Soft skills a developer should have

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One of the most asked questions we received is "What are the soft skills needed as a developer?" Well, there are many soft skills that would be beneficial to have as a developer (or any other profession, really) but here are our top 5 essential soft skills we feel one should have in this field!

1. Self-reflect
Have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? Some people tend to overestimate their capabilities due to a form of cognitive bias in which they believe that they are smarter and more capable than they really are. This would result in a lack of effort to gain new or more knowledge and therefore will limit their capabilities even more. It is imperative that one always reflect on themselves so that you are aware of your own level and improve from there.
2. Pay attention to details!
This is definitely a no-brainer but we feel we must include as it is definitely one of the most important skills to have. One wrong word in your coding could render the whole thing useless so always double-check your work and always pay attention to how you want your code to work as a whole, to limit your errors. That being said though, try not to also think TOO MUCH on a single detail. You might end up down a rabbit hole and wasting too much of your time.
3. Be resilient
Software development can be tough and challenging. Therefore, it is important to train yourself to recover quickly from any sticky solutions you may encounter and move on swiftly to the next matter at hand.
4. Have a good work ethic
This is definitely a must in every profession out there and definitely in this field as well. Your team members are important in your job and it will make everything easier and better if everyone applies good ethics and work harmoniously with each other
5. Problem-solving
We definitely saved THE most important one for last. Software development is all about problem-solving - coming up with the best solutions for your clients, etc. Therefore, it is without a doubt that this is a must-have skill to be a good software developer.
Do you have any other soft skills you feel are essential to have as a developer? Let us know below!

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