Is The World Just an Illusion? Why does it SEEM so Real? Is Life Just A Game? | We Live in Our Minds

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Is Life Just A Game? The reality we perceive is an illusion, and true reality lies beyond space and time. We are all players in a grand simulation, exploring the infinite possibilities of consciousness and evolving into something greater. By surrendering our attachment to what we know and opening ourselves to the unknown, we may be able to glimpse the true nature of the universe and discover a realm of infinite beauty and mystery that lies beyond our wildest dreams.

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#illusion #imagination #lifeisagame
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Since I was a child I always had a feeling this World=Life is not real But only those with the spiritual gift can see beyond the veil


We choose to come here, for the experience. Physical reality is an illusion, however, the experiences we have are real. And they are what we are here for; experiences. No one made us come, no one is punishing us and when you wake up from the illusion of the physical, you have the power to create heaven here. Heaven and hell are states of mind. Thank you, for this wonderful channel and for all the amazing souls sharing their unique beautiful perspective.


" The world you experience is created in your mind." Simple yet POWERFUL!! Whoa!


"Reality is a Stubbornly Persistent Illusion" Albert Einstein


Since I was a little girl I’ve had these experiences. I call them snap shots into reality and enjoy them when they appear at random. Life is just a play, movie. I’ve managed to master holding on to those moments for longer as I’ve aged. I used to ask my friends when I was little “do you ever feel like life is just a movie?” They were so confused. So this… thanks for explaining it.


5:44 The true nature of reality is infinity. ☯️


"The ego is not the master of his house." - Freud


We must ask our self, if the All is mind, the universe is mental, are we a dream within a dream? Is this a holographic existence, or is it truly a dream and we are not the dreamer. How is it, that when we are in a dream, and climb to the top of a cliff in that dream, reach the top, and begin to fall. We jumpand wake and sigh in relief it was just a dream. Yet while dreaming, the rock felt solid, the bug that bit your arm felt real, and the beginning of the fall elevated your respitory system, your pulse elevated, the inner ear triggered the center of gravity was off thus that jolt from the body to correct the off set from center. How is it that our subconscious brain sent false signals to the senses making everything felt real, yet it was just a dream? How is it that this reality is made up of the same configurations as computer coding? Yes, it can be hacked, there is more than what we are being taught, illness is just a thought, and can be self healed no doctors needed.


I am a firm believer that everything around us is created by our perception. I have always known that there is something more to what we perceive, so this video was very interesting to me. I have also been learning a lot about astral projection, which I absolutely 100% believe is possible because I am certain that I have done it before unintentionally. Being able to explore outside of our bodies will also reveal a lot of truths that would normally be hidden away from us. As you said, our minds are very limited, and it is a well known fact that we only use a fraction of our brain power and the rest is inaccessible to us. I just wish I could fully unlock it. Maybe one day we will find a way, but not in my lifetime.


I remember staring into my mirror 🪞 as a child about 9/10 years old and wondering who am I? How did I get here? Even today when I stare into my eyes long enough in the mirror those same questions arrive as if I am leaving my body or something


The comments. Don't we just love all these thinking, very live, Multidimesional Being's!!! ❤️


I am so stoned watching this right now but I also get what he is saying but it’s also making think deeply which is trippy lol


VERY NICE TO listen to THIS VIDEO music 🤗🤗🤗🙏🙏🙏


I still think to this day, why do we work and pay taxes? When at the end of the day we all die at some point and then everything just seems a waste of time


Never underestimate the magnitude of the magic of mother nature.... Miss Maya Matrix... Samsara. 3:05


Amazing work which communicates deep truth, thank you!


Wow this is very challenging for me! I'm working on it! 😊


Yes every thing here, base on energy vibration and frequency we are both the object and the observe at same time I am that I am 👑👑👑💓💓💓✨✨✨🍀🍀🍀🌈🌈🌈🐆🐆🐆


When we die. The world we live vanished actually


wow.... understood ...thx 4 this video.
