My 11 week missed miscarriage and D&C experience

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I talk about my recent pregnancy and experience with missed miscarriage and a dilation and curettage procedure at 11 weeks gestation. I found the video therapeutic to make. Talking about miscarriage is still sort of taboo so I feel uncomfortable posting this but at the same time I know I watched tons of these this year and I know someone, in the TTC community or otherwise, will find it helpful.
******UPDATE: We received some of the genetic testing results two days after posting this video. The lab culture growth failed which happens in about 15% of attempts. My doctor said the length of time the fetus has been gone can affect the success of this type of testing. Since the fetus had stopped growing 3 weeks prior to the D&C it makes sense that the culture was not successful.
FISH results came back and the fetus was FEMALE and she had TURNER SYNDROME. In the realm of bad things, this was the best case scenario so we are pleased with the results. Because although she had a chromosomal issue, the cause of her demise was not because of something we did, or a deficiency anywhere in us, or anything to do with our reproductive systems. There is nothing for us to treat in ourselves or that is preventing us from having another healthy pregnancy. It was just luck of the draw and ultimately would have been a TFMR for us anyway, which would have been even more heartbreaking to do when finding out about it later. It also makes sense now why the SneakPeek test came back inconclusive twice…because it tests for chromosomes. According to the document my doctor sent me, 18.9% of the cells that were tested were missing the other X chromosome.
#ttc #tryingtoconceive #miscarriage #medical #pregnancyloss
******UPDATE: We received some of the genetic testing results two days after posting this video. The lab culture growth failed which happens in about 15% of attempts. My doctor said the length of time the fetus has been gone can affect the success of this type of testing. Since the fetus had stopped growing 3 weeks prior to the D&C it makes sense that the culture was not successful.
FISH results came back and the fetus was FEMALE and she had TURNER SYNDROME. In the realm of bad things, this was the best case scenario so we are pleased with the results. Because although she had a chromosomal issue, the cause of her demise was not because of something we did, or a deficiency anywhere in us, or anything to do with our reproductive systems. There is nothing for us to treat in ourselves or that is preventing us from having another healthy pregnancy. It was just luck of the draw and ultimately would have been a TFMR for us anyway, which would have been even more heartbreaking to do when finding out about it later. It also makes sense now why the SneakPeek test came back inconclusive twice…because it tests for chromosomes. According to the document my doctor sent me, 18.9% of the cells that were tested were missing the other X chromosome.
#ttc #tryingtoconceive #miscarriage #medical #pregnancyloss