Dainsleif Actually Exposed The Entire Story Plot Of Genshin Impact

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Not To Be Taken Seriously
Dainslaif Final Boss Edit by: At Jared's Place

Dainsleif Theme OST

#GenshinImpact #원신 #原神
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4:44 the reason why Ei was out of the timeline that time was due to the fact that when Makoto was dying she collected her consciousness and put it into something like the plane of euthymia (the domain in the 2nd story quest of Raiden Shogun)


Then the world goes back into whatever was happening during the cataclysm (or worse) then the traveler saves the world from destruction and gets paid with 60 primos


I never took "How about we explore the area ahead of us later" so seriously


Example supporting how Paimon manipulates us to make sure we "follow the script", the weird blurring effect as Paimon's calls out to us after seeing our sibling in the "We Will Be Reunited" quest, also her sudden urge to get the fuck out of there, reminding us that we need to help the people there, now that we've been somewhat reassured about our sibling. Paimon is making sure we don't disregard helping the people after seeing our sister. One other thing I found weird is that our sibling ignores Paimon's presence in the "We Will Be Reunited Quest", although I'm more thinking it doesn't matter, it's just a detail I'd like to point out.


Imagine at the end of all this, Celestia just says "as for the reward of saving the world on your journey, its the friends you made along the way."


With no Paimon, I would've wandered into Sumeru months ago


You know, besides paimon, I think there is one other force controlling our script: The Adventures Guild. If you think about it, they have directed us to a lot of places where we need to go for the script, not to mention being one of our sources of materials for the journey. Sort of like a costume department. It would explain how they could give pure wishes, and how they can literally manipulate the world. If domains are outside of the timeline, like the plane of Euthymia is, the adventures guild would get either you, or both you and your brother out of the timeline so it can be adjusted. So perhaps this isn't all one take, rather a splice of multiple clips. The comparison between Teleporter way-points and the way the abyss travels is made when me meet Dainsleth in the chasm. He also admits that the abyss can control the end destination, so perhaps our waypoints are controlled by the first ones?

Also, it would explain how the adventures guild has pure refined wishes from primos (something only done by Paimon), as well as why they send us to the same domain for world level increases. It's a way to get us out of the timeline so that it can be changed.

Just some food for thought.


This is such a big brain theory. One thing that just popped up in my head after watching the Loki show is, if you want to keep new time branches from going out of control, you weave your time travel actions right before an apocalypse. So if the gods did go back in time and do the initial attack in the new timeline, following it up with the cataclysm makes perfect sense, even though technically in this new timeline Khaenriah hadn't done anything yet to deserve it. And this justifies the Abyss sibling's anger towards the gods, because to them the gods wiped out Khaenriah for minimal transgressions.


Act: ??? - Khaenri’ah
The Dream yet to be dreamed

And here we are wondering why the act number is blurred out? Why not act 7?
Is it because we are going back to past? Or is it because it’s a part where the gaze of the gods cannot set upon. Which is not included in the script


the attention and foreshadowing and world building in Genshin is insane. I never questioned why the teyvat trailer introduced the regions in acts as if using a script. Can't wait to see how the story unfolds.


new animated short was dropped, new dain archon quest will arrive. this 2 years old timeline theory cooked so hard.


"went scuba diving"

Wait a minute... Fontaine just got released and this video is already 1 year old...


She already went through the entirety of teyvat, now it’s our turn

I wonder how much 5 stars she got


Wouldn't it be cool if we were actually the primordial one at the beginning of the game where we choose our twin? Basically like saying "I choose this twin for timeline 2" and then the heavenly principle be like "ok" then proceeds to cube the twin that we later on play as.


It honestly makes sense, especially with Paimon watching over the traveller, since she’s our “subtle guide” by saying stuff like “traveller, let’s go over there!” with any real reason, and something dramatic happens-


I have a Theory:what if the start of the game is actually the end when the MC found his sibling and they were about to live this world but maybe the sustainer of heavenly principles has been used by the "God of time" as a specific event to be able to make them reverse time over and over again, that's why it seems like the "bad" twin has already traveled through this world because maybe he remember somehow while the other twin doesn't remember anything except the fight with the sustainer (I accept any proof for that theory to be impossible or possible )


This whole theory makes a LOT of sence, Specially the "we're supposed to follow a script" part. This part of the theory can be solidified by how the stories chapters are labled, noticed how in game they are labled as acts, this fits in because stage plays most usually refer to their chapters as acts.


This whole “following a script idea” and how the story chapters are labeled as “Acts” got me thinking about how every single harbinger is named after comedia dell’arte personalities- originating from an early form of italian theatre. Now it makes a bit more sense and ads a lot more depth to them in this story.


This actually means a lot, after the sumeru quest now i understand it much clearly, how our sister is now beloning to this world, while the catacalsm she was in khanreah which made her to be stuck in the timeline that havent changed, this explains why she is on the abyss's side, how she knows his journey will end (saying that "we will meet at the end of your journey" basically means that) and pointing out they will meet again once the dust has settled, so theyre just playing these "Acts" to perform the neccesary changes for world to be rescued before abyss possibly causing more harm. She knows well this happened so she does not try to stop them, she just makes sure everything goes according to the "Acts" thats why shes not shocked when Dvalin got saved, only thing that she got shocked by was knowing it was his brother who stopped him. As for dvalin, this explains how he lost his memory, this part is a bit of a theory but he might have used the "Abyss powers", to stop celestia from actually destroying Khanreah, everytime they try to do it Dain would stop them, so they had to let him do it, but then quickly seal him away and punish him for what he did, then they swapped the timelines. This caused Dain to stay in the new timeline without being transformed, but for his memories to be gone. He probably used the powers to protect the Abyss sibling and khanreah, thats why he says "Defeat me command me to step aside, show me you are worthier than i to rescue her", to sum things up,

- Abyss sibling belongs to this world because she actually appeared in the timeline on its creation.
- Dain did a big oopsie while trying to save Abyss sibling which caused the actual transformation of its people, hence how he got punished for it.
- Dain feels bad for them because he actually feels deep inside its his fault what happened.
- The powers we see Dain use is the actual Abyysal powers, the 8th element we see in the TCG.
- Abyss sibling knows how this journey ends, she just cant interfere, so she follows us in our every step.
- We are just a actor in this play, to save the world from Abyssal powers being used again, hence the trailer using "Acts" and the Natlan trailer being just like a play
- God of War's secret is the "Play" we are in, we still yet to know why she chose to tell it to us.
- We dont know which "Act" is khanreah in the trailer, the number is eradicated, this also supports the theory of Acts since we wouldnt be in the play anymore if we have reached khanreah that was destroyed to ground 500 years ago, only if we did time travel.


If the traveller really was set up, then imagine what would happen when he/she realizes this. Will there be a plot twist where the abyss sibling will need to calm down the traveller that got angry after realizing all of the stuff he/she went through was set up by celestia?
