Thursday 9.26.2024 The Narrow Path with Steve Gregg LIVE!

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CALLS: 3:05 "Repentance" vs "Remorse" (Guilt): Could you clarify the difference between "remorse" and "repentance" as in the story of Judas?
8:51 "Hope" vs "Faith": Could you expand on the difference between "hope" and "faith"? [Ephesians 4:3-6, 1 John 3:2-3, Romans 8:24, Romans 10:17].
14:38 Definitions of Words (Bible Study): Can you recommend a book for helping us to define the meanings of words? Rec: Vine's Expository Dictionary and Lexicons.
Defining Common Terms in the Bible: Can you help me with definitions-"Pharisees," "Sadducees," "Talmud," "Jews (Judaism)," and "Khazarian" Jews? [Matthew 15, Mark 7].
23:15 The Name of God: What do you think about someone saying that our names for God and Jesus are pagan Celtic demon names?
28:41 Women in Ministry as Pastors or Elders: Could you talk about women pastors and elders? [1 Timothy 2:11-15, 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, Luke 1:38, Matthew 16:24, Luke 9:23].
36:51 Tithing Requirement & Consequences: Is tithing required today? Can failing to tithe bring curses to our lives? Rec: Topical articles "Is Tithing for Christians?"
42:09 Pontius Pilate's Outcome: Was Pontius Pilate unable to repent and therefore condemned?
Marks on Christ's Resurrected Body: Did Jesus have the marks from the crucifixion on His body after He resurrected? [John 20:27].
Effeminate Non-Homosexual Men: Why does God allow men to look and sound effeminate and be mistaken for being homosexual when they are not?
46:35 Women Ministers in the Bible: Were not women celebrated in scripture as good servants (deacons and elders) in the church? [Romans 16:1, Acts 20:28, 1 Peter 5:1-4, Titus 2:4-6].
52:29 Lost Sheep of Israel (the Jews): Why would Jesus minister to the "Lost Sheep of Israel" (Jews) when they were the ones that killed Him? [Matthew 10:5].
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