Explained: How England plans to end lockdown

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*No 1: Don't Only Hope On Government For Income, *

*No 2: As An Individual Look For Different Self Income Not Only Waiting on Monthly Wages, *

*No 3: Always Save The Little You Can And Think Of What To Do With It When It Become Good For Capital.*

It's 100% Good To Have Different Ways To Gain Income, because Government have failed us so therefore let's try and survive


Tory MPs not learned a thing in a year. Its hard but it has to be done properly or go back to square one.


I think a lot of the 'scientists' have more than a few vested interests in keeping this circus going as long as possible. Some people are getting very, very rich - while the people continue to suffer.


No to vaccine passports, disgraceful.
Sign the parliament petition. We need to fight for our rights.


Whatever Boris does he can't win can he




I just want to drive to the beach to surf. My only form of exercise. I'll not stop at any shops or be near anyone in the sea. I live alone and have no support bubble. Absolutely fed up of lockdown now. I shouldn't complain but need to get back to my usual routine of being in the sea getting weightless exercise. My physical health is suffering now auto immune diseases suck. Probably sounds selfish, but I wish there were some rules for people in situations similar to mine.


*“The world is engaged in the largest clinical trial, the largest global vaccination trial ever.” Greg Hunt, Australian Federal Health Minister, February 2021.*


Here is an idea: create virus-free areas where people are only allowed to enter after test and quarantine. Then keep expanding and multiplying those areas until they cover the entire country, the entire world.
By testing and moving people, it is possible to expand the virus-free areas and shrink the infected areas.
The advantage is that you allow the economic activities to continue normally BOTH in the infected and virus-free areas.
People in virus-free areas are allowed to travel to any other virus-free area.
And people from infected areas are allowed to travel to any other infected area.
Only people who need to cross the borders of areas like truck drivers need to take some special precautions.
As infected areas shrink, it becomes easier and easier to stop the spread of the virus, as you know exactly where the virus is and can allocate more and more resources.

In theory it is much easier to close the borders of a single city than an entire country.
Determine which cities are infected and which cities are virus-free.
Close the borders of these areas or cities.
People who want to move from infected areas to virus-free areas need to be tested and quarantined.
The problem with most countries is that they are secretly aiming for herd immunity because they only try to SLOW the spread of the virus. But it doesn't matter if it is slow or quick, the virus is still SPREADING, and it will only stop when there are no more people to infect, which is the definition of herd immunity.
Instead of mitigation, we should aim for eradication.
Instead of slowing the spread, we should STOP the spread of the virus.
We can stop the spread of the virus by closing borders.
The virus is carried by people. If people cannot cross borders, neither can the virus.
You can completely block the virus from entering a certain region by closing the borders.
Country borders are already closed all over the world, why not close the borders of cities?
The closure is temporary if you test and move people to expand the virus-free areas and shrink the infected areas.
Most people live and work in the same city. Even if the city borders were closed, the disruption to their normal lives would be minimal. For most people nothing would change.
Trying to close down bars and restaurants is ludicrous and impossible. It is very easy for people to SECRETLY open bars and restaurants, have religious meetings, private parties, etc. You would need a police officer in every single household in the city to keep an eye on people but there is not enough police officers to do that.
On the other hand closing city borders is much easier. For most cities there are only a few points of entry. Putting police officers permanently in those points of entry is easy.
And technically the city borders would still be open. People would be required to be tested and quarantined in order to cross the border, that is all. After the quarantine people would be free to go anywhere they want in the virus-free areas, unrestricted, completely assured they are not infected.


It won’t end. A new strain will be discovered and will need to flatten the curve and then lock down etc.... The modelling is bulls**t!
There is only one way out of this and we all know what that is.


Just end the lockdowns like Florida did and witness the pandemic end.


Damn Boris.end the Godamn lockdown for crying out loud 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


Ridiculous. No wonder so many are now ignoring the rules and using their own good sense!


I'm confused can someone please say if we need to wear masks


We must never return to the old normal, Schools and pubs and hairdressers should remain shut forever, that’s the only way for a covid free future


Lockdown must be the new normal. Mixing with people at work and school was so germy and disgusting.
