How to Stop Lip Biting

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If you want to stop biting your lips habitually, follow these tips and, like me, you'll reduce the incidence of auto-lip-biting to just the very occasional mis-chew.

Try my recommended self hypnosis session to program your subconscious mind to stop lip biting for good:

**Key points in this video:**
00:00 Introduction
01:50 Tips to follow to stop biting your lips
02:06 Tip 1: Spot your own triggers
03:03 Tip 2: Stop biting but keep moving
03:58 Tip 3: Deal with stress directly
05:22 Tip 4: Use the 'scramble technique'
08:27 Tip 5: Use self-hypnosis to stop lip biting

Any references mentioned can be found on the original article here:

Free Learn Hypnosis in 5 Days video course:

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I'm biting my lip as I'm watching this, idk why it feels so good 😭😭


I seriously bite/chew on my lower lip so often, the people at my old job thought I was always on drugs and constantly 'chewing my face off' which actually contributed to me being fired..😭


I have no idea when I started biting my lips... but I used to bite my lips till bleeding. But recently I have become more aware of it and have not gone too far till bleeding. But I still, bite my lips.
I realized that I bite my lips when I am sitting and my hand is free... especially when I am studying (being a student, this is what I do most of the time; sit and study). But I do not bite when I am doing other activities, and that may be because my brain is more engaged in action or my hands are busy.
But when I sit and consciously try to stop it, before I know, my hand are already in my lips, helping teeth to bite.


Here's so DOABLE advices for you guys, (cuz i had some real problems with literally chewing my mouth, but i managed to stop it )
1 ALWAYS keep ur lips hydrated, use Vaseline
2 have a gum in your mouth whenever you feel stressed out ( it works like magic )
3 drink water, seems stupid, but it keeps your lips wet
Hope it gets better:)


I've been doing it all my life. Even when they start to bleed I still bite them pulling flesh off. It's awful. Recently I've started to get annoyed by it to the point that I'm catching myself doing it and really putting focus into reversing the habit.


This guys voice is the most soothing thing EVER


dude i swear it so addicting. I play some games and I do it without noticing, idk why but its like it helps me focus.


I've been biting my lips since elementary school. I'm 55 years old and I'm about to make myself crazy. It's worse now because I've been through a lot of stress. Okay I've always been through stress. I start not knowing it. Then I realize it and do it more and get mad. Frustrated. Then I do it anyway because it's gratifying. Then I regret it. Then it's so bad I stop. Next day.. wash rinse repeat. Thank you for your video you were the only one online that took the search Within context. Lip biting. And for that I thank you.


I dont bite my lip. But i took a chance. This guy is SO WITTY i was laughing out loud which i also dont usually do. Well done.


Wow the hypnosis technique was the one for me 💙 thank you. To anyone reading this, you can do it!


I bite my lips 24/7 there’s no way I can stop either. It’s painful but amazing…idk how I’ll stop if I’m actually breathing 😢😭


My sister and I have both bitten our lips our entire lives. And so has our mother. She now has deep wrinkles around her lips, which are normal, but we know it’s from that


Immensely grateful for this video. I have been searching for videos that could help me overcome this habit. I have been doing this for years now but i want to end it so bad..
Thankyou so much for this information. 🥰


I enjoyed listening to your video talk. I will definitely try your ideas out and see if they will help me. My biting May not be just habit… I don’t really know if it’s due to anxiety or to an allergy to something. It started in November and I’m so desperate to find an answer to this terrible problem I’m living with every day.


I can’t stop and it doesn’t make me feel better.. it makes me more stressed!!! I feel like a weirdo!


51 yrs old, still biting. I don't remember when it started, most likely very young. I do it because it genuinely feels good! UGH I'm also a "picker" and nail biter. At least I'm aware that it needs to stop. 2024 right around the corner.


i’m thinking about buying a mouth piece when i’m laying in bed to stop this habit


I have a problem messing with my lip so I searched how to stop messing with your lip


you make it sound like the teeth and lips have to sign a peace treaty no fighting between each other 😂😂😂😂


This assures me hypnosis is a science thing and not like a fake magic thing, thank you, and goddamn my lips hurt i hope i actually stop it one day
