Is Oregon Ready to Blow?! The Three Sisters Bulge.

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The Three Sisters mountain region of central Oregon is uplifting due to volcanic activity. This video contains the latest details and possible future of this ancient volcanic region.
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When Interstate 5 reopened after Mount Saint Helen's massive 1980 eruption, I drove that route to survey the devastation. It resembled a lifeless moonscape — vast areas covered with grey volcanic ash many feet deep. The Toutle River was choked with fallen trees, mud, and debris, almost up to the level of the highway bridge. Incredible! It was also a hassle, stopping every few miles to look at the engine air filter!


I live in Oregon and didn’t know this about Sisters. Thank you for the knowledge.


While its rising make sure to keep a look at crater lake to see if any steam or bubbles are happening. That will be a sure sign of predictive line of volcanic destabilization under that corridor in that area !!!


This is my learn something new every day lesson. Never heard of the 3 Sisters. Now I have. Thank you for such an informative video.


All the cities you showed in your map at the end are built on previous lahar deposits from this volcano, did you know that? Warn everyone between the volcano and Eugene, Oregon, that it could produce lahars that cover that area again.


I lived in Bend for ten years. I went to school in Redmond. This whole area is packed with volcanology. We all knew that at some point, could be 100 years from now, or 500 years from now, one of the volcanoes was going to blow. It will happen. Its really and odds game.
Almost certainly, one of the volcanoes in Central Oregon will blow in the next 500 years. Its when you start looking at the 100 year window that things become more uncertain. Could something blow in the next fifty years? Yep! But the odds are against it.
I was around in 1980. I still remember the sound wave from Mt. St. Helens. It was louder than thunder overhead, and lasted for 30-40 seconds.

Volcanologists say that on average there are 3-4 eruptions in the Cascades every 100 years. We have 1980. We just blew past Lassen Peak last year. So now, we need 3 more eruptions in the next 60 years. Fingers crossed. It would be fascinating to see another eruption in my lifetime, though I pitty anyone living in the shadow of the next eruption.


The collective IQ of this comment section is pushing the mid 70s


It's funny how humans don't have the capacity for real geological time. Mt. St. Helens was just a whisper ago in terms of the age of our planet.


I've lived in Oregon all my life. I've been through more tornados and funnel clouds than volcanic eruptions and earthquakes combined. Yes, I was around for mt. St. Hellens eruption.


Back in the mid 1960 when I was about 5 years old, my family lived in Bend. I do have memories of the place and in later on talking with my siblings and parents, it seems like Bend at that time was just a small town.

But from what I've heard, it has grown and become kind of a an enclave for richer, more cultured, types than the 'lumber' industry families that lived there and the population of the city has exploded. My dad worked cutting trees for sawmills back then and there were about 25, 000 people living in the city, plus a sparse population in the areas outside of the city. There's about 198, 000 people living in the area now. Such a huge increase of people in just my lifetime.

And it now seems, they all could be in danger, of at least a heavy ash fall, or maybe even the waterways flooding like those around Mount St. Helen's did back in the 1980s.
Hopefully the building of pressure in the volcanos will cease soon, but sooner or later, they probably will explode again. And if that happens say in a few more lifetimes, I have to wonder how many people will be living in that area compared to now.


The theatric side of me really wants to see this or another like in in the US go up big time, don't get me wrong I don't wish harm to the US or it's citizen, it's just I know being the US we would get a hell of a lot of amazing footage from it!

Problem is all too often there are people living in the path of these monsters!


So if the sisters blow to the west of the south sister, , , will we need to change the name to three sisters and a baby ???


Not to worry, the Governor will have a vaccine for this.


I watched a video of a volcano in colorado a couple of months ago. DO you think or wonder if that volcano could ever go off with all of these volcanos exploding


There's a prophesy from Nostradomus about three volcanos erupting. Seems like he was referring to these three if you ask me, meaning the three sisters are gunna blow, my friends.


I work out of a wildfire base less than 20 miles from 3 Sisters. Looks like I may get a chance to fight a volcano soon!!!


I lived in Chiloquin as a kid for 7 years. Population at the time was around 700. My parents opened a Video store there. First n only 1 within many miles. We would regularly drive to Bend, Medford and Klamath falls picking up new releases and dropping off the old. I daw these mountains all the time. Oregon is a beautiful place for sure


It’s rhyolite lava rising it’s going to be a huge eruption whenever it finally erupts.


Um, Oregon already blows, look at Portland for clues.


Random suggestion from Google, glad I watched. Well done
