Why Game Developers NEVER Listen!

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In this video we are talking about why game developers never listen. I don't think it's because they don't want to but more because they can't due to the higher ups being controlling and only looking for the money. Let me know your thoughts in the comments :D

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Born 2 Game | Bill | xBillTheGamer
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I really don't think devs have any choice, they just have to do what they're told and that's why loads of AAA games suck


I think you are right but as far as solutions go, the important part, there is only one. We, the consumers, HAVE to stop giving them our money!!! It will not change until that happens!


Yeah i agree, i think our only hope now is for devs to find better ways to develop indie games more efficiently, i believe we will witness that improvement in game development eventually


Game Devs should listen. I was a alpha tester for Wildstar. It had huge potential, but also had some major flaws. I posted the problems in the alpha forems whidh stated a many page discussion. Long story short they did not listen and the game failed. Listen up Devs...when someone points out serious problems with you game and gets several pages agreeing it's time to make some changes!


The game devs can’t listen, and the reason we continue getting garbage is because people are still stupid enough to buy into the garbage

If you want a better game, quit paying into the bad ones


EA took it a step head in making sure the titanfall franchise never actually comes back, years of hacker ruining the servers and they pretty much made respawn entertainment spit on the community with the whole "dna" quote.

The titanfall community just said fuck it and made their own servers, because EA and respawn neglected the game so much but when apex has any trouble it gets fixed immediately.

To even make matters worse both games are unplayable on console going on 3 years now.


In the end its publishers and consumers fault to almost equal parts. EA & co can force devs to bow down to their decrees but supply and demand could regulate it and stop publishers go beserk on old franchises. If we would stop buying this bad products they wouldn't listen but they would be forced to move more in the consumers demand direction.
The solution: stop buying all AAA games and wait for some years. You'll see it will change.
...but that would never happen because consumers gotta consume and would pay for namesmor than content.


the problem with these big company's they want to release everything live service so they can release a game with bare features like 2042 and fix it after all the mugs have bought it . so there models release stuff with as little work done as possible. just look at the definitive trilogy of gta they should have been done to a high standard instead they release the crappy mobile ports with the least work done as possible so it's done on cheap to maximise profits. this is why everybody should stop pre ordering as the studios see we got millions of sales in pre orders and just chuck games out broken.


Looking forward to seeing what comes from Embark studio in the coming years.


Did you do a private interview with a developer we don't know about? I watched enough of your vids to know where you are going and coming from. Gaming industry is about to hit a brick wall I can feel it


Titanfall 1 was good, but had no offline campaign. And then Titanfall 2 was the definition of listening to the community. Now Apex is just some cartoon ripoff


Developers should not listen players. For two reasons. 1st - If you Kojima or Levin. You know better what you are doing than some player. You can amaze ppl. 2nd - Players often no clue how games are maded. They dont understand process. So players cant say to developers do that ot that.

Ofcourse developers should care about audience. I remember story about Rising storm 2 Vietnam. Some player wrote to developers that he cant take off on heli in one part of the map because one tree. That tree cant be a cover for infantry - this tree is dont needed at all. All this stupid tree do - annoyis pilots. And developers deleted this tree. Developers dont should listen players. They should CARE about players.


The answer to that question is simple. Because fools will buy the product anyway.


Look at the skins for battlefield 2042 they are disgusting


It’s hard to vote with your wallet in this current era of gaming. Big companies rarely listen cuz their cosmetics drive a lot of players to grind for a certain look and not to get better at the game. Take Apex for example, many people will just play like rats cuz they can’t compete to earn the rank emblems and rewards, so to earn more BP progress they will just pick their favorite building and just sit and wait.The cosmetics may not have a gameplay advantage but their engineered to give that false sense of accomplishment because you can flex on all the “broke” players who don’t buy the pass.


The devs do. It's the middle managers who don't listen.


Straight up, Apex Legends is the best BR currently available and I believe its the best competitive FPS I have ever played. Its the only game I have ever invested 800 hours into. Apex is NOT perfect but its damn close. As a fan of the Titanfall story/games I would not be surprised if we never get another titanfall game because of how good apex is doing but I would be doing backflips off the roof of my house if we did.


Glad I see you playing Apex. We have similar tastes in gaming.
