9 Tips Only PROFESSIONALS Know About in Lethal Company

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9 Tips Only PROFESSIONALS Know About in Lethal Company

Lethal Company is a co-op indie horror video game currently in early access. It blends exploration, survival horror, and strategy, in a retrofuturistic post-apocalyptic dystopia where players take on the role of a contracted worker for the Company. In Lethal Company, players are tasked with collecting scrap from abandoned, industrialized moons to meet the Company's profit quota. The game offers a balance between risk and reward, with a focus on exploration, survival, and strategy. It is characterized by a realistic atmosphere, where player characters can face intense situations including dismemberment or decapitation. Players also have the option to use fictional medical drugs recklessly, adding another layer of risk.

00:00 Introduction
00:14 Barricades
01:32 Loud Toys
03:08 Bee Thief
06:28 Terminal
07:48 High Ground
08:46 Slopes
09:45 Weight
11:15 Stamina
12:31 Key Manager

#Drybear #DrybearIndie #LethalCompany

-Music by Epidemic Sound-

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The furniture block for eyeless dogs can be inconsistent once they start their charge, we tried it and while it blocks them moving, as soon as they start their charge they can clip through it and kill you


*life saving furniture trick* : works much better than just making a blockade.

Rather than use the bed and little cabinet, use the terminal and red cabinet.

Set up the terminal along one wall, then place the red cabinet along the opposite wall. There should be just enough space for you to walk between the two.

Once you’re through the gap, open the cabinet door. You now essentially have a working door. When the cabinet door is open, the gap is closed. Has saved my life multiple times.


If you aren’t afraid of the dark, flipping off every switch on the breaker panel will also open every electronic door on the map, useful if you dont have a guy on the ship to open doors for you


Don’t barricade your ship as it can be hard to get in and out quickly and dogs will still charge through. However if you are going to do that I recommend placing the storage unit in the middle of the ship and letting its doors block the sides when they are open. This gives you an extra door if you need it for some reason.


Tips #1, #2, #8 seem to be false
#1) monsters can easily go through furniture if they detect a player
#2) items with noise randomly don't make noise when picked up even when you don't switch rapidly. No fast hands needed just spam drop and pickup if it makes noise
#8) Stamina just has extra not shown, there is no benefit either way the UI does not display it.
Something to add onto tip 4) terminals, I highly recommend using show monitor when holding a walkie-talkie as you can actually left click while using it so you can still talk to teammates while your face is in the screen.

Everything else is good! 👍


Furniture wont block eyeless dogs once they charge, however, they will block eye contact with ghost girl for your terminal player.

Place your furniture in a Z maze shape to block line of sight from main screen to entrance and your terminal guy is safe from ghost girl haunt. She can haunt that player but she wont chase unless direct eye contact is made (which is only from looking at ship entrance)


1. This does not work, eyeless dogs will phase through a barricade if they hear noise behind it or charge.
2. Actually useful if you didn't know.
3. Basic tip, useful if unknown.
4. Basic tips, useful if unknown.
5. The basic of basics, still useful.
6. Who actually didn't know this?
7. A tip many people ignore.
8. Incorrect. This bar is actually just larger than visually indicated and you can only activate it when visually available at the bottom end.
9. Don't waste keys, but absolutely do NOT always bring them

Most of these are fine, there are a lot of other channels that have a better understanding of the game that you should watch instead.
Wurps[on the lethal company grind] for example


Several of these are wrong or misleading. Most were pointed out in the comments already, but I'll add that "turning off" the robot has nothing to do with whatever slight of hand you're attempting. It simply just doesn't activate sometimes when picked up. That's it. Drop and pick it back up until it's quiet.


Something to note, you don't need to run away from Baboon Hawks, all you need to do is to be loud and not corner them, unless theres 2 or more you'll need your teammates to outnumber them and scare them off. (They can also fight Eyeless Dogs)


Addon for the stamina bar: it isnt that it gives you free stamina, its just that there is extra stamina not represented by the ui. It extends slightly farther on both sides. That "extra stamina" is just stamina you recharged that you cant see. You still need to let it charge to that point


6:48 just first 3 letters:
I know what u did there


For the robot it’s just random keep dropping and picking up till it stops no need to switch with that said tho once it’s off if you have another item in hand and switch back to the robot it will turn back on so remember which slot it’s in and try not to go back to it


I would add, the bee thing. It's easier solo, if there's two people and one distracts the bees, the bees will continuously follow the person unless the go into a door but then the bees are roaming. It's better to do it solo, juke left or right at the last second before you arrive at the hive and the bees first sting misses and you can grab the hive and run without taking damage. Drop the hive before you run out of stamina and do it again until it's on the ship, on the outer catwalk. And the bees will hangout there until you leave. No one is stung or dead and no roaming bees. Way better than 2 people and one possibly dying.


Although the December update has nullified the rails effectiveness in ways, the key manager stuff and terminal tips are great


The stamina actually doesn't have the grace period mechanic.
The stamina bar image is just too small to show the entire stamina wheel, so part of the bar is invisible.


Yeah, the problem with the one you said about the circuit bees. I went on Vow once and placed the hive exactly where you did, and when I went inside the ship to pull the lever to leave, they attacked me through the wall and I died


Sometimes the hive glitches and doesnt stay on the ship if you get teleported into the ship with it as it takes off, gotta make sure to make it back in the ship Without being teleported into the ship to be safe. Just a PSA


For bee theif you can 3 hives solo or more if by putting the other bee hives on the rails and when you find the last one take it in the ship and close the doors to stop the bees then take off and get the hives on the rails (the bees hives have to be a bit close to the doors to get them all but is possible)


Since enemies can clip through the furniture when they charge we just turn the terminal around and place the beds next to it in the back of the ship creating like a small computer room that blocks line of sight and long as you stay quiet you should be fine


11:22 this is not a bonus but just the line is still after those visible lines because the lines get so thin you cannot see them
