These 5 Most Underrated Killer Addons Are Insanely Strong | Dead by Daylight

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Did you know that there are over 600 Killer Addons in the game? In this video, I want to shed light on some hidden gems among those addons that are often overlooked and underrated. Join me as I showcase what I believe to be the 5 most underrated Killer addons in Dead by Daylight.

First up, we have the best survivor tracking tool in the game, Demogorgon's Leprose Lichen addon. This addon is a game-changer as it reveals every survivor's aura for a few seconds every time Demo uses a portal. Hiding from this addon becomes nearly impossible, yet it remains vastly underutilized. With my 9000 hours of experience, I can count on one hand how often I've encountered a Demo using this powerful addon.

0:00 Intro
0:39 Demogorgon Leprosen Lichen
8:00 Oni Iridescent Family Crest
16:41 Billy Leafy Mash
22:54 Wesker Beetle Unicorn
28:35 Ghostface, Drivers License

Song List:
Cody Martin – Homeland
Cody Martin – The Grid
Cody Martin - Lark
Cody Martin – Demogorgon
Moments – Things Gone Wrong
Cody Martin – Apex Program
Cody Martin – Drunken Thrush
Cody Martin – Tome of Fate
Cody Martin – Control Program
Cody Martin – Drunken Thrush
Moments – Things Gone Wrong
Moments – Universal Wonder
Moments – Beauty in Change
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What's your favorite underrated Killer addon?


For the Oni add on. As one of three global survivors who unironically plays calm spirit, it is not impossible to hide from him


1:37 nice pain res image, kinda clean.. it looks pretty similar to blood favor, I can’t quite put my finger on it🧐


As a demo main I am flabbergasted that nobody uses Leprose Lichen


The thing about all these add ons, with the exception of Oni's, is they just flow so nicely with how you play the killer. Demo using portals to cover the map but you also now get aura reading when you were probably gonna teleport anyway, Billy you're gonna be chainsawing all game, Wesker you want to zone people & one of the strongest ways is to throw them, Ghostie one of the best times to stalk a survivor is when they are on a gen.


As a new player I have mixed feelings about including demo on a list like this. Everything he does is underrated, or at least underpopulated. I'd use this addon, if I could use demo, but he's a bit harder to get these days


Beetle is my favorite addon on Wesker. It is not only easy to get cause it's a brown addon, but it's fun throwing survivors around. I usually couple it with the yellow medallion to throw them further.


Billy’s Leafy Mash would go well with his Apex Muffler addon. Survivors won’t hear your Terror Radius, and they won’t hear the chainsaw coming.

Also, Jolt goes well with Ghosiface’s Driver’s License. Jolt’s regression activates on blocked gens.


Deathslinger's terror radius reducing add-ons are very underrated. Combing Iri Coin with Whiskey and M&A to get ranged one shots from stealth is... simply glorious.


One the thumbnail is great and two everyone sleeps on that demo addon when it's so good.


The drivers license addon is absolutely nuts, I love it the most out of all them


Leprosen is my most used add on for Demo. I run it with the add on that extends undetectable when portalling for easy jump scares


I actually played against an Oni with this add-on last night, on Léry's too, but we all made it out. I think they were a newer player. It's nice to see what it can do in the hands of a skilled killer!


In a previous life, Hens was a window salesman. It's the only explanation as to why he kept vaulting the window as Wesker.


I don't know if it's underrated, but I found a smart Onryo last night who combined her add-on that inflicts blindness when within 16m of a TV, alongside Hex: Plaything. Since there are so many TVs you were always blind and it made finding the Hex really hard, and obviously if you didn't find the Hex then she snuck up on you for Free


hens just showed how billy can be the strongest stealth killer, possibly new comp strat. But definatly a funny meme build to use, keep up the content hens.


The reason nobody uses the crest is because until patch 5.5 the addon was complete dogwater. The addon only made survivors within 12 meters scream, so nobody touched it. For context 5.5 released in January of 2022 and was the same patch that boil over got it's fall mechanic pre RPD rework. Nobody cared that a random addon got buffed on Oni.


Knife Belt Clip and Leather Knife Sheath on Ghostface, add Monitor & Abuse and you have a tier 2 crouching Myers with a confusing terror radius that can go between 16 and 40 meters.


Double Iridescent Demogorgon is my favorite way to play. It's a little OP at times, but I can't say I'd ever personally be mad if I lost to someone using it. Seeing where players are for THAT long while being undetectable and harder to track via your power is mind-bogglingly fun and powerful. Another point towards Demogorgon being the most balanced and likable killer <3


The buff to family crest made it insanely viable and I'm happy for it. Hardly play Oni and hardly play against Onis with it but those that do run it make for scary games. Pair it with Dead Man's Switch and BBQ and you can basically do the same thing Artist does with her birds. But instead of throwing birds, you're throwing a big angry samurai.
