6 Things I Wish I Knew Before Playing Total War: Attila

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In this video I present 6 things I wish I knew before playing Total War: Attila for the first time.
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*Let us know 1 thing you wish you knew before playing Total War Attila!*


I chose the Irish, went on to unify Britain, and captured the Western Islands and the Eastern Islands, helping my barbarian friends swallow every piece of Western Roman land in the process, and then set up trade lines, united a dozen barbarians from Western Europe into a huge AI army, and fought Attila in a war of attrition, where you just had to maintain trade, give money to various barbarian tribes. Somehow, it has a 4th century NATO feel to it


as the franks, I learned at the end of my campaign why my first line broke so rapidly in battles: my second line (axes) throw their axes at the first line killing half of my own men as soon as we clash with the enemy front line.


I am playing the Eastern Roman empire at the moment. I started the campaign by upholding my food supply with wheat farms built in the most fertile regions around my empire. However no matter how many i built i was in a constant state of famine. I wish i knew about the climate change before


I wish I knew to manage sanitation and order properly before playing lol. I was steamrolling the campaign but then i got hit a plagues and rebellions at the same time and now I'm in constant civil war lol. I forgot that this game was mostly about survival. This is probably one of my favorite TW games just because of how dark and grim the atmosphere is.


I started noticing these things about year and a half ago...and got really good in this game and the mods.


First huns campaign finally Atilla became old enough raised an army with him as general 1 turn later he got assassinated was a fun campaign 😂


1:45 “I wanted to conquer the great city of Rome”

Hahahaha, that’s your first mistake. Assuming that Attila is world domination like other TW titles.

*It’s survival.*

Also for climate change, I heard it doesn’t hit the southern region as hard so there’s that saving grace.


I wish I knew that the farm produces less and less food as the campaign progress


First time I played Attila, as the WRE I learned about the re-spawning Huns the hard way. My first plan was to amass all of my men and destroy absolutely all Hun armies at the same time. I played it on regular difficulty, found 5 of their armies and tried destroying them all but one SINGLE army of like 3-4 half-strength units got away, just out of reach. Later, I heard about the need to kill Attila himself. However, if their armies only re-spawn the next turn. Could my tactic have even worked?


How to play as Western Roman Empire:

Step 1.) Put on the Guts theme

Step 2.) Cry.


Just finished the Franks campaign. Got nearly wiped out and had to rebuild everything twice, definitely the hardest total war game but very rewarding when i finally got all the settlements and pushed out the huns


Yep all very useful things to know 👍👍. I thought CA did a good job pre-release of hyping up the climate effects and the settlement damage debuff. I also learned from LoTW how to deal with the Huns. The Wonders buffs didn't get as much news as they could have, just like the Ancient Wonders Videos were removed in Rome Remastered 🤔🤔 but as you say a buff is a buff !
Actually i do use the Wheat farms a lot in my campaigns but in northern areas i do eventually convert them over but keep them in the east, converting to Camel/Horse/Sheep ? farms mid game is not much of a burden usually.


There are so many great mods I never play vanilla - never. Rome Era Chapter's is my current fav (after 1, 200 hours of MK1212, AE and more)


I got lucky one campaign to kill attila with a champion or spy, cant remember 450 something ad.


There is a special place in hell for people who cheese the total war AI.


Vanilla Attila has some of the worst 'mechanics' in history of TW: endless scripted Huns, 'winter is coming' ice age, nuking provinces, weird hordes, completely illogical upgrade system...
I actually like the game, but only excellent DLCs and mods.


Minor religions and the shrine of dark cult. You really check this one


If you're low on influence, try arranging a marriage with a friendly faction. If you get a wife for your family member from another faction, she'll come with about 100 influence automatically.


One thing I am convinced is that, this game is a completly different experience on legendary or even very hard than on normal, unlike for example Shogun 2 where it was actually funnier on legendary, here it's completly unbalanced and tedious thus boring.
I used to be an only legendary guy, or seldom very hard, and I, like Legendoftotalwar, disliked this game, because it is not made to be played on this difficulty ever, IIRC especially "Age of Charlemagne" is nigh-unplayable on that difficulty, the public order is unmanageable on legendary, but now, playing the game on "normal" feels like I am playing a different game.
