What does a CPA do?

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Today, I will talk about the CPA's job, and core duties of tax CPA's in organizations, and the types of tax CPA's and what is the role of each CPA's type and the difference between a CPA and a CFO

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First, let me explain what is CPA:
CPA is a license, and it doesn't define the CPA job, but generally, when people talk about CPA's, they usually mean the person who prepares tax reports,
And a tax CPA's job is to understand all of the tax laws and their specialties in these laws such as federal income tax law, state and local tax law, and city municipality.

And CPA's duties are to make sense of all these laws and analyze your books, and in that process, they find and apply the incentives to minimize your tax and then turn it into a form that the government accept.

Therefore, the CPA job is to minimize your taxable profits. And that is the exact opposite of the CFO's job, which is to learn about the company's finances and find ways to generate more profits

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Very interesting, thank you for explaining this in more detail.


It helps me understand and motivate me to become cpa. Yep remember laws so important. Lucky I have pretty good memory, I wanna try it.


I came to this because people keep saying its not important to become CPA and wouldn’t suggest it


Funny. I was thinking of making a CPA my CFO! 😆


I wan to learn without going back to actual school I have a business degree with loans don’t need more


Completely disagree with you on this front:
You only stated the tax preparation side of a CPA meanwhile completely ignoring the auditing skills and the ability to analyze business processes at lightning pace in order to audit them. We CPAs can read financial statements and can tell you exactly what the position of the company is in terms of it's financial health, it's potential for fraud and misstatements, how effective and efficient the management is and so much more.
CPAs are perhaps the best candidates to be CFOs in terms of qualification to be held at that position, now skill wise your argument is valid. If a CPA is a tax cpa and restricts his operation to only tax, maybe he/she is not an ideal candidate for a CFO or CEO
