My Dog Is A Picky Eater: What Do I Do?

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Do you have a dog who is a picky eater? Surprised? Well Dr. Sammy will have to some tips and tricks in order to deal with your picky dog.

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I am the weak link. He’s got me so trained and I get so stressed that I just up the ante and give him something else that’s better. He won’t eat his prescription food and so I kept changing it. Then he was getting all sorts of tummy problems. Ran him through a load of tests and all came back unremarkable. So the vet told me that I need to put the food down, wait 10 mins, then take it away. No treats, no nothing until the next feeding. This is hard to do but I promise I will stay consistent this time. I can do this!


First person to say that they are holding out for snacks. Finally someone who agrees!!!


O.M.G. I've been trained. 🤦‍♀️OK. I get it.


My cocker will skip days. So I tried making meals of people food and she would refuse that until I locked her in the kennel until she was done. Yet she will not eat if I didn’t make it good enough. So I am frustrated now because it is always a battle


I’ve had medium size dogs all my life. Never had a pickiness problem with any of those dogs. Then I got a small breed puppy. What a mistake. What finally got through to me was Dr Sammy laughing at me. Trained. Just like my ex husband had me trained.
The truth hurts. However, I take comfort in the fact that over 25, 000 people were looking for help with this heart wrenching problem.
So I’m not the only one. I took this puppy into my home for comfort while caring for my elderly father who was descending into dementia. I did not know about all the issues with little dogs. Silly me. We are on day 3 of discarding the food after an hour, and no other food available.


Thank you so much you just answered all my questions for 4 years I've been doing research my dog is the boss of me she trained me oh my question has been answered


Thanks for this insightful Video. We have a Shih Tzu named Mr Teddy Bundy that we rescued 2 years ago, He's just over 3 years old now. A week ago he was having trouble defecating & not eating. Earliest Vet appointment was the following morning. Overnight he chewed open his right Anal Sac. The Vet examined and treated Teddy (sent us home with a Pain Rx that he had an adverse reaction to) and recommended that we get a Cone of Shame for him. Teddy still not eating or defacating the following morning and bad reaction lessened overnight (I chose to discontinue the Pain Rx), we returned to the Vet and dropped him off. we got a call that he was healing fine and that they wanted our permission to try giving him some wet food (which he devoured). We took a couple of cans home with us which he also has devoured one can (half at a time with several hours between servings / second half can mixed in with his Dry Food which he picked out and did't eat). He finally is defecating normally but still refusing to eat his Royal Canin Shih Tzu Dry Food that has been his sole Diet fro more than 2 years. This morning just before Noon, I tried mixing his Dry Food with a Raw Egg, he devoured the Egg and licked the Kibbles Clean. I plan on holding out as you've suggested at least until the following day... Does Dr. Sammy or anyone else have any suggestions to overcome Teddy's will power to hold out? Update: this afternoon (following day) Mr Bundy gave in and began eating his dry food. Randy AKA randog311


Who told you what I was doing just kidding you hit the nail on the head thanks so much I'm gonna give this a try l.


Dang. I'm the weak link. Thank you for the reality check. This video so helpful.


Very helpful! Thank you—I am so relieved


I work all day and my parents are at home and I can leave notes and tell them but I have a feeling they still give my dog a treat and say “don’t tell your mom” I just can’t trust anyone and there is no way for me change it except notes and telling em off. I wish people would take my seriously and actually listen to me it’s like I’m talking to a damn wall. If I lived alone with my dog this would not have happened 😤


They are only picky because they have a choice


I never understand people saying their dogs are picky. If they get hungry enough they will eat anything.


Thank you for this video! 😡 I'm the problem (no table food). i have cats, and she tends to eat their wet food (raw diet) left overs.
I've spent a few 100 dollars on different types of food, and thanks to you, I now know the real issue.


My little corgi chihuahua will literally go 3-4 days without eating anything and at that point I don’t want to just let her starve. She just will not eat. Bloodwork is done, nothings wrong with her. She’s 2 yrs old. I will leave kibble out with freeze dried chicken even… and nothing 😭 my bf must be giving her treats/snacks still!!


Thanks for this my cockapoo is being a little terror and won’t eat his food but yet will eat snacks


Thank you so much for this! It's reassuring and truth


What I am worried about is my dog become thinner because of being a picky eater. If I will let her not eat for several days she will become more thin. Could I ask your opinion about that?


I recently rescued a terrier from a shelter. He was abandoned in the middle of nowhere. He's skin and bones. I buy Merrick and other good brands, I thought he'd love it. It's so hard to get him to eat though. He won't hardly touch treats. He won't eat table scraps. I don't know how to get him to eat regularly. Please help.


I have two mini golden doodle’s. The person we got them from told us that the one puppy was the runt. We have so much trouble getting her to eat she is 6 months old. She is skin and bones. She will eat treats and pretty much very little food.
