Ark Basics - Best Of - Base Locations on The Island Map

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Patreon Credits: Mr. Smalls, Dita, BobtheFierce, Ryan Forsythe, Matt Thompson, BCstag, Ty Williams and Gatorcat, Broken Star, Emma Gray,rocketman, Shady

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Ark time stamps:

*Beginner Friendly*
2:46 Bottom left of map, tame and wide open, near Obelisk, chance of Alpha spawn

4:36 Pretty, lots of River rocks, large open fields, lack of obsidian and crystal

5:15 Tree base, great view, nearby waterfall with river rocks, Alpha spawns, Mosh pit for taming, relatively nearby Snow Biome, Oil and Crystal, wall may be needed

7:18 Center of Island, resources are a little limited, near Swamp and Redwoods Biome, Carno spawn, Crystal and Metal at top of hill

8:24 Nearby Crystal and Metal

9:00 Herbivore Island (Bottom right of map), lots o loot drops, metal spawns, not much crystal, water pen friendly, some sloped terrain when building

*Challenge Rating Up*
11:00 Caves, above from Herbivore Island, abundant resources

11:38 Challenging build location, peaceful, get creative with your build, nearby crystal, close water source, no need for walls

12:32 Around Green Obelisk, overlooks swamp, close to Redwoods, lots of dangerous spawns

14:35 Limited sources of water, lots of different Dino spawns, every resource except Black Pearls available

16:04 Central Location, easy metal gathering, Lots of Alphas, Giggas spawns

17:27 Hidden Vally, hard entry without flyer, lacking in lots of resources

*Advance Base Location*
13:22 Right in middle of Redwoods, abundant resources, nearby Cave for exp farming, pretty, Tree base friendly, Only if looking for a challenge

18:40 Bottom right of Carnivore island (Top right of map), build walls, access to crystal and metal, lots of potential exp, nearby cave, frequent loot drop, lack of river rocks, dangerous location, Alpha spawns


The rocky outcropping on the river next to the redwoods is a really good spot too. If you have an argent and an anky, you have close access to the volcano, the mountain across from the volcano, and the redwoods mountain. You’re almost perfectly centered too, which means that there are no resources you have to fly completely across the map to get to. Plus there’s the black sand mosh pit just down the river, so you get equus and Rex spawns of your choice.


Thank you for putting in the work and scouting out areas that help everyone from the noob to the pro. I built near the mosh pit after watching your videos. I really liked your waterfall base!


What I love is that the Devs took time into naming a bunch of areas you were talking about. I liked Footpaw Island as the creeks around it were good for fish and metal without too many sarcos ruining my day. I made a sick raptor barn because there were plenty of Raptors and the odd carno. I eventually made a raft before getting a flyer and would ferry my Dino's over to this closed in compound I built right near the moshpit area you talked about because it's a great area for capturing and taming argrys, sabertooths, scorpions, and the odd anky or doedicurus. Eventually having the motorboat and switching Dino's between both areas was useful but a bit of a tedious chore. To a gameplay standpoint it was getting me further ahead by focusing on more than one area and I was moving Dino's around quick and easy on my boat instead of always flying them everywhere


Oh hallelujah! Finally a Phlinger version of base locations (really appreciate how you convey a LOT more info on the factors and things in each place that PVE-er's care about).
And what timing! finally got a couple friends to give Ark a shot a month ago, successfully hooked, and we're now planning our pilgrimage through all the plot maps since I've never done them either!


Phlingers favorite (Season 4) is where I still have my base on the Island. I KNEW that was your favorite Phlinger, just something about it I can't leave. Love it!


Herbivore Island is best imo if you're playing solo and offline. Easy enough to get to with a Raft or fast Parasaur and it's the easiest location to get metal and the Ankys to farm it. It's got more than enough wood and stone to start setting up a main base. And if you build a Raft with Forges on it, you can take your Ankys to the southern end of the island to farm crystal and more metal. The only real downside, it can get annoying when there's a wild Bronto stomping around your base.


I usually build my PVE base just left of where you are at 8:21 (so across the lagoon of stonehenge). There is a huge plateau there that you can guard off by blocking only 2 exits. So after having done that i usually let my carnivores wander around on agressive first to kill all the unwanted visitors and then set my farming dinos to work. The other great thing about this spot is, that the hunter cave is practically right next door and once you have a decent raptor/carnotaurus/bary or any other caverunner, you can go in there for a ton of chitin, metal, crystal and obsidian. Ohh, and usually there are beavers around, too.


I'd also suggest the cliff/plain near where the blacksands turns into the swamp around the Volcano.
The terrain may be a bit uneven, but you can get very nice views from your base if you use the various cliffs well, you have easy access to all the resources on the Volcano, the swamp and redwoods, as well as a lot of nice tame oppurtunities (there's even a nearly infinite and fast respawn of theris there).
You can even build a lighthouse on the rock that's in the middle of the river.


I love the Hidden Valley location - there's 3 supply drops that can drop right in the valley, plus a 4th in the northeast passage. Crystal and metal are just a short flight away, and the beavers spawn in the little pool for some free cementing paste. I just started a new base there on my private server and it's a blast


The area near the mosh pit, I think at 5:40 in the video, can give you problems building because it's a loot drop location. Depending on your server settings, it might not let you lay down foundations. Found that out a couple of weeks ago.


For the YT Algorithm .. thx for all your Ark years of service, bud .. :)


The stone henge peninsula as it approaches the jungle provides a very large flat for large building with all the beginning materials you'll need especially stone. It gives lagoon access and seaside and the most danger you'll see is an occasional Dilo. Its a fantastic starter area if your looking for minimal danger, but late game prepare to travel for higher tier resources.


Probably not for beginners, but there is this spot in snow area on a isolated island that's still fairly close to land between the blue ob mountain and the mountain parallel of it. Has been a cozy little area with no issues aside from the occasional Yuti pack and argentavis.


just got back into ark after a long last few years. i heard about that western potential base area, but couldnt quite pinpoint the exact spot where it was at. this video was a gem for showing its near exact spot. fortunately i was and am very close to it. and Mosh pit is a great description for that particular area. i say 4 rex's, a group of raptors, and whatever the hell the giant crocs are with a few turtles going at it.


Herbivore Islamd. Megalosaurus don't spawn in water Megalodon's do, thought that slip was funny. Funnier that no one else caught it. Your videos have improved my game several levels thanks. 10:16ish


I’m a new player still on the Island. It’s fascinating how many of my natural outposts have ended up on this list. Mosh pit, the Stonehenge lagoon and that central plateau. I don’t really have a full permanent base though. More like three main bases across the island.

I will settle soon enough as I’m almost done with exploring the entire island.


Thanks love the vids, keep it up!🗣️🗣️🗣️


My third base is at the red obelisk. Planning to make other bases at the other 2 obelisks as well if i get there one day.


Man lowkey speaks like Jeff Goldbloom and I’m here for it
