***PATCHED DOESNT WORK***2.01 Unlimited Cyberware Capacity Shards Glitch - Cyberpunk 2077

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Cyberware Capacity Shard Location Max Capacity Cyebrware

A full List of all Cyber Psychos in Dogtown in Cyberpunk 2077 Phantom Liberty - Notes - These shards are not 100% its based on save file, level, cybercap, and MANY MANY more variables.

Unlimited Cyberware Capacity Shards Locations
How To Find Cyberware Capacity Shards
Infinite Cyberware Shards Max Cyberware Shards Increase Cyberware Level How to level up Cyberware
Where do I get Cyberware Shards
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I have Patch 2.11 from today (1/31/24), i can't get the bag to float in the air. tried a couple times and it's on the ground. Bag never refills with items, only the capacity shard is in there. Did they possibly fix this glitch?

UPDATE: They fixed it. Per the patch notes: "Fixed an issue that could cause loot to float in the air as well as reappear in the same spot after picking it up."


UPDATE!! I am level 60 and was just fooling around and did a NCPD scanner job. A blue cyberware capacity shard just dropped for me off a random enemy I killed during that NCPD job. They’re out there guys, just SUPER rare.


For people still struggling there’s something I did. not sure if it’s guaranteed to work for everyone but in the room of the psycho boss fight blade in dogtown on the first floor there’s a body dump under the stairs he runs down. What I did is killed him in that corner and immediately picked him up before seeing his inventory and threw him in the bin, I got lucky and it spawned and I grabbed everything except the cyber shard ran over to the entrance and ran back and everything respawned but since I threw him in before reading the info shard that spawned too. But either way I was struggling with it as well and I randomly thought to throw him in and it worked I’m now sitting at 386 at max with edgrunners perk and 9 levels more to go. So hope this helps you guys.


Thank you. Never tried this glitch and just today decided it was the right moment.

It worked wonderfully: I was at level 60 with only 303 cyberware capacity (including perks), on a save where I had already completed both the main and side quests of both the main game and PL (everything, lol). However, I hadn't killed the psychos which dropped the cyberware capacity shards (the ones you show in this video).

I found a Green shard from a random kill in Dogtown after 20+ hours without dropping any. The drop happened right after updating the game to the 2.02 version, because I was never finding any cyberware capacity shards when I was on 2.01. So they actually DROP, but the rates are either too low, or there's some kind of hidden criteria we don't know enough about.

Anyway, instead of carrying that random corpse, I followed this video and did the glitch on Wisley (Blade) guy. He instantly dropped a green shard + an Orange (legendary) katana, so I could not only upgrade cyberware capacity, but also legendary material by dismantling the katanas.

I saved the game when I reached 401 Cyberware capacity (it was quick too), and when realoading, the bag still had the shard and the katana, so I now have a save where I can reach the cyberware capacity I want to my heart content, but also continue my "not cheated" save from before using the glitch.

This is all to say: thank you so much. Only thing I was still missing was more cyberware capacity to complete my build and to try different iconic cyberware.


It works til this day patch 2.02 I got it 2nd try after reloading save. You don't have to do the time skip part, just check again. Im on Very Hard difficulty and dropped off the body in the trunk of the old car. Its on the left of the building when you exit, drop off the cliff. Took out everything but a kitana and shard, it worked. Also redid and and took out everything but the shard and flashbang grenade.

I tried this on another account and the trunk didn't work. So I took him all the way to The spawn point section and found a car trunk over there, dropped the body and saved. Then put him in the trunk, it worked. I had left nothing but BLACK LACE, GREEN CAPACITY SHARD, & MONEY SHARD. Got all 3 to continue duplicating.


Thank you this was so much more detailed than other videos. I appreciate the help and detailed explanation


Um I was trying out this glitch with the first psycho in your video and was having some trouble getting the cyberware shard to duplicate until I took the shard after i put the npc into the dumpster and than followed your instructions and have duplicated the shard 5 times so far and just to clarify my level at the time when i started was 49(almost 50), my cyberware capacity was 266 including perks, and 4 iconic cyberware installed


I am level 60 with 298 maximum cyberware capacity. None of the mobs you showed drop any shards for me. I have reloaded past saves, done time skipping, everything I can think of and not a single drop from these guys.

I have already finished everything there is to do in Night City except for the Phantom Liberty story. I am currently on "You know my name" in that quest line. I have completed multiple regular story endings and selected 'just one more gig'.


Never knew Wesley Snipes easter egg was in the game


Thank you. Still work
I have one more tip, try to load the save and after killing him, check if there is a katana (or orange weapon, I'm at level 38) then do the glitch. You can dissemble the weapon and get more 5 tier components :D


Just today I found a Shinobi shard and did the glitch, thankfully it worked but the issue is, I'm level 49, cap is 243 and I'm not finding A SINGLE capacity shard. Not a green, not a purple, not a yellow.
They honestly should remove the cap cause capacity shards themselves are hard to find which in return rewards you. Not everyone likes 20 Tech (me)


def still works with 2.02 I got it to work following this guide


Been trying for about 3 or 4 hours; with Edgerunner, I’m sitting at a capacity of 312(262 without ER) at level 60


*reads comments*
*finds purple cyberware shard in Japan town*

*laughs in level 21 tone with a street credit score of 31*


same here NO SHARDS dropping from anyone... and i try it on caracters first level 60 with 270 max cyberware and second level 44 with maxim 250 cyberware and nothing... i think its a fck bug! i try it like 20 times and nothing...


worked first try, thanks so much bro !


I just used Blade to get my cyber-capacity to 400 at level 22.


So now seeing this video but I am already on Level 60 and defeated all those cyber psycho enemies. Are there spots in the open world where NPC enemies drop the shard to do the glitch?


Believe this is patched, at least for capacity shards. I done this glitch 2 weeks ago and the capacity shard spawned on every dog town psycho each time. A week later and I’ve never seen a cap shard on any psycho trying multiple times on each. Cd pj red realised enemies with cap shards and data shards are much easier to get the glitch to work so they removed the possibility for psycho to spawn with cap shards. This is old footage.


Can anyone give me tips on how to get this to work? I haven updated to 2.1 yet. Can't get the bag to respawn the items inside
