Bolt grade explained

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Bolt head markings what do they mean? how to identify bolt grade? Determining bolt grade and head marking.
In this video you will know about bolt grades or fastener grade of metric fasteners and how to identify bolt strength by bolt grade.
What does the bolt grade mean?

following questions are answered in this video.
bot grade explained.
what is bolt marking meaning.
What is the meaning of bolt grade or fastener. grade of metric fasteners.
Bolt head marking we have seen on the bolt head but what they mean.
Metric bolt head stamps .
what is the strongest bolt grade.
what is the meaning of bolt grade.
what is the meaning of bolt head marking.
what is bolt property class.
what is the property class of fasteners.
Is a 10.9 Bolt stronger than Grade 8?
Are Grade 8 bolts the strongest.
Is a Grade 5 bolt stronger than a Grade 8.
What is the difference between a 10.9 and 12.9 bolt.
what is bolt grade.
bolt grade 8.8 meaning.
Bolt Head Markings and What is the meaning of bolt head markings.
Fasteners Bolt Grades Strength & Materials

What is the strongest bolt grade

different grades of bolts?

grades of bolt strength.

how to calculate bolt strength.

how to calculate bolt proof strength.

how to calculate tensile strength of bolt.

Property Class is a designation system which is used to defines the strength of metric fasteners i.e Bolts nuts as per ISO898- part 1. The metric fasteners are designated by a symbol comprised of 2 numbers, separated by a decimal. For example 4.6 and 8.8. The property class is normally stamped on the head of the bolt.
The first digit of bolt grade represents (1/100) th part of the nominal tensile strength or proof load stress in mega pascals. For example, a bolt with property class 4.6 have nominal tensile strength equal to 4 x 100 = 400 MPa.

👉if you want information on bolt proof strength -proof load and offset yield strength watch this-
👉if you want information on pump net positive suction head and pump cavitation watch this
#boltgrade #bolt #fasteners #grade
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Stay alive, very high, very good


Hi there, may I know what's the different between Grade A, B as specified in ISO 4014 & Grade C specified in ISO 4016.
How do we justify when compare to Bolt Class 4.6, 4.8, 5.6, 5.8, 6.8, 8.8, 10.9?
Can I say that ISO 4014 only cover up to Bolt Class 5.8?
6.8, 8.8 will be under ISO 4016?
And how about 10.9?


A SAE (Standard) bolts thread is measured by the distance between the threads not how many per inch?


Are there grade for nuts and not for bolts?


Please explain about its material can be use and it's properties


Thank you, so the equation of 24 is 12... of spannar or wrench.
the biggest bolt is 24 diameter (nut), commonly nuts and screws are use 12.


The grade of a bolt says what the yield strength the bolt has. true or false?


It's come in which subject please tell me. 12.9 bolt yeild strength is 900 as per your video but isro exam take ans is 1080 so i want to proof for rise objections. Pls


This is only ISO standard. Plz explain SAE and ANSI standard


Tensile stress = proof load

Yield strength < Prof load

Please explain relation between yield strength and proof load


1 MPA = 10Bars
400MPA = 4000Bars
240MPA = 2400Bars


maybe just old ears but even pausing regularly the voice over was not easily understood- I'd like to hear another voice narrating- maybe a human one?
