What I Learned As A Hiring Director At Deloitte

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🔥 My #1 Piece of Advice For Exec Job Seekers:
🛑 Forget Job Boards and Recruiters: Learn How The Exec Hiring Process Really Works:

#jameswhittaker #theambitiousexec #executivejobsearch
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Hey, I watched this video 4-5x throughout my interview process and exactly applied your tips. I ended up getting an offer from deloitte! Thank you so much


1 it is hard to hire the right people
2 apply these roles is not the best job search strategy. Instead, build relationship with key people
3 in the interview, build positive relationship with the panel and Hire manager very quickly
4 send a thank you note immediately after the interview


Hi, great 100% accurate tips you’re giving.
I had a job interview with KPMG France, in four parts, 2 with HR, 1 with a senior manager and 1 with a partner .
The 2 last ones should have lasted 45 minutes max, instead they lasted 1h15 each .
I got along with the high ranks .
Next morning I got the job .
Junior audit.


And this is why the world moves at snail pace, because of people like you in charge making decisions based upon superficiality rather than actually picking people who actually know what they're doing, have a passion for what they're doing and want to actually make innovations to change the world rather than jump the ladder.


I worked for deloitte, I'm now a senior person in another company and I am involved in hiring and firing. I can confirm what he said is spot on especially about the hidden job market (linkedin) and when decisions are made (pretty much right away even if the paperwork and admin is longer) oh and "fit" for the firm is a very nebulous concept.


Show your strong personality traits that makes others like you, currently. Dive deep into them during the interview and you will be liked for the same traits by those interviewers. Always have stories that are impactful, funny, and shows your character and personality. Do not be a yes person, show your critical thinking ability but also your humility.


Great video, This really gave me good insights in the hiring process from the company side. It's like knowing what questions will be on a test. Thanks, James! BTW the way you deliver info is really engaging, I think it's the pauses :) cheers


I was distracted by your great haircut the whole time but yes very interesting. I am interested in getting a job with the big 4 but I made the mistake of not networking effectively early on. There's still hope for me as I do have my masters degree to complete so there's time to go to more recruiting events.


There are many dimensions to acing an interview. Building rapport is great but other areas will be tested including technical competence, leadership effectiveness, management effectiveness and alignment between your expectations of the role and the role itself.

Senior roles will test your business case - which must satisfy a business need.

Few companies waste time interviewing with no intention of hiring, so an interview gives you a chance.


Just decided to come back to this video. I applied some of the things you talked about and recently accepted a tax consulting internship (accounting) with them. Thanks for the help!


Thank you for these insights, hopefully they’ll help me get a job with one of the big 4 firms after I graduate next year with a degree in accounting. Unfortunately I started networking late, as it’s the end of my 3rd year but hopefully I’ll be able to pick it up and grow my network and land a job!


it's about being a likeable person even in the job searching


Great advice! Particularly for those of us transitioning careers.


outstanding stuff right here!
My first job out from college, I had to let me my interviewer know I knew about his culture(getting along with interview as said here!)
To be clear he was from India and so when he asked my general questions my answers where mostly of things or people from India and every time I answered he smiled and laughed so hard, we both laughed :)
To say the least I got the job and got to meet him while working for that company .


Any attempt to try to get on with the interviewer(s) gets shut down rapidly in my opinion. “Too familiar, unprofessional” in the feedback, or, “yes, well, let’s get back on topic please” shuts it down quickly.


all of these points directly contribute to cause behind poor hires lol
if the way to get hired in delloite is: knowing the right people, being able to impress with soft-skills regardless of hard-skills, and vacuous thank you notes, then it makes sense why they struggle


His skin is fantastic, he should make a video about that


"before I started my widely successful career" Ok, ego at 100%


All video long I was thinking “this guy is so full of himself I would never hire him”


Hi James, I am done with the first technical interview at Deloitte. This senior analyst role only has 2 of interview, and the next one is a Behavioral Interview. If I cleared the first round, does that mean I am almost hired since I cleared the technical round with the project manager? Please let me know. TIA
