Who should be allowed to take the Lord’s Supper?

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Episode 1809
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What if your situation is more complicated? Whole separate from my husband i found Jesus a few years ago and then the Lord turned my heart towards reconciling with my husband who is still not a believer. My husband attends church sometimes with me and when I've brought up becoming a member, he's made it clear he isn't ready and doesn't want me to become one without him. As a result i am limited in ways i can serve the church and am left out of our closed communion. 😞


They don’t care so much about whether or not you are a Christian as much as they care about how obedient you are. It all comes down to obedience to men. Any man who fences the table should be avoided, he and any denomination behind him.


And this is how you add to scripture. 😢


If it's a family, then there must be a common purpose! Evangelism must be the basis of communion.
One bread - is the one work assigned us. To go and reach the unreached.
Everyone who doesn't that, participates unworthily


You associated denomination and church with the same cord.
It started when Western (Roman Catholic) and Eastern church split because of moving the HQ from Constantinople to Rome.
Then, RC started their Eucharist as closed one. Some denominations (reformed such as lutheran and Mennonite etc) came out of RC, kept it.
Y'all just rolling over the mud with misinterpretions and culture or traditional stuff.
Some won't even baptize if you are not a member.
And, I expected some solid explanation than some 9 marks or some xyz.
Aren't the scriptures the standard and criteria?
