Labour's Plan to Repair UK-EU Relations Explained

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Having ruled out major changes to the current Brexit deal, Starmer's Labour have signalled their intent for closer relations with the EU, including a new proposed security deal. So in this video we'll explain how Labour's Brexit policy could shape the UK.

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00:00 Introduction
01:06 Change In Tone
02:00 Changes to the TCA
05:56 New Security Deal
06:56 How Things Might Change in the Future
08:01 Brilliant
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I feel like the “UK won’t join the EU in my lifetime” comment isn’t a hostile promise, but a sad obervation


The UK is like a person who broke up with their partner and then gets mad when they realize their ex is not suffering from the breakup like they are


I'm old enough to remember that UK didn't want any coordination in Defence when they were in EU. Now they are all in to sign a closer Defence Agreement with EU.


"Liked that Macron was also short" 🤣


"as if they were coming from a third country"... they _are_ coming from a third country, ...


"as if they're coming from a third country" - they ARE coming from a third country mate



I love the wording here. The EU has treated imports from the UK as IF they were coming from a third country.

might that have something to do with the UK exerting an exceptional amount of effort to indeed BE a third country 🤔🤔🤔


Starmer is right. There is no way in hell that the EU would accept the UK back in any time soon. The UK electorate would also not accept any deal from the EU, as that would mean adopting the Euro amongst other things that Brits won't want.


"The EU has been treating food products coming from the UK as if they were coming from a 3rd country". No. The EU has been treating food products coming from the UK like all products coming from 3rd countries. The UK is a 3rd country.


Eh the EU is treating agricultural products from the Uk NOT AS IF they’re from a 3rd country as said there but, AS A 3rd country since THEY ARE FROM A 3rd country that wanted to be a 3rd country! TOTAL exceptionalism there.


As Dutch, we benefited greatly when UK left EU. We got the European Medicine Agency with all its jobs and also loads of UK based offices in Netherlands, which created jobs for the Dutch population. So, statistically speaking, brexit benefitted other European countries, except for UK itself.


People acting like that what the UK wants matters. Doesn't matter if the polls change, the EU is not going to take us back in for a long time. It was too traumatic and they want to see a settled political will across the country.


"Labour's Plan to Repair UK-EU Relations Explained" delves into the strategies proposed by the Labour Party to mend the economic and political ties between the United Kingdom and the European Union. Post-Brexit, the relationship between the UK and the EU has been strained, affecting trade, investment, and overall economic stability. Labour's plan likely includes measures to streamline trade agreements, enhance cooperation on regulatory standards, and possibly seek closer alignment in certain policy areas.


The EU doesn't just "treat agri-food products like they were from a third country". They UK IS a third country. Their products ARE from a third country. Thus the EU is just apply the rules and regulation to their intended use case: that of a Third Country. And let's not forget, the UK CHOSE to become a third country, well knowing that the rules and regulation related to third countries are rather harsh (something that the UK actively promoted and supported while it was a member of the EU).


In the end any UK Goverment that wants to change the current sittuation has to accept that in order to get something you have to give something. The fact that you can't unilaterally decide on agreements is something that the hardliner Brexiteers failed to comprehend and threw the UK into chaos over. Because look at the current sittuation. In it's essentials it is what Theresa May was ready to sign. We could have it earlier, smoother and with less bad blood and less trust destroyed.

Now the EU will be very careful when negotiating with the UK and make very sure there is as little room for "interpretations" as possible.


It depresses me that 'cordial relationship with our long time allies and the world's largest trade block next door' is seen by so many as radical


The fact that Russia was in favor of Brexit should have been enough for every brit to understand that it was a bad idea.


Eu told UK no freedom of movement: no movement for renegotiation.


I hope that “UK won’t join the EU in my lifetime" is merely a passing comment and not a promise or observation


Neither Labour nor the Tories wanted it despite their posturing, that's been the problem. They claimed to be on the side of the people, they pushed it too far and have dug themselves into a hole.
