over. I know we all learn and memorize in different ways but writing helps me a lot. ❤




Thank you Lord Jesus for hearing and answering my prayers in Jesus Christ mighty name.Amen!


I am 70 years old and have never heard such a wonderful way to read the word. I will certainly use this method and pray that each one using this will see a breakthrough in their lives. Bless you David


I am 69 years old and you are, by far, the best and most encouraging teacher of the Word. I love listening to you and am learning so much. Thank you, dear heart for your wisdom, in Christ's everlasting love.


I am 10 years sober and not baptized had a lot of pit fall...over 20 OD, s and still alive to call his name he knows I am true but it's god's will and I sit in stillness awaiting his way not mine I pray you will pray that I break my chains it's never easy but it's all ways the way just so conditioned buy this world it is all being broken 💔💔💔


I have never heard anyone explain the word like this man. Thank you i love listening to him,
