If the Avengers Held Open Tryouts

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The Heroes that never made it to the big screen 😢

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Props to anyone who stayed for the after credits 😂


“What’s your super power?”

“Is this just done off of powers? Because I’ve done martial arts since I was a child and mastered many different fighting styles.” “I’ve also learned 15 languages and have extensively trained with weapons of all types!”

“Wow, so what’s your super power then?”

“I’m a pathological liar.”


Love how Stark got angry at the iPhone employee the most😂


Okay, so the guy who could see 24 hours into the past, he didn't say that it was his own past. That sounds like a useful superpower to me. Probably not useful enough to actively fight crime, but good enough to keep him in some sort of reserves for gathering information.


Plot twist: The guy who thought it was a McDonalds interview can fly at supersonic speeds


The guy from McDonald's is back. And is ready to speak about the Avenger's history.


Heres the kicker: its just the same fuy coming back dressed in different clothing. His true power, is invincability. He was just trying to see how long it would take them to notice...

Except that guy from apple care. He knew what he did


Honestly, controlling a single blade of grass could be pretty op. He could be like poison ivy where he could turn that one blade of grass into basically a giant kraken tentacle. Teleporting only to where he was previously standing could be pretty good too. Not for travelling long distances( unless he can teleport to a place he was previously standing a week ago.) But for some pretty badass tactical fight scenes where he dodges by teleporting to the last place he was standing.


being able to see 24 hours into the past is actually pretty good


The one person literally could have switched a glove he was wearing with The Infinity Gauntlet. Though, he lived under such a rock void of any television, newspapers, or human contact he did not know who Thanos was. When Thanos son Thrane shows up they will regret shooting that guy because there is more than one Infinity Gauntlet.


Outfit guy could be pretty useful actually. He could swap suits with Iron Man, War Machine, Spider-Man, Ant-Man, he could take Cap's shield if Cap were wearing it on his back, if the Eye of Agamotto still existed he could yoink that, with enough combat training he could basically ask half the Avengers to wait on the sidelines geared up and just jump between their power sets whenever he needs to.


TBF, invisibility when no-one is looking is useful because it could protect you from automated systems, seeing back in time is useful because you could see how something was set up or what sets off a trap and things of that nature, and swapping clothes could cripple literally any tech villain or artifice villain, not to mention any who rely on, like, hazard suits and shit to survive.


1:42 The key point of his power is that he can see back 24 hours from point of activation to areas even outside his own memory, which would make him great for spying or scouting (He could see back through 1 second continuously towards A villain’s brainstorming session, for example.).


In the 60's, the Legion of Super-Heroes held open tryouts. Their applicants included people like Double-Header (an alien with two heads that argued constantly), Ron Karr (could flatten himself to paper thinness), Radiation Roy (could emit radiation, but couldn't control it and nearly irradiated all of the legionnaires), Green Boy (could turn anything green), Calamity King (could cause accidents, but couldn't control his power), Polecat (could emit fumes with a terrible odor), Infectious Lass (could make people sick, but couldn't control her power), Arm-Fall-Off Boy (could remove his arm and use it to club people with; later redone as a more practical hero who could detach his arms and have them fly around hitting people), Stone Boy (could turn to stone... couldn't move while in this state), the Mess (could attract dirt), Jungle King (could control animals... sorta... he was killed by an animal when he was distracted from controlling it), Antennae Boy (can play radio signals from the past, present, or future; can't control this power very well), and Eyeful Ethel (has eyes all around her head, giving her the ability to not need to turn to see behind her).

A couple of people from the skit could actually be very useful. The guy who could see 24 hours in the past would be great at solving crimes (could see who killed the victim, etc...). The insect transformation guy could be useful as a spy or scout, but wouldn't be tremendously helpful in general.


A few of these could actually be useful:

See into the past - Depends on how the power works, maybe he can see past events that he never personally witnessed.

Turn into an insect - Useful for sneaking into places and so on. Similar to Ant Man

Swap clothes - Stealing weapons and armor from enemies

Invisibility when no one is looking - Can hide from cameras?

Teleportation to the same place he was standing - Could dodge attacks, get out of holds, etc. His power is essentially "disappear for a split second" which has some applications

Control a single blade of grass - Basically Yondu's whistle thing, but grass

Cause earthquakes by shittijg his pants - Unpleasant, but causing earthquakes is a legit power

Regrow eyeballs - I mean, not super useful as a power, but better than nothing I guess? Hawkeye and Black Widow are there, so...


They call me He-Man. I have the strength and speed of a human being. I can also speak in Latin, Spanish, English, German, French, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc.


This is the greatest comedy channel you can't change my mind


3:37-Dude, all you had to do was to let him see Thanos!


The whole seeing into the past thing is super useful bro- he didn't say just his past it can basically be anyone's so that means that he can tell you passcodes evil plans and basically key information- they might've killed the most useful one there


The Guy at 2:46 could be useful.

Thanos stubles as he Garden shakes violently, he runs outside to find a Terran shitting his pants.
Steve holding a bottle of Febreze, "Avengers Assemble."
