NWA World Championship Wrestling 12/27/86

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NWA World Championship Wrestling 12/27/86
The Superpowers interview
Dick Murdoch vs. Brody Chase
Ron Garvin interview (Jim Crockett Jr. strips Ron Garvin of the Mid Atlantic Title because he’s a U.S. tag champ)
Ivan Koloff interview (Vladimir Pietrov is coming to take out Nikita)
Midnight Express vs. Ron Garvin & Barry Windham (U.S. tag   Garvin is sucker punched)
Road Warriors vs. The Mulkeys
Road Warriors w/ Paul Ellering post match interview (they’re joined by the Superpowers)
Jim Cornette w/ the Midnight Express & Big Bubba interview (Cornette promises to get rid of Ron Garvin for good)
Rick Rude & Manny Fernandez vs. Dave Spencer & Pablo Crenshaw
Rude & Fernandez w/ Paul Jones post match interview
Ron Garvin & Barry Windham interview (Garvin responds to the attack from earlier)
Rock n Roll Express vs. Kent Glover & Zane Smith
Bill Apter presents the PWI year end awards
Ric Flair interview (wrestler of the year)
Tully Blanchard vs. Pat O’ Brian
RnR interview
Bill Dundee vs. Clement Fields
The Andersons vs. Bill Tabb & Randy Barber
The Andersons post match interview (they’re joined by J.J. who interrupts Ole in mid sentence to announce that Arn is close to getting a U.S. title match with Nikita)
Dick Murdoch interview
Brad Armstrong vs. Mike Jackson
Tully Blanchard w/ J. J. Dillon interview
Bill Dundee, & Jimmy Garvin w/ Precious interview
Jimmy Garvin vs. Alan Martin
Brad Armstrong interview (gets interrupted by Jimmy Garvin)
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I remember my Dad and I would go fishing every week. Then hit the neighborhood store for a can of Dr Pepper, candy bar and a deck of baseball cards . Get home plop on the couch and put on TBS. mom would roll her eyes every time but knew to not bother us, it was father and son time. I lost my father in August to a stroke last August and often think of those magical times. That’s why i love watching these old programs. It puts a smile on my face every time !! Miss you Pops !!


The Road Warriors and Nikita Koloff working together was just awesome, 3 monsters on the same side.


I will never get sick of watching the Road Warriors squash The Mulkey Brothers


This is 1 of the things that make the internet awesome.

Thank you for sharing.


One of those cops escorting Road Warriors, Nikita and Dusty to ring in this video now runs his own independent wrestling promotion and as recent as last year had Nikita as guest referee at an event! He gets a lot of the old NWA guys at events like Steamboat, Rock N' Roll Express, Arn Anderson, Magnum TA to name a few. Even brought in referee Tommy Young to work a match with Rock N Roll Express. The same match Baby Doll escorted R n R Xpress, the reception and chant of Tom-my, Tom-my almost had him in tears! Seeing those guys brings back great memories!!!


When wresting was worth watching and the fans were All into the


Man I sure do miss the old days.havnt watched wrestling in years.


when wrestling was good unlike the bullshit wrestling on TV nowadays.


This was and still is my favorite memories from being 10 years old, this was the best


every grown man in here suddenly becomes a 10 to 12 yr old with a pop and some snacks..


The funniest thing I saw on this video is a"LIQUID TIDE" commercial claiming that Tide could get out a whole jar of Pickled Beets in one wash.


TBS covered Basketball so Flair wearing the Lakers jacket and Duthy(lol) wearing the Celtics jacket was pure genius!!!!


I grew up watching Championship Wrestling in Memphis every Saturday mornings. NWA (National Wrestling Alliance) is fantastic, I give it 2 thumbs up. Wish they brought it back in a whole new way.


Dammit I wish I was 15, sitting eating dinner and watching this on Saturday night again..anyone got a time machine lol


It's a shame Jim Crockett let the mid Atlantic title evaporate!


I remember watching each episode of super station nwa in the 80's. Love the old school commercial's.


Wrestling in wwf and nwa was at its best in the mid 1980s. Everyone from the announcers to the jobbers to the champions knew there roles and how to do them the best they could be done !


Cornette: He must have come from a whole family of mongaloids 😆😆


used to be able to to watch wrestling early Saturday morning.
then Saturday night 2x .Sunday 3 promotions in the morning and 1 later in the day.ah yes the good ol days.the awesome promos.the personalities from wrestlers to announcers .


That Brad Armstrong match with Mike Jackson was actually pretty damn good. Wasn't often you'd see a top star there have a good match like that with an enhancement guy outside of maybe George South or Italian Stallion.