Ismael Nazario: What I learned as a kid in jail

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As a teenager, Ismael Nazario was sent to New York’s Rikers Island jail, where he spent 300 days in solitary confinement — all before he was ever convicted of a crime. Now as a prison reform advocate he works to change the culture of American jails and prisons, where young people are frequently subjected to violence beyond imagination. Nazario tells his chilling story and suggests ways to help, rather than harm, teens in jail.

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Very well spoken. He addresses a good point that although prison is a punishment for the crimes committed, it is important to understand that some of these people are someday going to be released. Do they want to release these people better people or worse. Instead of punishing them with fear they should educate them not to make the same mistakes again.


300 days of solitary before a conviction is unfuckingbelievably cruel.




*Prison system in the US will never change for as long as it is privatized.* The prison system has a vested interest in having the smallest success rate possible at rehabilitating the inmates, and the government has an interest in locking up as many people as possible as well because of the contracts they have with prison companies, as those include a given percentage of capacity at any time, often higher than 100%.


I enjoyed this. As a ex juvenile my self I can relate. As a state worker now I can't help to think funding. It's a big issue to over come and will take a community to pull it all together. Thank you for sharing. 


Intelligent young man gives great insight into prison life. You have my respect. If only more youth could turn their life around like this.


Great speech. His ideas make a lot of sense. If you grow up in an environment where you see your parents, or parent, working two or three jobs just to provide while there are "hustlers" out there dealing drugs and seemingly living a lucrative life style, it would not be hard to make a decision at a young age to choose the hustler as a role model and emulate what they are doing.

He makes the point that these kids think that dealing drugs and committing crimes are cool. The kids believe so because that is the environment they are raised in.

Prison can and should be a place where you take these misguided youth and inspire them to make a positive change in their lives as opposed to putting them in a situation that encourages more violence, hate, and ignorance.

People may say that it was his decision or someone's fault that they ended up in jail, and it is true, however if you were raised in a similar environment do you believe you would have faired better?

The reality is we all make mistakes in life. If we are surrounded by good, well-meaning people, we will have an opportunity to learn from our mistakes and grow. On the other hand, if the thug lifestyle is glamorized in the community or prison then our lives will be lived in a never ending downward spiral


Murican mentality is wrong....    It should focus on rehabilitation, not pure punishment. 


This was a really interesting video. It sounds like this speech must have been a difficult one to write. Respect to this guy for passing on his experience to help others.


Who else is here from a school assingment! lol


I agree. But not only for the younger inmates, for the older ones too. Yeah, they must be punished. But they also need to be rehabilitated. I think our society here in the US has forgotten that. That's why when you go take a look at how prisons are ran, you rarely hear about rehabilitation programs. And if you do, it is done far less than it should be (every day).


Don't call it a corrections system- it doesn't correct anybody.


I learned about you today in my Intro to Criminal Justice course at Texas State University. Your story compelled me to learn more about you. So keep making history and applying the knowledge from your experiences to break chains and barriers for men and women everywhere.

Good work, Ismael :)


Hello Ismael,
I have just watched the Rikers documentary and was deeply disturbed and angry at the injustice, brutality and racism you all faced. By the way you speak and the others I can see you are very intelligent and have so much potential to be so much. They tried to break you, your self esteem and your self worth but you fought and you rise like a true warrior. I hope you all go onto have the best in life and live to your fullest potential. Your amazing do not let anyone bring you down or make you believe different!. I am trying to find you on social media to add you but can't find you. I would like to know how you are doing and support you.. Lots of love and support F, 🙏🏼


08:37...the guy next to the lady with the red hair---MOUTH WIDE OPEN, IN AWE, HANGING ON EVERY WORD! LOL


But broo.... If I don't put these kids in how will I make money????


There are 14 yr kids here in florida doing 15 to 20 yrs for weed.


Ted talk is so entertaining to watch. Something about their video is so captivating idk why. Is very relaxing and smooth.


If a good kid makes a stupid mistake and ends up in a juvenile home, it can be daunting for them. All senses of reality simply vanish. It hurts to even IMAGINE what it would be like to spend 300 fucking days in solitary confinement with the mental capacity of a pubescent teenager. Things like these make me want to leave this country. 


Get rid of America's for-profit prisons run by soulless corporations.
