Is Monster Hunter World Iceborne HARD...

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As I reflect on my experience in Monster Hunter World Iceborne I can't help but wonder how it went for everyone else. Comment your experience below.

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The learning curve is huge on this game, this was my first MH game. I had a feeling it’d become super fun when I got the hang of it so I decided to stick with it 💪🏾


This is definitely one of the greatest games I've played; literally thousands of hours in it. Stopped a number of months ago as I realized all the games I purchased that never played because of MHW. I remember Nergi at the beginning was a nightmare. At the end, loved the fight. Just so much content for the money.


Decoration farming is where most of my hours were put. I will not stop until I can finally get that second Expert 4+. Also grinding for every piece of layered armour has given me a lot of purpose and drive to keep playing.


I wouldn’t say it’s hard it’s more of slow steady progression that eventually has you fighting the strongest monsters with ease. Mastering your craft is satisfying experience.


1800hrs into this game. One of the best games I've played.


End game base world was hard, ancient leshen, extreme behemoth (never beaten him), all arch tempered (fu** kushala AT, and OMG Nergigante AT), so Iceborn was hard, sure, but easier, a confy difficulty.


To new players who want to play world don't use the defender armor set because that set's purpose is to quickly get you to iceborne so don't use it if you want to take your time in base world and don't want to rush.Secondly take a moment to go to the training room and try out different weapons that feel right to you.Good luck to anyone who's trying out world and happy hunting!


World was also my first experience into Monster Hunter, my friend intro me to it. I was such a noob in this series and found it difficult at first but because there are so many passionate players who helped me out im now a huge fan of this game and still playing it as we speak and recently defeated Fatalis for the first time :)


World is my first Monster Hunter and it (plus the Iceborne expansion) has become my favorite game all of time. Went through Bow, HH, GS, and CB. I didn't start playing online until I had unlocked Ruiner in the Guiding Lands. Also went on to solo all the extra monsters too (i.e. Furious Rajang, Raging Brachy, Alatreon, Fatalis) before attempting to fight them online.


Endgame of base world made you a better player. Extremoth, AT elders, and having less skills available to you made you work on your stick skill.


I think the early game of iceborne was a bit hard when I first went into it. Since the gear you have is no longer top of the tops and not only did you deal less damage .. you took A LOT more. It made me go back to the basics and run a expedition to get ore and bones to craft the early MR armor and weapons which made things go much, much smoother. Then there was learning the whole clutch claw mechanics <.>.

I think a good tip for getting into iceborne is to not rush the base game and take the time to learn the mechanics... without the guardian armor carry. Especially now since we get all of the iceborne goodies in the base game. Testing out all of the weapons in the training area before you go on your first hunt also helps since you get to learn the combos and how the weight of the weapon feels.


My first game was MH3U and what hooked me is the grinding/gameplay. Though I wish it explained more like World did


As others have mentioned there’s definitely a decent size learning curve but that challenge of learning 1 or multiple styles of playing, customization, fashion, trophy hunting, lore, etc. is just amazing to me.

MH vet. Played since 2006 w/ MH2 & then most the series releases afterwards. I’m a sucker for knights, armor & Wyverns/dragons. It’s why DS, MH & Armor Core are my fav games ever to release.


Maybe its not hard, but Mh rise was so easy that it tricks you into thinking that Mh world gives you more challenge than it does


the tip i always give new players is to try to capture everything they fight for a good while


I've tried others but World is the one that hooked me in!


Tips for beginning MH
1: Try out each weapon until you find the one the gells well. (Theres the training area in world so try that)
2: Get a MH friend. Most MH players are already intunned with whats what. If you've got a questions theres always someone to answer, especially in the MH community since its so nice to see newcomers and aways happy to help out.
3. If a monsters tough, take a step back and think it through (maybe get better equipment for the job).
4. Have fun. Its what you're here for after all.


It's hard for the people who starts with it, but it's actually really easy compared to the other games of the franchise


honestly I didn't began having fun until I found the right weapon, most weapons keep you grounded so for that reason I chose the IG for its movement and the Kinsect . My tip will be choose your weapon learned its weakness and strengths after that everything else falls into place.


MHW was my first MH and even after 100 hours i had no idea, what i was actually doing. So basegame was hard af to me (soloed dark souls trilogy before), because of all the mechanics and the depths of the gameplay. In Iceborne MR monsters were technically harder (faster moveset, more hp, etc) but, aside from the tedious tenderizing, didn't feel that hard to me - until Alatreon, Fatalis and AT Velk appeared. But that's after a thousand hours and at the end of the learning curve.

To sum it up: hardest part in MH is getting started and the most difficult MH will therefore always be the first MH you play
