Devourer of gods (Dog) [Terraria][Calamity][Revengeance][Master][Melee]

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In Terraria (v1.4.3.6), when playing the Calamity Mod (v2.0.2.003) using tModLoader, the Devourer of gods (also known as, Dog) is the final worm boss and a HUGE challenge. (I find him far more difficult than any other boss in the Calamity mod.) However, he cannot be avoided, because he drops Cosmilite bars, which are key to the next level armor and weapons, and he unlocks the next tier of several events, which also unlocks more accessories, armor, and weapons, which are all essential for realistically challenging the next boss, Yharon. Plus, he has the best soundtrack, which has been steadily climaxing to this turning point in the game, pivoting from despair to hope! (Thanks, DM DOKURO!!!)

I find him so difficult that at Revengence plus Master mode, he is the only boss that requires me to use the Nurse mid-battle to recover from near fatal mistakes, as well as teleporters to escape some "terminal" maneuvers. I also must pause periodically and check the amount of time left on the 20-second "normality relocator" timer (which is essential for getting out of tight spots) and remaining potion durations. (The 4-minute potions must be consumed twice over the course of the long battle, maybe more if a more defensive loadout is chosen, reducing DPS, and increasing battle time.)

Uniquely for Dog, I clear a large area (using the Drill Containment Unit and Grax ) and prepare a super long 4-5 level wooden platform arena with sunflowers, heart lanterns, campfires, bast statues, and all the Drunk Princess candles, placed exactly every 170 blocks (340 ft) horizontally and 125 blocks (250 ft) vertically on the top and bottom levels of the arena. (The dirt blocks for the sunflowers can be too much of an unnoticed obstacle, if placed in the middle, so they are placed at the upper and lower edges of my arena, 125 blocks apart.)

Dog is immune to almost all debuffs, so all available potions slots should be focused on increased damage, mobility, defense, and regen.

I also use the "map overlay" view to attack the head and tail, when they are off screen, and to increase time to dodge.

Shields (like Asgard's Valor) are critical to dash sideways, out of his mouth. The dashes also provide immunity frames, which will ignore some contact damage. However, if you dash too soon, he'll simply adjust and follow you. You must time the dashes perfectly to avoid being a "delicious" snack.

The laser walls take practice to navigate. The Witch's Broom can help as a very accurately controlled mount, but I prefer to continue dashing, hopping just a little if needed. Teleportation can also be used, but if you hang around your nurse too long, Dog will quickly teleport and dash into both of you. Bye, Kaitlin! We knew thee well.

Armor & Accessories (Balanced toward Offense):

* Bloodflare Ram Mask (Melee)
* Bloodflare Body Armor
* Bloodflare Cuisses

* Menacing Fire Gauntlet
* Menacing Celestial Shell (maximal benefit at night)
* Menacing Amalgamated Brain (Critical for dodging some hits)
* Menacing Deific Amulet (for increased immunity and faster heal potions)
* Menacing Asgard's Valor (Critical for dashing out of mouth - but not too soon!)
* Menacing Bloodflare Core
* Menacing Seraph Traces (provides wings and boots)

Honorable Mention:

* Menacing Reaper Tooth Necklace (Offense)
* Menacing Yharim's Insignia (Offense)
* Menacing Destroyer Emblem (Offense)
* Menacing Void of Extinction (Offense)
* Menacing Community (Overall stat Improvements)
* Menacing Bloody Worm Scarf (Some offense and defense)
* Menacing Absorber (Defense)
* Menacing Astral Arcanum (Defense and Debuff Reduction)
* Menacing The Transformer (Defense, reduce projectile damage)
* Menacing Flesh Totem (Defense, reduce contact damage)

Weapon & Potions:

* Legendary Terror Sword (from Polterghast; peaking at 23,500 DPS on good shots down the throat without Adrenaline or Rage)

* Bloodfin (better than Supreme Healing Potions)
* Bacon (or any Major Improvements food)
* Fabsol's Vodka (needed to receive Princess Spirit in a Bottle, Alicorn, as a drop)
* Regeneration Potion
* Swiftness Potion
* Ironskin Potion
* Heartreach Potion
* Lifeforce Potion
* Endurance Potion (x2)
* Rage Potion (x2)
* Wrath Potion (x2)

The Drunk Princess' candles, Sunflowers, heart lanterns, cake, and sharpening station can all provide arena buffs too, while a heart statue on a 1-second timer can provided some much needed relief. A Bast statue can provide extra defense too.

For more details on this boss, please see:

Рекомендации по теме

for anyone wondering you can't get seraph tracers due to the recipe for elysian tracers ( a ingredient for seraph tracers) requires cosmolite bars which you get from dog so just stick with celestial tracers.
