My 11 week missed miscarriage and D&C experience

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I talk about my recent pregnancy and experience with missed miscarriage and a dilation and curettage procedure at 11 weeks gestation. I found the video therapeutic to make. Talking about miscarriage is still sort of taboo so I feel uncomfortable posting this but at the same time I know I watched tons of these this year and I know someone, in the TTC community or otherwise, will find it helpful.

******UPDATE: We received some of the genetic testing results two days after posting this video. The lab culture growth failed which happens in about 15% of attempts. My doctor said the length of time the fetus has been gone can affect the success of this type of testing. Since the fetus had stopped growing 3 weeks prior to the D&C it makes sense that the culture was not successful.

FISH results came back and the fetus was FEMALE and she had TURNER SYNDROME. In the realm of bad things, this was the best case scenario so we are pleased with the results. Because although she had a chromosomal issue, the cause of her demise was not because of something we did, or a deficiency anywhere in us, or anything to do with our reproductive systems. There is nothing for us to treat in ourselves or that is preventing us from having another healthy pregnancy. It was just luck of the draw and ultimately would have been a TFMR for us anyway, which would have been even more heartbreaking to do when finding out about it later. It also makes sense now why the SneakPeek test came back inconclusive twice…because it tests for chromosomes. According to the document my doctor sent me, 18.9% of the cells that were tested were missing the other X chromosome.

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I just got home from my D&C and suction. I wish I would have seen this before. I was 10 weeks when I found out and 11 weeks when the baby passed. Everything you’re expressing is how I felt and continue to feel. I passed my baby this past Monday the 4th. And it was so painful worse than when I had my baby naturally. I was shaking uncontrollably. My husband drove me to the ER and they triaged me this happened at 11 pm Sunday evening. Thankfully my mom was able to watch my 18 month old son. I hemorrhaged throughout the night. The ordeal at the hospital is a different story. Awful to say the least. Left to my own self without guidance and was helped to change once. No water was offered and so I asked for water. Anyway it was awful. So I was released Monday late afternoon after passing my baby. And then I was told I was scheduled for a D&C at another hospital. Which happened today. I explained to my doctor what I went through at the other hospital and was hoping he could gather my results and pathology testing. I was told not to carry my son since he’s over 10 lbs. I’m hoping I don’t get another hemorrhage as I’ve already lost so much blood and don’t want to go through blood transfusion but if it’s needed it’s needed. The healthcare system here in the US is terrible. If I get pregnant again I plan to go out of town unfortunately I can’t go out of the country to try and see a doctor out of here because the only two hospitals here aren’t the greatest, one of them closed their maternity ward and pediatrics that should say a lot. In my case I regret telling family and friends because I thought I will have this baby specially after having a full term baby. I feeel scarred and traumatized and I’m scared to try again. If we end up trying I will not say anything. I’m afraid of going through the whole pain all over again I was in so so much pain not like when I was in labor not like when I gave birth and tore. So so so much worse. My baby should have been born March 2024. I pray you have a successful pregnancy shall you try again. I wish you the very best to you and your family.


I had no idea how traumatic that whole experience was. But I'm so proud of you for sharing your experience and being so honest and vulnerable. ❤️❤️


Missed miscarriage is such a mind fuck to me. Im going through it right now. I still had all my symptoms but the fetus has been dead a month or more. I have a d&c Monday. Thank you for sharing your story and I'm sorry you had to go through this.


Thank you for Sharing... im going through the same right you for your honesty and being so open, you will never know how much this helps others going through the same issuez. God bless u and pray u NEVER experience this type of loss ever again...


Thank you for making this video so openly and honestly. I’m just on 12 weeks and today found out that baby stopped growing at 6 but everything else including placenta, hcg, gestational sac etc continued as normal. I think d&c will be necessary this week as I also have a little one at home with me too. Thank you again so much for taking the time and recounting some very hard memories and experiences, it can’t have been easy to go through it all again xx wishing you all the best in the rest of your recovery and future pregnancy ❤🌈✨


