Unbelievable Facts about king Solomon Part 2 #firsttemple #kingsolomon #history #wealth

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When king Solomon wanted to make his throne, He made it in style. He made a great throne of Ivory and overlaid it with pure gold. The throne had six steps and the top of the throne was round at the back, there were armrests on either side of the place of the seat, and also two lions beside the armrest and twelve lions stood there on each side of the six steps, none like it's kind was seen in those days.
King Solomon made it such that all the vessels used in His house were Gold, because silver had become too common.
King Solomon's love for horses made the purchase of one thousand four hundred chariots equivalent to 14 million dollars and twelve thousand horses imported from Egypt and keveh, equivalent to 60 millon dollar, in total 74 million dollars.
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Can you do a video on How He got His wealth. Will really love that
