New Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus (with Dr. Jeremiah Johnston)

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What is the best historical evidence Jesus rose from the dead? Dr. Jeremiah Johnston talks about his top 7 reasons, based on his new book (Body of Proof), and then we take live questions.

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I think that the fact Peter denied Jesus whilst he was still alive, yet was willing to put his life on the line after Jesus’ death and resurrection is very telling. For someone who was so fearful but suddenly found the courage to stand up for his faith during a time when there was so much persecution can only be one of two things: he was wrecked with guilt for denying Jesus and wanted to do something by way of redemption, or…. The resurrection happened and Peter along with all the other disciples were so overwhelmed by the truth they were willing to continue spreading the gospel even knowing they could be killed at any moment. They knew what the risks were yet were willing to die for their faith!


To any skeptic reading these comments: God is waiting for anyone to take a step of faith toward him. In humility and submission. That's all it takes.


My relationship with Jesus is ALL the evidence I need. He promised to baptize believers in the Holy Spirit and He has done so with me!!!


Coincidence?... I think not. I just watched the story of a middle-aged woman, who died while walking with her husband, and was without oxygen for 30 minutes. After miraculously awakening in a nearby hospital, she said she saw Christ with outstretched arms (able to heal from beyond the grave). Like Lazarus (who experienced Christ on earth), this woman will die again (unless the Lord returns in her lifetime). Jesus was seen by at least 500 people immediately after his resurrection, plus countless others since then (in various visions and dreams). Actor Ernest Borgnine saw him while playing a Centurion in a famous Easter film, and (most recently) feminist writer and Jew, Naomi Wolfe, saw Christ in a vision. She said it was unmistakably him, and the last person she ever expected seeing. Bottom line... Christ is alive and well, and I sense his return in this alarming world of ours!


Love the interview! I appreciate you covering the Resurrection. This is a very important topic that is sadly not taught thoroughly in most churches today. Thank you both for doing this! I will be buying this book.


Shroud of Turin has some very compelling new scientific evidence. When you consider the impossible amount of energetic output it would take to attempt to recreate the image via todays known sophisticated technology, the answer is clear.

He was risen


Just a side note, or a bit of a nit-pick, but when Jeremiah Johnston says that he presented this paper with his early thoughts about the evidence for the resurrection at the 2012 SBL Annual Meeting, that is not entirely true. More accurately, he presented his paper, “How Early Critics and Objectors Confirm the Truth of the Easter Story, ” in 2012 in a session held by the Evangelical Philosophical Society, which will run sessions concurrently with the larger Society of Biblical Literature.

This may seem to some like quibbling, but it is important because I very much doubt he would have managed to get this paper past any of the SBL steering committees, precisely because of its obviously biased and confessional nature. The SBL is pretty stringent about ensuring that their sessions do not promote any particular religious, political or ideological viewpoints, and they strive to keep things strictly academic. Johnston's paper was far from that, and it is disingenuous of him to promote it as one that was publicly received in the Annual Meeting.

No. The Evangelical Philosophical Society is an apologetics organisation, exclusively dedicated to validating the claims of Christianity. As far as I can tell, Johnston has never presented a paper in any of the SBL sessions at any SBL Annual Meeting.


Thank you for this. Boy you can so easily see the viewpoints of some of the critics with their questioning. You know, there’s a difference between skepticism (which I have a lot of, and I’m a believer) and cynicism. Some people’s cynicism will not allow themselves to see or even acknowledge the light


Believing someone has risen from the dead is a very difficult thing to believe, especially for critically thinking adults. I’m really not surprised about Thomas doubting until he saw Jesus for himself. When we put our trust in Him and receive His spirit, we ‘see’ Him in a new way. He is alive in us. It reminds me of when Helen Keller was finally able to ‘see’ and ‘hear’ when her teacher Annie Sullivan got through to her by signing into her hand. We can see Jesus now, working in people and circumstances if His Spirit enables us.


I do like how you teased out the fact that the resurrection win against what they were expecting. I’ve heard many times they wouldn’t have made it up because they were not ever anticipating their Messiah to die. But you added a little flavor to it which is actually powerful. And Sean that little saying if we were all blind we wouldn’t miss the light because we wouldn’t know there was a thing was pretty profound. Why would someone sick something that no one ever misses?


Q: JJ Johnston did you get your doctorate from Oxford University, which is the impression you give in this interview.
Follow up, which college were you resident at during your time at Oxford.


Mark's gospel has no one seeing Jesus alive. Paul didn't see anyone physical on earth, he was just blinded by a light and this experience was not even written by him. So your two earliest sources have no one seeing Jesus resurrected.


So, your "new" evidence for the supposed resurrection of jesus is; "the bible says so"... [sigh].


We've been going through the book of Acts at the moment. One thing that is very clear is that the resurrection is a central part of an apostolic Gospel.


I have fallen on hard times. But I still trust in you Jesus. I know you are my Lord and savior. I will stay faithful and true. Please give me the strength to keep supporting my two autistic children. My boys require a lot from me because they are special needs. Due to them having issues in school, I’m now homeschooling them. I’m a single mother my husband passed away unexpectedly years ago. I lost my job at Forsyth hospital because I declined the vaccine. I have heart disease and I suffer from lupus that’s the major reason why I declined the vaccine. I’m waitressing and I’m grateful but I’m not making enough to make ends meet. Every month is a struggle, to not end up on the streets with my boys. Also now that I’m homeschooling them my schedule is limited. I’m so overwhelmed and ashamed. I get harassed and bullied on this app for sharing my testimony and for asking for prayers but prayers are all I need. But even as I struggle! I have faith in God and I STILL PRAISE HIM! He is the God of possible! GOD WILL PROVIDE!


Even today, if someone who had predicted his resurrection and then pulled it off there would people who never believed it unless they "put their fingers in the nail holes".


When Johnston says "we can't get into the disciple's heads" (to know what they believed or didn't). RIGHT! He's basically making his "explanations" IRRELEVANT.
Johnston is saying NOTHING NEW here.. and he cannot get away from the Bible when he's doing it.
We've heard all of this before.
Kind of expected.


I've read "More Than a Carpenter" (including 2011 update with additions from Sean) probably nearing 10 times. for the resurrection is incredibly powerful for strengthening my faith. Thanks Sean


There's something sad - not to say fishy - about someone who tries so hard to give the impression he is a graduate of the University of Oxford (mentioned 4 times). In fact he was never a matriculated member of the University. His PhD was awarded - a decade ago - by Middlesex University (no mentions).


I thought you said apologetics had to get much better in '23.
This is NOT the way to do it.
This was hardly new or compelling at all. You let Jeremiah slide on several questions/answers that he totally circumvented.
YOU have brought up many of these points BEFORE on different videos.
