Do You Need to Prune Young (Recently Planted) Panicle Hydrangeas?

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Using my own young panicle hydrangeas recently planted last year — Little Lime Hydrangea, Little Quick Fire Hydrangea, Fire Light Hydrangea and Little Lime Punch Hydrangea — I demonstrate exactly what to look for so you can decide IF any light pruning is necessary.


0:00 - Intro
0:45 - Little Quick Fire Hydrangea with dried flowers
1:28 - How to make your pruning cuts and what to look for
4:19 - Little Quick Fire Hydrangea without any flowers
5:47 - Fire Light Hydrangea — only pruned three stems
6:06 - Little Lime Hydrangea — only removed broken ends of stems
6:41 - Little Lime Punch Hydrangea — didn’t remove anything
7:34 - Fertilizer panicle hydrangeas in Spring

🍃 Please hit the like button — and subscribe — if this video is helpful to you! 🍃

🍃 Special thanks to Proven Winners for use of their Firelight Hydrangea and Little Lime Punch Hydrangea images. 🍃


Watch this Hydrangea Playlist for more videos on pruning and care of your panicle hydrangeas, including Pinky Winky, Little Lime, Limelight, Little Quick Fire and more!


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These are my favorite garden gloves — and I've tried quite a few — which protect my hands when doing gardening chores!

There’s also a men’s version of my favorite gloves too:


The best way to feed your panicle hydrangeas is to apply a slow-release organic fertilizer in Spring, shortly after you do any pruning.

#paniclehydrangea #pruningpaniclehydrangea #gardensanity
Рекомендации по теме

Thank you so much for this video! Very well explained. I planted 5 Little Lime Punch, 3 Firelight Tidbit and 3 Little Quick Fire in early spring. I was wondering whether should I prune them next spring or not given that they are young shrubs. Every video I found explained how to prune mature shrubs but not newly planted ones. I am ready for next year. Thanks!😃


Omg Laura look at your daffodils!!!! They are gorgeous. You just gave me a good taste of spring so thank you! Also thank you for showing us how to prune. I have a question and I always forget how it goes: so in general, with older hydrangea shrubs is it the more you prune the bigger the flowers or is it the other way around? Nobody has ever been able to make that one stick but I’m sure once you tell me, I’ll never forget. My little lime punch…… same story with 2 of them!! I got 2 half dead ones which I’m sure will be just fine abs then I bought 2 that came right away. Cannot wait to see them bloom this year! Have a wonderful evening! 🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷🌷


Your videos are always so precise and you make the instruction so easy to follow. Of course you know I"m a big fan of your tone and voice in your vids... Did you miss your calling? lolz Thanks so much for making things much simpler... cutting into your shrubs can be intimidating if you've not done it before.


Thank you for a straight forward and easy to follow explanation for pruning panicle hydrangeas! I do have a question though-- what would you do next Spring with a Little Quick Fire planted this summer that is on the leggy and unruly side? I didn't really realize until I got it home how ungainly the branches were (I've had to stake them up-- they aren't strong at all, even without the weight of flowers). It's putting out a few flowers and I'm thinking that early next Spring I'll need to prune it pretty strongly for shape and strength. Am I correct? Or is there something else I should do?


Thank you so much for your help and for replying 🌟👍


Hello from West Virginia ♥️
Your gardens are very pretty. I just ordered 8 hydrangeas from Proven winners, hopefully will be here this week.. I can’t wait ♥️
They have become my favorite flower/bush, I was into roses for many years, but they can be so picky !
I have, I think around 20 hydrangeas in my yard already.. they are big show stoppers & I adore them .
Can’t wait to get to planting, I have felt bad the last few weeks & haven’t been outside much . But my mind is outside with all my beautiful gardens, which need me right now ! Lol 😂 But, I hope in the next few days or week I feel better & can get out of the house & do what I love & thats gardening, flowers & veggies
Have a great day & see ya soon


Hmm. I may have overdone it with mine. Once I start chopping, I can’t stop. I was hoping you were going to put a rock on that long low-lying quickfire branch. Once they touch soil, they root in so easily. Free plant next year.


Sorry just got 3 of these plants could I put blood/ fish/ bone on the soil ???? Great tips information and interest 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍


Great information, thank you! I also had a home depot "lost" hydrangea arrive weeks after being in a box. Like you, I planted it & we'll see how it does. New subscriber, btw!


My little quick fires did not bloom last season as they were newly planted. So based on your video I should still prune above a bud/node to encourage growth?


My little limes have some weaker, flimsy branches. They started to flop last year with heavy rain and the kind of stayed flopped. Any suggestions to get them stronger?


If you don't prune anything, will they bloom since they only bloom on new growth?
