How One Company Destroyed An Entire Country

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Tencent is a business that has been in trouble around the world for their companies technology concerns. Is the business of Tencent bad and if so what will happen to Tencent in the future?
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Tencent is basically everything wrong with modern day companies summed up into one entity


The level of influence these organizations have im businesses from countries they seek to harm is alarming.


People don't understand the dangers of today's technology. The knowledge you gain is priceless but you also have to understand the ease of which you give up your information which may not seem like much, but to the right people is also priceless.


It's hilarious that the same people who called Trump crazy for wanting to ban TikTok now see why the app is such a problem


Western companies can't operate in China, but China's shell companies are okay in the west. I remember seeing a video about China buying lands in America very close to the air base. How does that happen? Corporate greed? Disadvantages of a free market?


Yup, I read that user agreement on tiktok and it blew my mind... The fact that they clearly state that the app will continuously track all your information, which lots of apps do, but here's the crazy part. It still continues to even after the app is removed from the phone!... That's absolutely ridiculous, people better start reading these tos.


Keep in mind that alot of western governments want the same surveillance state that China has. Be it Canada, NZ, AUstralia, Germany, UK.


The first time Tencent has been brought to my attention was when Klei Entertainment (Developers of Don't Starve and Oxygen Not Included) was pretty much bought by Tencent ("Majority stake" atleast), the main thing that made me absolute shocked was that you can only play multiplayer (on Don't Starve Together) if you have data collection ON, apparently it's just statistics, I doubt it's only that though.


I vaguely knew about Tencent owning bits of Discord and Reddit, but Roblox could be the most catastrophic, since kids are the most impressionnable, and the most likely to give in all information, etc


I remember back when I was playing a game called Warframe, a pretty successful but not much known game around the gaming community. One day the entire player base was shocked when the announcement of Tencent buying the entire creation company and game came through. And as it turned out, that was it, they never got involved in the game's progress and development at all, they literally just bought it so they can own it due to the increase in recent popularity


It's sad that Tencent basically controls most of video games industries, what's even more sad is that incompetent Sony, PlayStation fanboys and the regulators would rather have beef with Microsoft and it's acquisition of Activision-Blizzard than the biggest hidden threat which is Tencent.🤦‍♂


These British commentary youtubers are really killing it. How do these guys crank out so many videos so fricking fast?


Damn. Cold War 2.0. Seems accurate. Still proud to not have TikTok or any of the other apps you mentioned.
Thanks for sharing Moon, hope you’re doing alright with all the shit you have to go through to provide us these vids. Can do a number on you so I hope you’re taking care ✌️


What makes all this so much more frustrating is just how many Gen Z's either don't know or don't care about the suffering going on in China. I've snapped down hard on my nieces when they went begging their mom for TikTok but no matter what I told them, they really didn't show concern. I work in a Midwest factory setting so you'd think there'd be some level of patriotism with all my coworkers' talks of guns and freedom, but no. They all have TikTok and can't be swayed to consider the threat of the CCP, with the notable exception of a few. Western society doesn't take anything seriously anymore. I've got a wife and two kids and I wonder, if time goes on, what will the international stage look like in twenty years.

I can't do much as a single individual with the responsibility to my family that I have. That's another difficulty. But I'm going to be releasing a free book on Amazon in the very near future as a way giving pushback against the filth western culture promotes instead of wholesome values. That doesn't answer China, at least not directly, but if I can give a contrary view to combat the nihilism of the culture today, I have an obligation to. Even if only one person ever reads it and is encouraged, I see it as a victory.

All in all, praying for the folks in China and abroad every day. Western culture has become a load of apathy and immoral rot with no thought of the future. No thought of its impending doom.

Thank you for this upload and everything you do, Mister Moon. 🌚


Makes much more sense on why Epic Games was offering a free game every month. It's a great marketing strategy that got many (including me) to install their app on our computers


I just went down a rabbit hole researching exactly what and how much Tencent owns or is invested in. Simply put; if you play videogames, you're funding Tencent. They hold anywhere from 5% on the low end to outright owning Funcom, Riot Games, Sumo, Turtle Rock, Digital Extremes and Splash Damage. That's just games. They have their fingers in so much more.

It warms me to see the Chinese people rise up against their corrupt government. That being said, I now feel a lot of pressure to really pay attention to what I buy. For all that it's time consuming, I see it as absolutely necessary. Eff the CCP and Fuq Tencent.


I thought I was safe, thinking I didn’t use any apps under Tencents influence besides Snapchat, then I saw Supercell😢 no wonder I’m hopelessly addicted to clash


I remember years ago when finishing university about other students praising Tencent as a "company that just want to see you flourish by helping you financially", they called me conspiracy theorist, racist and right wing extremist and continue to do so while still addicted to cringe Tik Tok videos, the perfect consumers.


As a Chinese, I sincerely despise Tencent. They have censored so many things and ruined the Chinese Internet. Everything on Chinese media is Tencent, they even control everyone's bank accounts.
