Unveiling the Mystery: Godhead Explained! Debunking Trinity Myths with 1Timothy Revelation #trinity

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Dive into the profound mysteries of the Godhead in our latest video, "Unveiling the Mystery: Godhead Explained!" Join us as we unravel the enigma of godliness with insights from 1 Timothy 3:16 and Revelation 22:16.
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1 Timothy 3:16 in the King James Version reads: "God was manifest in the flesh, " referring to Jesus Christ. But most newer translations omit any reference to God and read, "He was manifested in the flesh" or "He who was revealed in the flesh." The discovery of older Greek manuscripts showed that the word "God" did not originally appear in this verse. Apparently, this corruption of the text was introduced to support the Trinity doctrine.


We have only one God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and We have one Lord Jesus Christ.


Earthly Jesus in flesh is the seed of David. While Christ is the Son of the living God.
