THIS is the BEST way to improve YOUR RIDING!!

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Today the IRC Tire guy breaks down his three pillar approach to riding enduro.

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Thank you all so much for the support of this channel and what we’re doing!
I hope to see you all at a clinic


I did his 10 Step videos and got a huge improvement in my riding. Once I got thru that it revealed the changes I needed to make to the bike to suit the places I ride and my skills. That led to even more imorovements.


The #1 enduro technique channel without doubt! Love the intricate details necessary to further develop and greatly speed up personal development! Thank you Rich!


One of the most informative motorcycle information channel around hands down. So well broken down and described.


I've learned SO much from your vids! I beat my time at the Desert 100 by 36 minutes this year, and wasn't NEARLY as tired! I was constantly using your lessons! Thank you!


you are THE reference for enduro bike pedagogy . Period !


You should be proud of this Rich! Been following you for a few years now and everything you post really does help with technique and skill. I thank you for your contributions to my personal pursuit of mastery😉


I have found and watched videos of people learning to ride off road... I can see, in their bodies how they would greatly improve if they learned and practiced your videos. I like how you start with balance and then basic clutch control. I don't have a moto yet, but I can practice on my bicycle the balance and then uphill "starts". Thank you for being awesome and sharing!


Professor Larsen!! You are an incredible teacher. The videos are helpful and awesome but being in person with the Professor is 100% a game changer!! After a class I can get a bit more out of the videos as well. Great investment if you’re wanting to up your riding game!


Awesome Rich to get your riding/teaching approach documented and online on your own site :) You're an awesome rider and teacher. Looking forward to seeing you again at the next clinic in VA


Thank you Rich, been on my enduro bike for two months now and what I did was following yuour teaching and honestly things are getting better. God bless!


i am very new to dirt bike i picked up a 150 to get my feet wet and your videos are god like. they are perfection. thank you so much.


This guys is like Yoda…I don’t understand everything he says, and I’m willing to listen to everything he says. That gap isn’t on him, it’s 100% with me.

Thanks Rich for putting so much care into this. Your passion for riding is truly amazing 🤟


Hell yeah man! Always thankful for what you share. You’ve helped improve my skills in the last few years.


I enjoy the heck out of your vids, your enthusiasm, and the Minor nuance's like clutch control close ups, I can't say I'm going to attempt big obstacles like you ( I'm 64 and drop my poor bike enough already) but have gained confidence to enjoy the challenges that I encounter on the trail. I look forward to joining one of your classes!


Excellent approach. You are a natural teacher-plus you are a phenomenal rider!


Excellent Rich! Your methods are spot on. I try to practice those three fundamentals almost every day and although none are “mastered”, I have experienced tremendous improvement and progression. I thoroughly enjoy your breakdowns and admire your enthusiasm and passion for imparting your knowledge to all of us— can’t wait to attend one of your clinics! Thank you Rich!!


Love your videos. They have definitely helped go from a get the front tire up and give it hell kind of rider to being confident enough to take on some gnarly climbs without feeling like I'm winging it.


Absolutely love you passion and enthusiasm in everything you do Rich! I have also found your training techniques and tips excellent - when I follow your instructions from a video, I pick up the skills very quickly. You’ve definitely really refined the art of training. Thankyou for everything you bring to the sport, and I hope you know that many of us who have seen your journey over the years are very impressed with what you’ve put together here and how far you’ve come!
Continue being you - because it is inspiring to see 😊👍


I had a 1970 TS 90 as a kid. Everyone should be required by law to start with one. 😂

Great instruction here... Thanks for sharing your insights.
Your wheelie technique is spot on. It works the same on a bicycle. It is how I teach kids to do it.
