Import bank statement from Excel to Tally | Excel to Tally import utility

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एक्सेल से टैली के लिए बैंक स्टेटमेंट इम्पोर्ट कैसे करें.
Learn how to auto import bank statement from Excel to Tally ERP.
Import bulk bank statements transactions with cheque number, instrument number, data of cheque, bank reconciliation date, and more fields.

Process for import bank statement from Excel to Tally ERP 9 -
- Enable ODBC port in Tally application.
- Open one Tally application & open only one company.
- In XLTOOL software ​fill-up the data in BankSt template.
- Open MY MENU by F1 Key.
- click START button.
- Data will be imported in Tally.

List of compatible Tally version - Tally 7.2, Tally 8.1, Tally 9, Tally ERP 9, Tally ERP, Tally Prime

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sir i want to excel to tally software file