Ended up here because I was looking for support and hope as I just had a D&C Friday. This would have been our first baby and we had been trying for only a year but had been married for 5 and had been anticipating this. So unfair to have had the excitement stripped from you just like that. Our story is very similar as I had a mmc at 11 weeks and just 3 weeks prior my husband and I heard a strong heart beat. I had no signs and thought I was having a healthy pregnancy. Came in for a routine nuccal ultrasound at 11 weeks and nothing prepared me for that time when I saw an empty sac with no heart beat and no movement. It crushed me to my core and when I felt cramping the next day, I called the OB line at the hospital in distress begging to be taken in as soon as possible for the D&C bc I did not want to see the tissues pass at home. I’m now 5 days out, still feel mild cramping and my body still feels the fetal hormones (sore boobs, bloated, stomach issues). It’s like mind fuck like one of the comments said. I’m still crying off and on and have started seeing a therapist that specializes in miscarriage. It sucks. I’m trying my best to be hopeful and really hope that one day we’ll get to hold our healthy rainbow baby. This loss, this baby will forever hold a special place in my heart and I’m going to honor it. We also did genetic testing and waiting for those results for closure.

Can I ask what your test showed? And how was the experience of finding out was for you? I’m afraid going in and discussing it may bring back emotions of despair and at that point it would’ve been a month out and I’m hoping I’d be better by then.


This video is helping me heal and prep for what’s to come


I am so sorry for your loss. I have also had a missed miscarriage at 9 weeks. Baby stopped growing around 8 weeks and I went with the D&c procedure. I am now on my period and I’m on day 12 still bleeding. Very hopeful for my next cycle that I get pregnant but I completely understand about not getting excited u til the baby is in your arms. Such a sad thing to do because I want to enjoy my pregnancy. 😢


Thank you for sharing. I just had my D&C last week at 11 weeks. Never ever expected it to be me. My baby stopped growing at 9 weeks and a few days. I saw the heartbeat at 7 weeks and had no symptoms of anything being wrong until I was in my ultrasound and the tech couldn't find the words to say what I ended up saying, "you don't see a heartbeat do you?"


Oh God! I feel ya! 😢 I realize we both are same people from different worlds i guess. Had first baby healthy, o- blood group, early miscarriages, and boom 11week miscarriage! 😢


Thank you for posting this. I am going through this exact thing right now..


Thank you for sharing your story ❤In October I had a spontaneous miscarriage at 14 weeks, that was a terrible and indeed very painfull and bloody experience. Sadly this week I heard at my 11 week ultrasound that this pregnancy is also a missed abortion. The little on stopped growing in the 8th week. Now I'm trying to do it the natural way again, though my body doesn't notice the dead embryo yet. It really is an experience that you don't want the most horrible people on earth to have.
I sympathize with all the ladies (and couples) who have to go through this.


I’ve also been through a miscarriage followed by an D&C /: tough stuff, painful in so many ways. Thanks for sharing your story! Good luck on your pregnancy journey


Thank you for sharing your story and experience--thinking of you and your family as we get close to the holidays.


Thank you for this video. I am just going through this at week 8. This is my 4th pregnancy. 3 miscarriages and 1 ectopic.


Thank you for your video. It was very informative and helpful.


I have o- blood as well and it’s been a struggle to have another successful pregnancy. My daughter was born after two miscarriages and now I’m possibly on my 3rd miscarriage. The last one was a missed miscarriage and that was terrible especially when we had a decent first ultrasound. This time around we’ve seen a couple yolk sacs. It’s frustrating.


I had a d and c last week so hard now developed hemorrhoids im in so much pain both physical and emotional 😢


We are literally the same…. I’m 28, multiple miscarriages, negative blood type, I’ve had a c section, etc. so crazy!
And going in for d&c monday. So scared.


Thank you for sharing. I just had an in-office D&C procedure 2 days ago. I was awake & nitrous mask which made me dizzy & sick and several shots of medicine to my cervix. This was beyond physically for me...worst than natural birth. My body was trembling and shaking uncontrollably & the I had a reaction to one kf the medicines that made my heart race so badly and pend so hard I kept asking the doctor is I was gonna die. So whole shaking & my heart feeling like it was gonna explode...she told me that it would pass and to continue to breath. After it was heart went back to normal, the medicine wore off, and the staff sat with me until I was back to nornal and bale to drive home. I lost my baby at 6 weeks & 3 days. I have a question, I I couldn't know my doctor told me I could bleed up to two weeks. May I ask when your uterus felt back to normal? I feel like my insides have been gutted and I feel terrible internally. So I was just wondering I know everyone is different, when you were able to feel like you are one hundred percent physically normal again. Because my uterus and my cervix hurts. Thank you for sharing
