Neil deGrasse Tyson: 'We Just Detected THIS Inside A Black Hole & It's TERRIFYING!'

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Neil Degrass Tyson: "We FINALLY See What's Inside A Black Hole!"
scary to think about. The dangers that lurk within the vast expanse of space can be terrifying, and while this applies to the entire concept of space exploration, the one part of it all that has always been intriguing and terrifying at the same time has been black holes. These beasts of power have been the subject of countless researches all across the globe. Scientists have been trying to figure out just what black holes really are, and what lies in them.But all of that changes now. Neil deGrasse Tyson just revealed something huge, "We FINALLY See What's Inside A Black Hole!"and well, all of it might just blow your mind. So join us as we take you on this intergalactic journey and answer one of history’s most-asked questions ever.
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If nobody can see in a black hole because even light can't escape, how can Tyson claim a dark mass was seen in a black hole?


An additional question is this:
Once space-time has been influenced by or altered or deformed by a mass, and that mass that is no longer present to influence or warp space-time, does space-time rebound, much like the trampoline illustration does, when the balls are removed, or does space-time continue to be deformed?


I have one main question that's been bothering me about black holes. We know they have a center. That's something everyone agrees on. And we all know that they in fact rotate "Take a look of the actual pictures of Sag A star and the other black hole that they photographed". They show that one side is brighter then the other due to rotation.
So.. We have a center and we know they rotate. To rotate ANYTHING you have to have a center and an outer surface. If it were a 1 dimensional point it couldn't rotate! So what I'm getting at is that they're are scientists that say we can't know what's on the other side of the point of no return because information doesn't leak back out. I think the fact that we know it rotates shows that information DOES leak out and that black holes may not have a singularity. We might have a dark star inside or more accurately a type of neutron star so massive that you can't see it.


What lies beyond the event horizon of a black hole? Is there an entirely different region of spacetime, or does the black hole simply exist as a singularity with no further structure?


If a worm hole exists inside a black hole, and it portals to another place, than the theory that nothing can escape a black hole is false.


If I had a £1/$1 for every time ‘Black Hole’ is mentioned I could probably pay my last energy bill


I have always believed a black hole is either a worm hole or the creation of a new universe.


If bigger black holes can be denser that a solar mass black hole then the solar mass black hole isn't infinitely dense. So it would have measurable dimensions.


Reality cannot be isolated in space or time. Whatever is real at all times and anywhere in space and beyond space and time can only be defined as being Reality. Hence it is beyond mind, logic and definition.


The hydrogen atom serves as the smallest measure of gravity. Gravity is the force of space trying to fill the vacuum created by matter. As more matter displaces more space gravity grows.


Fractal Gear Field Theory is the leading theory for quantum gravity today

It predicts that the black hole annihilates mass inside its void and transfers the quantum information onto a fractal surface at the event horizon and produces an equivalent gravitational effect which, in that configuration, is fractally similar to the strong nuclear force


Would you take the risk flying in like mathew mcconaughey past the event horizon to see whats on the other side? How would you even tell anyone your findings?


When two black holes merge, does one suck the other into its event horizon and if so, does it swallow it whole or does it pull it apart? (like how we illustrate a black hole sucking up a star via accretion, which, if that’s the case, then things can come out of a black hole when they are sucked out by another black hole)


🕊😬I guess I won't be going to work tomorrow... oh how I miss watching the "wormhole" Neil is so cool


I can't wait for people to discover the truth about reality. 😂 you've no idea how many things you thought meaningless have profound meaning, and what you think to be meaningful and real is almost less real than something imagined.


Inside a black hole lies a region of spacetime where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape.

That's it


I believe black holes are a portals to another universe or galaxy. 🤔🤨


Time travel through a black hole would be could only be one way...
Wouldn't it?
Or a constant back and forth like reincarnation of an universe?
Here we go!


This talk about dark matter makes no sense at all. He says that dark matter is everywhere but that the main difference between regular matter and dark matter is that dark matter doesn't interact with light. So if it's everywhere then even satellites and basically anything else you can imagine should constantly be having collisions with this dark matter. There would be no way to avoid these collisions since it can't be seen. It would be like driving your car and running into walls you cannot see ! Total nonsense


Yeah, right! What about all this time you've been saying no light can escape from a black hole, and now you say you can see in there? Keep your story straight.
