SDA REACTS TO: 3 Reasons Seventh Day Adventism Is a Cult

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Is the SDA Church a cult? Lets test these "3 reasons" why with scripture and historical source documentation.

0:00 - Intro
3:09 - Is the SDA Church a Cult?
8:39 - Are SDAs a Denomination?
13:40 - What is Legalism?
20:59 - Does Colossians 2|16 teach that the Sabbath is done away?
38:21 - Appointed Times Before Sin
45:51 - Does Colossians 2 teach that the dietary laws are abolished?
47:10 - Does the New Testament Support Sunday Observance instead of Sabbath?
1:10:50 - Do SDAs believe the Atonement of Christ was insufficient?
1:30:03 - Do we still need to keep the Feast Days?
1:40:05 - Does Christ look at people's works to see who is worthy of Heaven?
1:54:15 - Do SDAs believe that EGW is above the Bible?
2:11:10 - Evangelicals regarding SDAs a a cult?
2:16:10 - Closing Thoughts / Announcements
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U genuinely made Adventist more understanding to others in our teaching never stop Gentleman


ADL, you all are doing God glory and praise.. Thank you brothers for giving every anti adventists the reason for our hope..
May our God contininue to sharpennyour minds and ears to tell others that God hav called us out from darkness into His marvolous light..
Proud of what youre douling and proud of that Im an Adventist


This is why when they label me a member of a "cult, " I take it as a compliment. If they label Paul, they surely can label me. (Acts.28.22)


It's very sad that we are so close to the end and all many of these so called Christians can do is criticize someone else's church. Instead they should be repentant and spreading the Gospel message. I'm so glad y'all are standing for Adventism and the SDA remnant Church and at the same time spreading the truth and straight testimony. Praise God always! 🙏


I commented to my Mom once, that the Church teaches troublesome times soon to come, but they appear to still be afar off. She just smiled at me and said, that’s because the Church doesn’t pose a threat to the Devil right now. But as I watch these videos and witness the growing opposition to the SDA Church; and the cadre of naysayers, Korah’s, Dathan’s, and Sanballat’s in the comments; I’m confident we’re on the right track. Thank you, @Advent Defense League! 🙏⚔️


A common problem, is that the fellow protestants and Catholics refuse to read the bible with their proper context, the same happens with EGW, they go at her writings and use quotes out of context... and this happens.


Thank you Advent Defense League, for your work on behalf of Bible Truth. God is using you all to study deeply, share, teach and restore His truths, even though satan raised up some agents who are trying to bury Them, God's Truths will reign forever. May you all be encouraged, I am praying for you,


Cult is a word that critics use so easily against a denomination that does not agree with their interpretation of the bible/ beliefs.

Critics calling the SDA denomination a cult base their argument on the misguided and inaccurate information that SDAs hold EGWs writings above or equal to the bible. No matter how many critics argue this point, they are lying. They can argue that point until God comes and they will still be lying. They can repeat what they say a million times and it will still be a lie. In short, no matter how much this lie is peddled, it will not suddenly become true.

What is sad is that some SDAs have abandoned EGWs inspired writings because of critics, when I watched a clip whereby a Jesuit Priest argued that her writings are inspired by God.

Have you ever known a military personnel throw away a valuable piece of equipment because the opponent say that it is unfair to have it, whilst that opponent is holding onto all their equipment?


Isaiah 58:13, 14 a special blessing promised for keeping the Sabbath


Wow brother Jason!!! I have never heard Colossians 2 break down like the way you did; and you only used scriptures (for those who said that our belief is based on EGW writings). Blessings 🙏🏾🙏🏾


You guys do a great job of making it plain!!


People like those harden their heart against God's word. 2 Peter 3:16-17. Paul says that these people are UNLEARNED and UNSTABLE wrest (distort the meaning or interpretation of God's word to SUIT their OWN interests) Hebrews 3 & 4 said that people that HARDEN their heart against God's word will NOT entet the promised land of test. Revelation 14:12-13: Only those who keep the commandments of GOD, including the 7th day Sabbath, will enter into heaven.


Amen!! Thank you for the clarity, Jesus is coming sooon!!!


Anyone that says EGW is a false prophet. They have not really read her writing with true humility. The truth cannot, will not be clearly understood by selfish heart. This is the main reason, not only of today; but it has always been in all ages . People have rejected the messages of God through His prophets.

So much that the Jews could not believe in Jesus as the messiah became they rejected God’s prophets admonition. Today, the Christian world is doing the same…Destruction will come to them who continue to reject the loving message of God through God’s prophets including EGW.


It's legalist that enforce Sunday worship.


The clip where the guy is saying that SDA was a not a denomination is silly. He is trying to portray the fact that he is very knowledgeable about the Adventist faith therefore, all viewers need to take his word for every untruth he spouts about the SDA faith thus, all should not touch the faith. Where he is he getting his ideas from, as he clearly does not know his bible.


How is it that the Bible distinctly says the 7th Day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God, and the Catholic Church and the Pope in or near the year 336 AD declared the Sunday was the “New Sabbath”? Sunday has always been the 1st day or the week. This proves without a doubt that the Catholic Church created a “False Sabbath, (Sunday). Protestant means protesting, what are the Protestants protesting? The dictates of the Catholic Church. The Biggest false teaching of the Catholic Church is the 1st day “sabbath” ie: SUNDAY. So WHY do most Protestant Christians go to church on the Catholic sabbath? Check history see if I am mistaken!


happy preparation day! I am glad there is an adventist defender..I grow up bully of being an adventist like a cult because I have lots of beliefs and not eating their favorite pork meat.


Keep the good work my brothers God bless you and give you more Amen


Why would Jesus who declare with His own mouth that He is the Lord also of the Sabbath not clearly states that after His resurrection, or even before His crucifixion, henceforth I want the new Sabbath that I created and sanctified be honored on Sunday??

Should He not clearly stated that He now wants His followers to worship Him and rest on the first day of the week?
Why Would God who sees the end from the beginning allow to be worship on the day, He prophesied through His servant Daniel, that papal Rome would change and rooted from paganism??
